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Verf 13. the fzxtb Chapter of the Ro M AN s. 67 2. The danger of not doing ir. t. They do not only unfit us for God , but for humane Society : yam. 4. t, From whence come wars and fighting, among you ? come they not hence , even of your Infls that war in your members? They make you difquiet all others near you, as Dogs furling at one another for a bone or piece ttf Çarrion. 2. They deftroy the welfare oT our Bodies, the part gratified is deprefied by them, Prov. 14. 30. A found heart is the life of the flefh 5 but envy is the rottennef of the bones. Prov. 5. r I. Thou mourn at the fall, when thy flefb and thy body are confirmed. 3. Thefe Lulls war againft the Soul. The perfe&ion of the Soul confifts in the Image of God, which is defaced by thefe Lulls : yea againft the Graces and Motions of the Spirit, Gal. 5. r7. Theflefh lufleth againfi the Spirit : againfl.the comfort of the Soul, which dependeth on the holy fanl.tifying Spirit 5 he is grieved when his work is hinde- red in us. 4. Thefe Lulls oppofe our everlafling Felicity and Happinefs, when to gratifie the Flefh we run the hazard of lofing Soul and Body for ever. a. By Efficiency they (teal away our hearts from God , take up our time , turn our thoughts from the one thing neceffary. The great end of Faith is the Paving of the Soul, they make it the great end of their living, to pamper the Body. They put Hea- ven away from them , fell it for a trifle ; in efieft bid God keep his Heaven to himfelf: Heb. ea. r 6. Prophane Efau for one morfil of bread fold his birthright. 2. By Defert, Gal. 6.8. He that foweth to the fle/h, (hall of the flefh reap corruption. Rom. 6. 13. Neither yield ye your bodies as infiruments of unrighteoufuefs unto fin. God is provoked, and fo our Damnation is Cure, they (pend their ftrength, time, elates on the fervice of flefhly Luths, furely thefe can look for nothing but everlaling perdition. SERMON XI. ROM. VI. 13: eXeither yield ye your members as infiruments of unrighteouf tiers unto fin but yield your felves unto God as thole that are alive from the dead, and your members as infiruments of righteoufnefs unto God. HE R E is the fecond Branch of the Exhortation, which cöncerneth Vivifi- cation for exprelly the Apolle fpeaketh to them, as thofe that arealive from the dead. This part of the Exhortation is propounded negatively, Yield not, &c. politively, but yield, &c. r. The Negative is neceffary. For further declaring the fence of which3 he had Paid before, Let not fin reign in your mortal body. The body is mentioned as'the feat of fin for two Keafons: Firel, Becaufe thefe Lifts gratifie the Body and bodily Life, and fo pervert the Soul,, that is fpoken to there. Secondly, Becaufe they are executed by the Body, this is fpoken to here, if they gain the content of your minds, yet yield not your members as infiruments of unrighteoufuefi unto fin, let them not be aIled by your bodies. 2. Pofrtively it is exprefled, But yield your felves unto God. There obferve the drder fet down, firft yield your flues unto God, thee], your members as infiruments of righteouf- nefs unto God. The general Dedication is the ground of the Particular : firft I ám Gods, then I below my time and ftrength for God : _fir( we give our Caves to him, nor in Iiiii a part1