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68 SERMONS upon Serm. XI. part, but in whole, to ferve him with allour heart and all our might and (trength , then fometimes the outward or inward Man, as the nature of the bufinefs calleth for. 3. In both take notice, t. Of the two oppofite Matters, Sin and God. 2. The oppofite Imployments are Righteoufn f and 2lnrighteoufnefi. 3. The In(trument ufed by both, and that is the Body, or the members of the Body. I. The two Matters , Sin and God ; the one is an Ufurper , the other is our rightful and molt gracious Lord. God is our proper Lord , for he is our Creator, and there- fore ourOwner and Governour , and he is our moil gracious Lord jure beneficiario, he bath obliged us to him by many benefits; fo that a Chrillian fhould fay as Paul did, Aar 27.23. His I am, and him 1 ferve. 2. The two Imployments, Zfnrighteoufnefi and Righteoufnefs. Unrighteoufnefs is put for all evil works and aftions 5 for all fin is unrighteoufnefs, whether committed again God or man. By fin we deal unrighteoutly with God , whom we difobey and ditho- nour , Md. a. 6. If I be. a Father , where is mine honour ? if I be a Mafier , where is ny fear ? we deny God his due. We deal unrighteoufly with our (elves, whom we de- file and deliroy, I Cor. 6. 18. He that committed fornicatidn, fnneth againfl his own bo- dy : and Pray. 8. 36. Re that fnnetb againft me , wrongeth bis own foul. And alfo in many fins we hurt our Neighbour, either in Soul, Body, Goods , or good Name, as is evident. On the other fide, Holinefs is Righteoufnefs, or giving God his due. Righ- teoufnefs is fometimes taken ftri&ly for that Grace which inclineth us to perform our duty to man, as t Tim. 6. {1. Follow after rigbteoufnefs, godlinefs, &c. Rom. a. 18. The wrath of God u revealed from Heaven againti all ungodlinefs and nnrighteoefnefs of men. Sometimes largely, for newnefs of Life, for all thofe holy salons which are required of a Chriltian, t Joh.2. 29. If ye know that he is righteotes, ye know that every one that doth righteouenefs is born of him. 3. The Inftrument ufed in both is the Body, or the members of the Body. For our Bo- dy is of a middle Nature, which may be ufed well or ill ; and the members of the.Body are weapons, with which the Soul is armed to do well or ill; and it is notable, that the word ufed by the Apoftle i9 got '454044 infi!reneenta, a; we render it iDthe Text, but o1rna, weapons of awns, as wo trapflate it In tle.Margine, The work on both fides is a kind of Warfare. I. They that ferve fin or indulge bodily tufts, fight for Sin and the Devil againft God and their own Salvation , t Pet. 2. II. Abflain from flefhly lulls which war againli the foul. Rom. 7. 23. 1 fee another Law in my members warring againll the Law of my mind. While ye Puffer the body to be thus employed, ye wage war againft God, whe- ther ye know it, or owne it, yea or no. 2. The other work is allo a Warfare, our Graces are called Armour of light, Rom.13. t a. though you fight for your Duty, you mutt perform it. Do&rine. That fincere Chriflians fhauld not fifer themfelves to be employed by Sin, but oar up and prefext themfelves to God to do his Will. t. Let us explain the Duty. 2. Shew you the Neceffity of it. t. In explaining the Duty here enforced, let me obferve to you. I. That there are two Matters, which divide the World between them, Sin and God, every man doth ferve one of their ; but no man can ferve both. Every man ferveth one of thefe, Sin or Righteoufnefs, God or Satan ; for there is no neutral or middle (fate, either their time and ftrength is (pent in the fervice of the Fleth, or in the fervice of God:- Ram. 8. g,. They that are after the flefh , do mind the things of the Alb, and they that are after the Spirit , the things of the Spirit. Gal. 6.8. They that fore to the fiefs, Aalt of the flefb reap corruption ; loot they that fear to the Spirit , (hall of the Spirit reap life ever - la(ling. Now it concerneth us to confider, what or who it is that employeth us. Out Bodies are wornout, and the vigour of Nature is daily (pent; but in what? in plea, fing the Flefb in that which it craveth; or in ferving, pleating, and glorifying God? The Prophet faith, If. 55. 2. Wherefore do you fend your money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which fatrsfretb not ? Every man is at the coft and ex- pence of his time and labour, and beftoweth it on fomething or other ; but in what ? Do not think of compounding the matter; for as every man ferveth one of thefe Ma- Qers, lb unman ferreth both, Md. 6.24. No man can ferve two materr, for either he will