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Verf i q.. the faxth Chapter of the Ro MAN s. 75 ftrength againft you , which before it had , now you are regenerate and alive from the dead. Nay he fpeaketh with more advantage of expreffìon. than any can in an out ward cafe, fin hath not, fin ihall. not have dominion, &c. if you keep [hiving and fighting againft it, this Tyrant (hall not recover the Kingdom in you , which he hath loft 5 but you (hall become vislorious by Chrift. There are two things which incou- .rage us to fight, (I.) the goodnefs of the Caufe, (2.) the affurance and hope of Victo- ry. The Caufe is good ; for the bufinefs in debate is, to whom we (hould yield up our felves ? to fin , or to God ? or in whole Warfare we (hall imploy the faculties and powers of Body and Soul ? if we take to Gods fide, the Victory is clear, that Grace which bath freed us from the Tyranny of fin , is able to free us hill , that we (hail no moFe comeunder that bondage. Strive we teat , for unlefs we fight and make good our refignation , fin will reign ; but let not the f rife of our. weaknefs difcourage us in our endeavours againft fin : though there be fome relic s of the fie(h; yet the San&ifica- tion of the Spirit (hall prevail, and therefore it is lazinefs and cowardize , if we do'not (}rive duly againft fin 5 For fin fialnot have dominion over you, for ye are not under the Law, bid under Grace. In the words obferve, I. The Priviledge of the renewed and ftriving Chriftian , Sin fiall net have dominion over you. a. The Reafon of the Certainty air. For ye' are not under the Law, bat under Grace. This Reafon is both Negatively and_ Affirmatively. expreffed. I. Negatively, For ye are not under the Law. 2. Pofitively, But under Grace. Both Exprellions have their proper Empha- ftr,as you will fee by and by. . . I. The Priviledge of the renewed and (hiving Chriftian.. r. That the renewed Chriftian is here confidered is plain from all the foregoing Context, he fpeaketh of thofe that ware dead unto +fin, ver:-a. not only in Profe(fion and Baptifmal Vow , but really by virtue of their Union to Chrift , ver. 5. But how is a Chriftian dead unto fin ? not fo as that it fhould be wholly extingui(hed in us,. but fo as that it is a dying, and the Victory is lure to thole that (}rive againft it. Again, he fpeak- eth of thole that are alive from the dead, v.13. had a new Life begun in them, and have 'renounced fin , and effeetually prefented and refigned up themfelves to Gods ufe and fervice. 2. That the renewed Chri(lian is here confidered as (lriving , becaufe they are the fame Perfons , who were exhorted, tiot?to let: fin reign; what is here a Promife, is there an Exhortation : Again , they were filch as had prefented their Members and Faculties to the Lord as ó7r?cc As aoo-u ns , weapons or inflrraments of righteoufnefr , now what are weapons but for Warfare : they had undertaken in their Covenant-refignation not only to work , but fight for God. Rom. 13. 12. the Graces of the Spirit are called Armour of Light: Chrift doth array us non ad pompom, fed ad pugnase, not for (hew, but ufe. A Chriftian can do no good, but he mull fight firft. Again, carnal inferen- ces are rejeited with indignation, ver. 15. What then,. _Pall we fln, uberaufe we are not rie.. der the Law, but under Grace ? God forbid ! and therefore the Chriftian here is not con - fidered as bofe and lazy, but as warring and fighting againft fin. "Once more, the Ar- gument here implieth it, ye are under Grace, which impelleth and urgeth us to refill fin, and the lulls thereof. God giveth power to overcome it. So then the Apouiles purpofe is , to exhort the renewed Chriftian ltrongly to refill fin , becaufe. through Grace he is fure to carry away the Victory 5 whilft wé work and concur with our wills and endea- yours, God worlteth in us both to will and to do, Phil. 2. 12. 2. The Reafon of it, r Negatively exprefïed, Te are not under the Law. By the Law is meant theCove- nant of ,Works, which requireth exact obedience , but giveth no ftrength to obey 5 the Law requireth what we mull do , but giveth no power to do what it commandeth , it forbiddeth fin, and denounceth Judgment, it terrifieth by its Threatnings, and raifeth a tempeft in the Confcience, but it doth not afford us any help and relief; and fo rather irritateth and provoketh the power of fin, than fuppreffeth it t Rom. 7. 8. Sin iahfng oc- caftan, wrought in me all manner of concupifcence , for without the Law fin was dead: as a River fwelleth, the more it is retrained by any lett or damm 5 fo is corruption ftirred, and then a man is difcouraged , giveth over all endeavour of repreffing it. So 2 Cor. 3.6. The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth Hp. The fir(t Covenant did only denounce and aggravate our condemnation, and put us in defpair. Kkkkk 2 2. Affirma-