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Verf. 12. the fzxth Chapter of the ROMANS. In the words take notice, . I. Of the illativeParticle [therefore] which leadeth us to the Principles, from whence the Duty is inferred , namely, the Tenor of Chriftianity, which is canfidered, (1.) as profefled by them ; for they have fubmitted to Baptifm, and fo are obliged to die unto fin, and to live unto God : (2.) as having obtained its elfe& in sheaf , as in charity he prefumeth them to be regenerated or real Believeri , and therefore chargeth them with this Duty : for Chrifts Grace muft not lie idle in the Soul. I 2. The Duty to which they are exhorted, is to take-care to prevent the riga of Pi, which is defcribed and reprefented, I. By the Seat of it, In your mortal body. a. The Nature of it, That you ¡horrid obey it in the tufts thereof. To obey bodily Tufts is the Reign of Sin. Do &rive. That Chriflians are firidly obliged to take care, that Sin get not Dominion over them by the De fires and Intereflrof the mortal Body. 1. Let me explain this Point. 2. Give you the Reafons of it. - I. In explaining this Doftrine, I [hall handle three Queftions. I. Why is Sin faid to reign in our Bodies, rather than our Souls ? a. Why Both the Apoftle call it our mortal body ? the ufe of this Term, and 3. When is Sin Paid to reign ? Firft, Why is Sin Paid to reign in our Bodies , rather than in our Souls? And again [lulls thereof] r;s'r as agreeing to nré¡<m71, not áw71;5 as relating to áKa.f.T cr. I. Negatively , it is not to be underftood that finful lulls are only in the body , or have their Original only from the body , and not from the Soul ; for that is repugnant to what Chrift faith , Mat. 15. t8, 19. Thofe things which proceed out of the,meah como firth from the heart , and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil:thoughts.5 murders, adulteries, fornication, thefts, fat witnefl, 616-phonies. z. But pofitively he faith, In your body. r. Becaufe theft lulls mofily manifeft themfelves in the body , and belong to the body and the Heft. Therefore the Apoftle faith, Mortifre your members which are upon the earth, Coi. 3. 5. and Rom. 7. 23. I fee a law in my members , warring agaiafl the lam of my mind. Jam. 4. 1. Lulls that war in your body. When the Devil would fet up a Kingdom in the hearts of men, he doth it by the body 5 for what is nearer and dearer to as than our bodies? and things prefent and grateful to the bodily fenfes promote his defigns ; thefe blind our minds, and corrupt our hearts, and entice our affe&ions, fo that we follow after them earneftly, with the negle& of God and our precious immor- tal Souls. There are various delires according to the variety of obje &s, which tend to pleafe and gratifie the Befh, by occafion of which fin cloth infinuate it felf into us. a. Becaufe they are a&ed and executed by the Body or-Outward man, and there- fore are called the deeds of the body Rom. "8: 13. Now though force fins are feated in the mind , as Herefies, yet they are works of the Beth , Gal. 5. 19, 20. Now the works of the flefh are manifefl, which are theft, adultery, fornication, uncleannefs, lafciviomfnefs,ido- latry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, ßrife,Editions, berefes s becaufe ufually they begin at falfenefs of the/heart, and are bred in us by Come corrupt affe&i ons, loch as Pride, Vainglory, Self- feeking, eb.c. Gal. 2. 18. Piiffed up with his flefbly mind : and for fins of Omifiion , they arife in us from Come inordinate fenfual affe&ion to the Creature, 'which caufeth us to omit our Duty to God. But generally molt fins are a&ed by the body. Therefore' as in Grace , or in the Dedication of our felves to God, the Soul is included, when the Body only is mentioned, Rom. 12. 1. Prefectyour body as a living facrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which it your reafonable fervice: all the fervice we perform to God is ailed by the body 5 fo in the deftru&ion of fin , let it not reign in your body. 3. Becaufe the diforder of the fenfual Appetite, which inclineth us to the interefts and conveniencies of the bodily life, is the great caufe of all fin: and therefore man cor- rupted. and fallen, is reprefented as wholly governed by his fenfual inclinations, Gen. 6.3. For that man alto is flefh: and job. 3.6`That which it born of the fiefh is /efh: as if he had nothing in him but what is earthly and carnal.Our Souls do fo cleave to the earth, and are additiled to the body, that they have. loft their primitive excellency ; nur Un- derftatidingss,