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78 SERMONS upon Serro. XII. t. Then there are certain unavoidable infirmities, which the Saints cannot get rid of, though they fain would ; fuch as the Apoflle fpeaketh of, Rom. 7. 19. When 1 would dogood , evil is prefent with me. As thofe fwarms of noifom and unfavoury thoughts, which are inje&ed on a fudden, and do hinder us and diflra& us in the belt imploy- ment, wandring thoughts in the time of Prayer , never diflin&ly confented to:, rafh words fpoken of a fudden, fudden unpremeditated a &ions. In'thefe cafes watching and [hiving is conquering, for you do prevail in part, though not in whole , it preventeth many of them. Of this nature are want of degrees of Love to God , and that liberty and purity in his fervice , which the holy Soul aimeth at , and the firft ftirrings and fi- lings of corruption in theheart. 2. There are a (mailer fort of fins, as the fins of daily incurfion, Tam. 3. 2. In many things we offend all of to. There is no man fo exa& but his watch is intermitted , and then he will be finning; other cannot be looked for in this (fate of frailty , wherein we now are. We bewray too much dulnefs , wearinefs , formality in our Duties to God, our domeflick croffes put us into fits of anger and difcontent ; in our publick a &ions force intermixture of Hypocrifie and vain Glory , force highmindednefs in our Profpe- rity, force diftruft and uncomely difquiet of fpirit in our Adverfity. Our Lord telleth us, ph. i 3. to. He that is waffled, needeth not, fave to math bs feet ; they that are in an holy (late by walking up and down in the World in the feveral bufineffes and employ- ments thereof, contra& force filth , which mull be wafhed off every day by a renewed applicationbf the Blood of Chrift, which is the Fountain God hath opened for unclean - nefs. Though the Saints do not (like Swine) voluntarily wallow in the puddle , yet in a polluted World they contra& force filth. In this cafe every failing mutt make us more wary and watchful, and teach us wifdom, that we do not lapfe another time. 3, By the Tway of great and head-ftrong Paffions , force that make Confcience of their ways in the general , may fall into fins more hainous; but they do not make a trade of it , or fettle in fuch an evil way. To lapfe ordinarily , frequently , eafily into thefe fins , will not Rand with Grace. The Saints may fail in their Duty ftrangely on occafions, as David, Peter, Lot, &c. as a man failing into France, a Tempoft may drive him into Spain , or force other Country : their face is towards Heaven , but a fudden Paffion may drive them another way ; as the wicked are good by fits, but evil by con - ffitution; fo the Children of God, the conftitution and bent of their hearts is towards God, for a fit or fo they may do things misbecoming the new Nature, but affoon as awakened , they retrait their fins by a fpecial Repentance : Pfal. q t. 3, 4. For 1 ac- 4nowledge my tranfgrejons, and my fin is ever before me. Againfi thee, thee only have Z finned, and done this evil in thy fight. 3. As fin in general fhould not bear fway in our hearts, fo no one fin ( hould have dominion over us , Pfal. s 19. 133. Order my flops in lby word, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me: neither this nor that. One fin allowed may keep God out of the Throne, and may keep afoot Satans intereft in the Soul. Certainly he that is in the (fate of Grace, lieth in no known fin. Every known fin fets up another God and Lord, and all his a&ions will have an evil tineture from that fin, every a&ion will be levelled with the main thing which he affe &s, be it what it will be : therefore it is dangerous to know any thing to be fin, and yet to go on [till to commit it, though it be not in ma- teria gravi, in an hainous cafe; as for inftance, vain fpeeches, wanton geftures, &&c. he knoweth it is a fin to be idle, it cometh into his mind, his Confcience telleth him that he fhould not , yet he will : fo for immoderate Gaming , as to the expence of Time or Money, if one convinced that he fhould not, yet will safe it, thefe leffer failings per- lifted in , and kept up conftantly again(t the light and checks of Confcience, may a- mount to a dangerous evil. Surely all that fear and love God, fhould be very tender of difpleafing and difhonouring him. The domination of aCts of fin is dangerous, though they be not felled fo as to damn him, yet they may caufe God to aflfi& you, hide his face from you , and humble you with a fenfe of his difpleafure. Small fins continued in againft checks of Confcience, may do us a great deal of harm, and get the upper hand of the Sinner, and bring him under in time; after, if habituated by long cu(tom, fo as he cannot eafily (hake off the yoke, or redeem himfelf from the Tyranny thereof, they (teal into the Soul infenfibly , and get ftrength, as multiplied ails; but grofs pre - fumptuous fins by one fingle a& bring a mighty advantage to the Fleth, weaken the Spi- rit, advance themfelves fuddenly. 4. As particular fins get into the Throne by turns, fometimes one , fometimes ano- ther ; fo there are evil frames of Spirit that do more direly oppofe the Efteem and Soveraign-