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62 SE R M O N S upon Serm. X. derftandings, Will and Affe&ions are digempered by our Senfes, and eriflaved to ferve the Flesh: which is a matter well to be regarded , that we may underftand why the Scripture fo often calleth fin by the name of Flefs , and fometimes á Body, or it is Paid to dwell in the body, not as if the Understanding and Will were not corrupted and taint- ed, but to thew how they are tainted and corrupted , that this corruption which hath invaded humane Nature, cometh chiefly , though not only, from the inordinacy of our fenfual Appetite. I will prove it by two Considerations. Firli , One is a Supposition : Suppofe that Original fin , fo far as it concerneth the / Underitanding and Will, conlilted in a bare privation of that reCtitude that should be 1 in these Faculties (I do not fay it is fo , but fuppofe it were fo) yet as long as our Senfes fff and Appetites are disordered, which wholly incline us to terrene and earthly things, Í' this were enough to caufe us to fin ; as a Chariot mutt needs miscarry , where the Dri- t ver is weak, tleepy, negligent, and the Hortes unruly and disorderly : So here, we have not fo much light and love to higher things, as will restrain the fenfual Appetite : the Underttanding bath no light, 2 Net. r. 9. But he that lacketh theft things is blind, and cannot fie afar of Eph. r. 18. The eyes of your underffandings being inligbtned, that ye may know what it the hope of his calling, &c. The Will hath no love, r. Cor. 3.14. The natural man recs veth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolifbnefi unto him, I neither can he know them , becaufe they are fpiritually difcerned: and therefore man that obeyeth his bodily lulls and desires, mutt needs be corrupt and sinful. ! Secondly, The other is an Affertion , that there are habitual, pofitive, inordinate in- clinations to fenfual things both in the Understanding and Will For tPÿen¡sa ocipx(g., the carnal mind is enmity againff God , Rom. 8.7. The mind doth not only befriend . the lulls of the flesh, and Peek to palliate and excufe them , but oppofeth whatever would reduce us from the love of them. And the Will is biaffed by fuch fenfual incli- nations, r T,m.6. to. For the love of money h the root of all evil. Our Reafon doth of- ten contrive and approve fin , and the Will embraceth it. So that you fee the reason, why fin is laid to reign in our bodies, becaufe of the thong inclination of our Souls to prefènt things, or things conducing to the contenting of the tieth, or gratifying the ho- dily life. Secondly , Why doth the Apostle fay, In your mortal bodies ? I answer, For fundry reasons. 'I. To put us in mind of the first rife of fin; for fin brought in death, Rom, q, 12, As by one mans n entred into the world, and death by fin , and fo death paid upon all men, for that all have firmed. And fo while we live this mortal bodily life, we are fubje& to thefe desires, (warms of finful motions and inclinations to evil remain within us, we are prone to them, and give way to them , and-are too flack in the refrttance of them, and through the ignorance and unattentivenefs of our minds cannot discern or diflinguifh between what regular Nature defireth, and Luft craveth.. There are lawful delves of the body, and prohibited delires of the body ; through the crafty conveyance between the Underflanding and the false Heart, we eafily give way to what is inordinate, under the pretence of what is lawful and convenient: and fo infenfibly Elide into compliance with the plain prohibited delires of the body. Luft is head(lrong, and the Empire and Government of the Will feeble, and fo we are led on to obey them, that is, we be- come fervants and (laves to fin. And though the Regenerate be delivered from the power of fin, yet much of this corruption remaineth in them for their exercise and hu- miliation ; and if they be not watchful, and obey not the motions of the Spirit, it will loon recover its power , and men will be brought into their old tlavery and captivity, Gal. q. 16, 17. Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lulls of the ffefh. For the flesh lufieth againff the Spirit, and the Spirit lufieth againff the flesh. So that this mortal body giveth fin many advantages. 2. This term mortal Body puts us in mind of its punishment , it tendeth to death and deftru &ion. We confidered it before as it pointed at the rife , now at the fruit it Pelf. The Apostle telleth us, Rom..8. to. The body is dead , becaufe of fn ; beet the Spi- rit w life, becaufe of righteoufnefs. He fpeaketh there of Believers, or thole who have the Spirit of Chrift dwelling in them, who being once finners, the punifhment of fin, death, befalleth them , and fo their bodies tnufl die and return to duct, yet they (hall live a happy and blefled Life both in Body and Soul. If they labour to mortifie and fupprefs fin, . and return sincerely to newness of life , though they are fill mortal and fubje& to corporal death becaufe of fin , yet it (hall not be eternal death. '.The renewed Soul is a partaker of eternal Life, and (hall always live with God in Glory; and