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90 SERMONS upon Serm. XIV. and fins, did not only deferve death byuOriginal fin, but did alto deferve to be denied the Grace of Jefus Chrift by fome followingactual fins ; but when we were all equally involved in mifery, the fecret working of Divine Grace did begin the difference : Epb. 2. 4, 5. God who is rich in mercy , for his great love wherewith he loved ae, even when we were dead in trefpafs and fns, bath quickened us together with Chrift, by grace ye are faved. This faving Grace is not given to all , though all have many both external and internal helps fufFicient to make them better; that any have his fpecial efficacy and converting Grace is the meer favour and bounty of God; if any want it, it is long of themfelves, becaufe by their neglect and abufe of common Grace they deferve that want. Well then, at firft God giveth the Spirit, and all his purifying and fandifying works upon the Soul are by his meer Grace, which the ,Gofpel offereth to all , till they exclude them - felves; but then after we are converted, we (hall have more fins to remove by further Sanctification, now the Spirit dwelleth in us to give us his fpecial affiftance. But more clofely confider, 1. The Neceffity of the Spirits concurrence. 2. The Encouragement we have thereby. t. The Neceffity of the Spirits concurrence, we cannot begin, carry on, and accom- plifh thework of Mortification , without the operation , help, and power of the Spirit. (t.) That we cannot begin it is evident, becaufe before Converfion we were dead in treffafs and fens , Eph. 2. 1. had only a life of refiftance and enmity againft God, and the work of his Grace left in us, Rom. 8. 7. The carnal mind isenmity againfi God ; for it k not fubjeli to the law of God, neither indeed can be : and we were under the power of the Devil , who holdeth the fallen Creature in bondage till he be difpof- feffed , Luke I I. 21, 22. When a firong man armed keepeth the harfe, his goods are in peace; but when a firenger than he fhali come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trufied, and divideth his fpoils. There is no Faculty in man that can work the Cure, the Underftanding is dark , and blind , and weak ; if it warn us of our Duty, it cannot break the force of fin , Rom. r. 18. The Will is enfla- ved to Corruption. Now nothing will Peek to deftroy it felf, but rather to preferve that life that it hath ; therefore the heart of man, which is by Nature corrupt, wedded to the intereffs and concernments of the Flefh , will never feek to mortifie and fubdue the flefh ; for a thing will never be oppofite to it felf. The Scripture faith , gob. 3.6. That which is born of the flefh, is fiefh. A man wholly addicts himfelf to fin, while under the power of corrupt Nature, and a fenfual carnal heart cannot make it felf holy and heavenly. But , (a.) After Converfion , when Grace and the Principles of a newLife are put into us to weaken fin , yet (lilt we need the help of the Spirit , partly becaufe habitual Grace is a Creature, and therefore in it felt mutable; for all Creatures depend in effi, confirvari, & operari upon him that made them, An, 17.26. In him we live, and move, and have our beings. if God fufpend the influence , the Fire , which is a natural Agent, burneth not, as in the inftance of the Three Children, who were caft into the fiery Furnace ; if necefiary Agents , much more voluntary Agents , and if there be this dependance in natural things, much more in fupernatural. Therefore Grace fill de- pendeth on Gods influence, and there muff be a concurrence of the Spirit to maintain what he bath wrought, Phil. r. 6. Being confident of this very thing , that he which bath begun a good work in you, will perform it until the day of PA, Chrift. Partly becaufe it doth not totally prevail in the heart, but there is oppofition againft it, there is flefh fill, Gal. 5. 12. The firth liefteth againfi the Spirit, and the Spirit againft the flefh, and thefe are contrary the one to the other, fo that you cannot do the things that you would. Habitual Grace non totaliter fanat, it worketh not a perfect, but a partial Cure upon the Soul. Therefore there needeth new Grace to act, and guide, and quicken us (till, and to fir up the Principles of Grace in us. Partly becaufe this Grace , as it meeteth with oppofi- tion from within , fo it is expofed to Temptations from without ; from Satan , who watcheth all advantages againft us; now when Temptation cometh with new ftrength, we mutt have newGrace to oppofe it : Heb. 4. 16. Let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need, Zae<r oc suw<ueyr ßonBHar. Adam had habitual Grace, but he gave out at the frft aflault. When a City is befieged, the Prince who would defend it, doth not leave it to its ordinary ftrength, and the (landing Provifions which it had before ; but fendeth in frefh Supplies of Soul - ders, Victuals , and Ammunition, and fuch things as their prefent exigence calleth for. So doth God deal with his people , his Spirit cometh in with a new Supply , that they may the better avoid fin , and ffand out in an hour of Tryal. So from the World, which