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Veri I 4. the fixth Chapter to the R OMAN S. 91 which is continually obtruding it fell upon our embraces, and it is hard to efcape the corruption that it in the world through !lift, 2 Pet. t. 4. The new. Nature was given us for that end, and allo the Spirit of God 'is neceffary, t ph. 4.4. To are of God, and have overcome the world ; for greater is he' that is in you, than he that it in the world. The Spirit is neceffary as again& the Terrors, fo the Delights of it, t Cor. 2. 12. We have received not the fpirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God, that (o the World may not corrupt us, nor in- rice us to affe& its Riches, Honours, and Plealures above God and the Confcence of our Duty to him. 2. There is great incouragement to us to let upon the work of Mortification, becaufe it is carried on by the help and power of the Spirit, if we were to grapple with fin in our own fhength, then we might fit down and defpair and dye ; but the Spirit is ap- pointed for this end, and purchafed for us by Jefus Chrift, for all that come to him with broken hearts, and do not by their carelefnefs, negligence, or other fin , provoke the Lord m withdraw his exciting Grace : if you do humbly implore his affittante, wait for his approaches, attend and obey his motions you (hall find what the Spirit is able and willing to do for you. He is able Curdy, though you are ready to fay, i (hall never get rid of this naughty heart , renounce thefe bewitching lofts; there are none fo carnal, but he can change them, and bend and incline their hearts to God and heavenly things, t Cor. 6. t t. Such were f me of you , but ye are wafhed , but ye are fantlified , but ye are juffifred, in the name of the Lord 7efus, and by the Spirit of our God. He can turn Swine into Saints, a Dunghil into a Bed of Spices: none ihould give way to fottifh defpair, God never made a Creature too hard for himfelf. And when he path begun an intere& for God in our Souls, he can maintain ir, notwith(tanding oppofttions and temptations, Phil. t. 6. He that hath begun a good work in you , will perform it until the day of Jefta Chrifi. God is willing to give the Spirit to them that ask it, as a Father is to give a Child what is neceffary for him , Lake t t. t 3. If ye then being evil, know how to givegood gifts unto your children ; how much more (hall your heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them that ark him ? Be careful you do not grieve the Spirit , and make your (elves "uncaps= ble of his help, Eph. 4. 3o. Grieve not the holy Spirit of God , whereby ye are fealed to the, day of redemption. The Spirit of God will not forfake us , unlefs we forfake him fir& . The Spirit is grieved when Luft is obeyed before him, when his Counlels and holy in- fpirations are 'mothered, and we yield eafily to the reque&s of fin,, but are wholly deaf to-his motions 5 if fo indeed, he ceafeth to give us warning, and to renew and continue the excitations of his Grace : water once heated , congealeth the fooner; fo. they are molt hardened , who have been notably touched with his Cacred Infpirations , but go a quite contrary way. But the Renewed need not doubt of his help; for God hath pro- mifed the Spirit to them, to caufe them to stalk in his ways, joh. 14. t6, 17. I will pray the Father, and he (hall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever: Even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive , becaufe it feeth him not , neither knoweth him; but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and (hall be in you. Well then, do not complain, but up and be doing again(, fin ; Lazinel pretendeth want of power; but is any thing too hard for the Spirit of the Lord? It is a lamentable thing to fee what a cowardly Spirit there is in molt Chri&ians, how loon they are captivated, and difcou- raged with every (lender a(lault, or petty temptation, and their relolutions are (hakes with the appearance of every difficulty. This is affe&ed weaknefs, not fo much want of ftrength as (luggifhnefs and cowardize, and want of care, men fpare their pains, and then cry , tki y are impotent ; like lazy Beggars, who perfonate and a& a Dileafe, be- caule they would not work. Surely where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is liberty, .2 Cor. 3. 17. Many are not able to Band before the (lighte& motion of fin , becaufe they do not -tir up themfelves, and awaken that &rength which they have, or improve that which God continually vouchfafeth to them by the motions of his Spirit. ft would be more for your comfort to try what you can do in the refi&ance of fin, than idlely to complain for want of &rength. The two Extremes are Pride and Sloth. Pride is feen in fell confidence , or depending upon our endeavours and refolutions 5 and Sloth in a negle& of the Grace given, or help afforded to you ; Chriftians ihould'improve pre- lent &rength againfi fin, and frill labour to get more. Every Conque& will increafe your &rength again& the next affault , and one limb of the body of death mortified is a means to caufe the re& to languid' by coulent. 4. The next incouragement is the Promifes of the Gofpel, which fecure this benefit to us; and furely the watching and the &riving Perlon may take comfort in them, Mmmmm 2 There