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76 SERMONS upon Serm. XII. 2. Affirmatively and Pofitively exprtifed, Bat underGrace, under the new Covenant, or under the Grace of Jefus Chrift , who hath not only redeemed us from the guilt of fin, but allo from the power of fin. The Grace of Remiffion is our encouragement, and the Grace of San &ification our help and relief. Firft, The Grace of Remiffion is a great encouragement, freeth us from the bondage_ of despairing thoughts , which weaken our endeavours. Therefore the Apoffle oppo_ feth the Spirit of Power to the Spirit of Fear, Chrift offering a Pardon upon Repentance, doth ftrengthen our hands in our work. Secondly , The Grace of San&ification is our help. God by his Spirit giveth life and ftrength to do what he requires of us , and power to refill fn , that we may overcome it : Rom. 8. 2. The Law of the Spirit of life in Chrift i yefirr, bath made me free from the Law of fin and death. r Joh. 5. 4. Whofoever is born of God overcometh the world , and this is the victory, whereby we overcome the world, even our faith. Lex jubet, Gratia javat, The Law commandeth, but Grace helpeth. Do &rine. That fin fbould not , and Thalll not reign over thole who are under the facred Power and Influence of jefas Chriff. (1.) De Pere, it Ihould not reign over them , it hath no right to rule , it is an Ufur- per. They who are redeemed by Chrift should bind this Duty upon their hearts, charge themfelves with it , to take heed that fin doth not reign : it was once our Lord and Matter, but we have changed Matters, and profefi our felves now to be dead to fin, and alive unto God through Jefus Christ our Lord 5 therefore we Ihould strive againft it, left it recover its old dominion over us. (a.) De Fado , it is not fully obeyed , it doth not ablolutely get the Vi &ory, and bear rule in our hearts , but is weakened more and more in them; who have given up themfelves to the Regimentand Government of Grace. Here 1. What is the Dominion of Sin? 2. What need the Children of God to take heed it be not let up in their hearts? 3. What hopes and incouragements they have by the Gofpel, or Grace of Jelus Chrift, whilft. they are ftriving againft it? L What is the Dominion of Sin ? That will be belt known by fome Diftin &ions and Propoftions. a. We mutt diftinguilh between the Being and Reign of Sin. The Apoftle doth not fay, Te Pall not fin any more, becaufe ye are not under the Law, but under Grace 5 but fin (hall not have dominion over you, it (hall not get the better. Sin doth remain and dwell in the Saints, though not reign over them, as the Beaffs in Dan. 7. 12. Their dominion was taken away, yet their lives were prolonged for a feafan and time. It is cafe down in re- gard of Regency, but not cafe out in regard of Inherency 5 Grace loth not wholly ex- tinguith it, but only repel the motions of it. Sin will rebel, but it (hall not reign, they do not give way to it, nor a&ually obey and embrace the commands of it, they do not do all that fin would have them to do. If the Apoftle had Paid, Let not fin be in your mortal bodies , as long as we carry flesh about us he would not have expelled the Ex- hortation to have been fully anfwered 5 but he faith, Let it not reign, which as well can as it ought to be complied with. 2. Sin doth reign, when either it is not oppofed, or when it is oppofed weakly , and with a faint refifeance. Where it is not opposed, there it remaineth in its full ftrength 5 and where it is oppofed weakly, and without any vi&ory and fuccefs, it argueth only a fenfe of Duty, but no effeet of Grace. r. Sin reigneth when it is not oppofed, when a man doth yield up himfelf to execute all the commands thereof, and doth fulfil and obey its lufts: as the Ambitious, the Worldly, and the Voluptuous do whatfoever their tufts command them with a mifera- ble bondage, yea they willingly walk after it: Prov.7. 22. He goeth after her firaight- way as an ox to the (laughter , or as a fool to the correction of the flocks. Sin is as a Gueft to evil men , but as a Thief and Robber to the godly , welcome to the one , but the other would not have it come into their hearts. It is one thing to wear a Chain as an Ornament, another as a Bond and Fetter 5 to give way to fin, or to have it break in upon us 5 to put it on willingly, or to have it put and forced upon us. It may be they may be fenfble of it, they may purpofe not to do it , or may complain of it 5 but this is a confiant Truth, That we oftner complain of fin than we do refift it , and oftner re- fift