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66 S E R NO N S upon Serm. X. Spirit which is of God , that we might knew the things which are freely given to us of God. That part of the World which is mad and brutifh, is enflaved to lower things 5 but the other parr, which hath fubmitted to the healing Inffitution of Chrift, fhould be wife and heavenly. The Cure which Chrift intended, was of the great Difeafe of Man- kind , which was that the immortal Soul being depreft and tainted by the Objects of Senfe , doth wholly crook and writhe it felf to carnal things, and inflead of Liknefs to God , the Image of a Beall wasimpreffed upon mans Nature , and the Divine part enflaved and embondaged to the brutifb. 2. By its Promifes : 2 Pet. t. 4. Whereby are given unto we exceeding great and preci- ous pramif s 5 that by theft you might be partakers of the divine nature , having efcaped the corruption that is in the world through lull, z Cor. 4. 18. That man may feek his happi- nefs in Come higher and more tranfcending good , than the beafts are capable of , fome- thing that fuits with his immortal Spirit. in fhort , to draw us off from things we fee and inordinately love, to a Glory and Bleffednefs wholly unfeen and future. 3. By the Grace provided for us , namely , the Spirit of Chrift , whole great defign is to free man from a ftate of fubjt bon to the flefh, and by overcoming the lufts there- of to make him ready for all the Graces and Duties of the fpiritual Life, Rom. 8. 5. They that are after the f efh, do mind the things of the flefh, and they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. He is firft renewed by this Spirit, ph. 3.6. That which is born of the Spirit , is Spirit : and then a &edandafíffed by him , Rom. 8. r3. If ye through the Spirit mortice the deeds of the body, ye ¡hall live. Gal. 5. 25. If we live in the Spirit , let av a f walk in the Spirit. 4. By being baptized into this Religion we are bound to this ftriû care ; for in our Baptifm we did folemnly renounce the Devil, the World, and the Flefh, as the Ufurpers muff be thrult out before the rightful Lord can take Poffeffion , yofhua 24.23. Put a- way the firange Gods which are among you , and incline your heart unto the Lord God of *ad : and we are dedicated to Father , Son and Holy Ghofi; as our Creator , Re- deemer and Sanûifier ; as before , We are to count our films to be dead indeed unto fin, and alive unto God, verf ix. Now it is the greateft Hypocrifie that can be , to be un- der this folemn Obligation to God, and let fin reign in us. Baptifm is a Sign and Seal of Grace on Gods part, and on ours aBond of Duty ; on Gods part, that he will cleanly and wafh away fin, Ails 22. 16. Arif , and be baptized, and math away thy fins. On our part, it obligeth us to dó what in us lieth to deftroy fin, a Bond never to be forgotten by us, 2 Pet. L 9. He bath forgotten that he was purged from his old fns. Z1 fe 1. To humble us , that We have fo much forgotten our folemn Covenant , fo much cared for the Body , and foliate cared for the Soul; that time and heart bath been fo much taken up about thole things which belong to the prefent life. The mor- tal Body is minded at every turn, and how much may the immortal, but neglected Soul , complain of hard ufage ? We prefers fubjeCiion to the Gofpel , and therefore fhould fiek Ai the kingdom of God and The righteoufnefe thereof, and all theft things (hall be added to us, Mat. 6.33. but we walk too much according to the courfe of the car- nal carelefs World: Eph. 2. 2, 3. Wherein in time pat ye walked according to the court of this world, according to the Prince of the power of the air, the Spirit that ruleth in the chil- dren of difohedience ; Among whom alfa we all had our converfation in times pall in the lulls of oar fefh, fulfilling the delres of the fie .(h and of the mind. 2. Strengthen the Bonds, and anew devote your (elves to Obedience, verf. 73. Nei- thee yield you your members as infiruments ofunrighteoufnefs unto fin, but yield your felves unto God as thole that are alive from the dead, and your members as infiruments of righteoufnefs unto God. Bind your (elves for time to come to make it your work , not to indulge the ffefh , but fave your Souls : Heb. t 0.39. For we are not of them that draw back, to perdition, but of them that believe to the faving of the foul. 3. Take great heed that fin reign not by bodily lofts. t. The Neceffity of this. Thefe Lulls are reprefented as deceitful, Eph. 4.22. That ye put of concerning the former converfation the old man , which is corrupt according to the deceitful lofts. And as violent and imperious, Rom. 7.20. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, bat fn that dwelletb in me: both together, yam a. r4. Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own loft and indeed. We are by fubtilty blinded by the deluftons of the Flefh, and it is always endeavouring to get the Throne, and hurry us to deffruaion , and feeking to divert us from the Love of God ; the more we indulge them, the more imperious they are , the more caution and refolution there- fore is neceffary. 2, The