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Verl. i4. the sixth Chapter of the Rom A N s. 87 done in our riper age, without any careful watch over our works and thoughts ; or it may be by a fluggifh with, or flight prayer, as if this would ina(ler fin : no , all renew- ed ones mutt ferioufly addrefs themfelves to the work, the Beth muff be mortified, and mortified it muff be by us through the Spirit, if we would cherish the hopes of eter- nal Life. The Spirit alone g veth vi&fory, but we muff be attive in it, for his Grace and powerful victorious work doth not licenfe us to be idle; but rather calleth for an a(íì- duous, diligent and faithful ufe of means. The lets carnet the confiih is between the Fleth and the Spirit, the longer will the old man live in us, and our peace and hope will be the more doubtful; but the more ferious our endeavours are, the sooner fhall we come to a determination in the great affairs and interefts of our precious and immortal Souls. SERMON XIV. ROM.. VI. 14. For fin fhall not have dominion over you ; forye are not under the Law, but under Grace. iu.I- - a HE hopes of Victory and Success through the Grace of Jefus Chriff. Now many things there are which give us hopeful incouragement in our confiiEts with Sin. i. The undertaking of our Bleffed Redeemer. Freedom from fin was a part of that Salvation which he purchafed for us , Mat. r. a I. ale fhall fave his people from their fins. Tit. 2. 14. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity. It is not only an Evidence, but a Part, yea a principal part, as thofe means which have a more immediate connexion with the end , are more noble than others which are more remote; the last End is the Glory of God; nbw our con- formity to God , and the holinefi and fubjettion of the Creature is a nearer means to it than our comfort and pardon. Chritts end was to fit us for Gods ufe , and therefore his bufinefs Was to fanetifie and free us from fin , r job. 3. 8. For this purpofe Was the Son of God manifefied, that he plight defiroy the works of the devil; ira Amon, which fig - nifies to diffolve, unty, unloose a knot. This was the end of his Coming , and will he come in vain, and mils of his end ? The work of the Devil is to bring us into fin and mi- fery, and the Lord knoweth we are miferably intangled in the córruptions of our own hearts, we know not how to loofe these knots, Chriff came for this purpofe to linty them for us, and finely he cannot mils of his purpofe. If we confider the Merit of his Humiliation, what a Price hath he paid for fanffifying Grace? t Pet. n. 18, 19. re were not redeemed with corruptible things as Elver and gold front your vain conversation, received by tradition from yourfathers, but with the precious blood ofChrifi, as of a Lamb without blemefh and without fpot. So great a Price was given, not only to heighten our efteem of the Priviledge, but alto to increafe our confidence, while we are endeavour- ing and striving against fin; Chriff wanted not any Merit to make the Purchace fuffici- ent and effettual. Or if we confider the Power of his Exaltation, having paid our Ran born , he is let out of the Prifon of the Grave , gone into Heaven, and is fully commif- honed and impowered to inflate us in this Blesfing of freedom from fin, Eph. 3. 20. Vnto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worleeth in us. Now what an encouragement is this to keep under that Enemy which Chriff hath done fo much to flay and destroy ! What is his bufinefs now in Heaven , but to fit at the right hand of God , and fee the fruits of his Mediation ac- complilhed ? Thofe indeed that cherish that, that Chtift came to diffolve, as much as in them