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Verf i3. the faxth Chapter of the R o i i n N s. 73 again(t God ; but what is idlely and. impertinently !oft; is not ufed for him. Both de- prive God of his Right, the one alienate their time and ftrength, the other mif fpend ir. Some do not run into Gluttony; DrunkenneCs, Oppreflion, Adultery, (thefe apparently ufe their bodies as weapons of unrighteoufnefs) but they do not live to God, and fo are defective in the other part. 3. It fheweth what care we Ihould take, how we imploy our bodies; for the mem- bers of the body are infttuments of the Soul to execute that which it willeth and deli- reth, and fin without the body is unfurnifhed with Arms. But chiefly two things Ihould we take care of in the body, the fenfes by which we let in fin, and the tongue by which we let out fin ; for it is the Interpreter of the Heart. Firft, For the Senfes , a Chriftian Ihould not be guided by his Senfes , but by. his Keafon, and Confcience as fanLtified by Grace. Our Lord would teach us, that it were better to want fenfes, than gratifie them with an offence and wrong to God, againft them that cannot deny the plea(ures of fenfes : Mat. 5. 29, 30. If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and caft it from thee ; for it is profitable for thee, that one of thy members fhould pe- rifh, and not that thy whole body fhould be calf into hell. And if thy right hand offered thee, cut it off, and caft it from thee ; for it is profitable for thee," that one of thy members fhonld . perifh, and not that thy whole body fhould be call into hell. Better be blind, than by wan- ton gazing run the hazard of damnation ; not that,we Ihould maim our felves , but of the two count it the leis evil. Therefore to want the finful pleafure fhould not be fo grievous, when we fhould be content to want the fence it felt. The far greateft part of the world are meetly guided by their fences , becaufe the far greateft part of the world are unconverted and unfanitified, and the world is full of allurements to the flefb , and the more we enjoy the good things thereof, the more is corruption ftrengthened with- in us : and as the heart (rands affected , fenfitive objelts make a deeper or (lighter im- preffion on us. Some temptations, which are nothing to another , may be great mat- ters to fume, who cannot deny themfelves without great difficulty. Therefore when fuch temptations as fuit with our fancies and appetites, affault us with more than ordi- nary potency , we mutt remember Senfe is not to be the ruling Power in our Souls, but Grace. Sometimes fin is brought to our hands , and the bait is played to our mouths; as Jofhua 7.21. Achan taw , coveted and purloyned the wedge of gold. Prov. 6. 25. Luft not after her beauty in thy heart , neither let her take thee with her eyelids. 2 Sam. it. 2. David faw BathJheba , and fo his heart was fired. In (bort, Senfe is an ill and dangerous Guide, it was never given for a Judge or Counfellor to determine or dire&, but an Informer to reprefent the outward forms of things; partly natural, to inform us of things profitable or hurtful to the outward man; partly fpiritual, to tranfmit the objects of Gods Wifdom, Power and Goodnefs to our minds, or to be the ordinary paf- fage, by which the daily effects of Gods Love and Mercy are conveyed, to our hearts. God inftituted them for helps, but we make them loares. Well then , better want fen- fes than gratifie them with the difpleafure of God; to lofe an Eye is a far lets evil than to lofe a Soul. Secondly, For the Tongue. The Apoftle faith it produceth a world of evil. It hash a great ufe ii} Religion, to vent the conceptions of our minds to the praife and glory of God: yam. 3. g. Therewith blefi we God, even the Father; and therewith curie we men, which are made after the Jiimilitude of God. In the general think of this, everymember mutt be an inftrument of Righteoufnefs : is my tongue now imployed for God or for Satan, when you are apt to run into cenfuring, detraction, vain and frivolous talk? Vfe 2. To preis you to this folemn Dedication of your Celves to God , intirely, unrefervedly, irrevocably. I. God giveth himfelf to you in Covenant, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, all their infinite Goodnefs, Wifdom, Power, dre. and will not you give your felves wholly to God ? 2. You are already abfolutely wholly his, and will not you coneent that he (hall be your God, and you his People? that is all that is wanting: Ter. 24.7. And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the Lord, and they (hall be my people , and I will be their God : for they (hall return unto me with their whole heart. This God worketh by his renewing Grace.. 3. You are never fo much your own as when you are Gods, not as to difpofal, but as to enjoyment : r Cor. 3. 43. All are yours , and ye are Chrifis, and Chrifi it Gods :. There lieth your fafety, glory, and happinefs% it is the foundation of all obedience, and of all comfort. (i.) Of obedience, you will not eafily yield to'temptations, a Chri- Kkkkk Irian