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94 SERMONS upon Serm. X1V. there is a defe& ufually in thefe Purpofes, in thefe Strivings , in thefe Prayers. I. Let us examine thefe Purpofes. 1. Thefe Purpofes are not hearty and real , and then no wonder they do not pre- vail. There is a flight wavering purpofe, and there is a full purpofi of heart, Ads 11.23. If thy Purpofes were more full and thong , and thorowly bent againft fin , they would fooner fucceed. Is it the fixed Decree and Determination of thy Will ? When you are firmly refolved , your affe &ions will be fincere and ftedfaft, you will purism this work dole, not be off and on, hot and cold, and unflable in all your ways. If the habitual bent of your hearts doth appear by the conftant drift of your lives, then is it a full Pur- pofe. 2. This Purpofe may be extorted , not the effe&of thy Judgment and Will, as incli- ned to God , but only of thy prefent fear , awakened in thee on fome fpecial occafion. Many are frightned intoa little Religioufnefs, but the humor lafts not long : Pfd. 78. 36. Neverthelefi they did flatter him with their mouth , and they lied unto him with their tongues ; for their heart was not right with him , neither were they fledfad in his Covenant. Ahab in his fears had force relentings , fo had Pharaoh, the ifraelites turned to the Lord in their diftrefs , but they turned as fail from him afterwards , they were refolved not from love, but fear ; fo thefe refolutions are wretted from you by Come prefent terrors, which when they ceafe , no wonder that you are where you were before. Violent things will never hold long , they will hold as long as the Principle of their violence laneth. 3. It may be thou retet in the trength of thine own refolutions: now God will be owned as the Author of all Grace , 1 Pet. 5. 1o, it. But the God of all grace , who hath called us into his eterni glory by yefusChrifl, flablifh, flrengthen, fettle you. To him be glory for ever and ever, Amen. Still we mull have a fenfe of our own infufficiency , and refolve more in the trength and power of God; the grace of ,Jefus Chrift you mutt rely upon , both for confirming and performing your refolutions, as knowing that without him you can do nothing ; men fall again as often as they think to rife and Land by their own power : there is tuch guile and falfhood its our hearts, thatwe cannot truft them. The Saints till refolve, God affifting, Pfal. 119. 8. I will keep thy ffatutes, 0 forfake me not utterly: and verf 32. I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou [halt inlarge my heart. 2. As to Striving , let us examine that a little, if it be fo ferious, fo diligent , fo circumfpe& as it thould be. r. That is no effe&ual (hiving, when you are difheartened withevery difficulty, for difficulties do but inflame a refolved Spirit, as tiering doth the fire. No quetion , but it will be hard to enter in at the trait gate, or to walk in the narrow way, God hath made the way to Heaven fo narrow and trait , that we may the more flrive to enter in thereat, Luke 13. 24. Now [hall we fit down and complain, when we fucceed not upon every faint attempt? Who then can be faved? This is to cry out with the fluggard, There is a lion in the way. Should a Mariner, affoon as the waves arife, and thong gufts of wind blow, give over all guiding of the Ship? No, this is againft all the Experience, and the wont of Mankind. 2. This ftriving and oppofing is but flight, if not accompanied with that watchful - nefs and refolution, which is neceffary. Many pretend to firive againft fin, yet abilain not from all occafions of fin. If we play about the Cockatrices hole, do wonder we are bitten : never think to turn from thy fins ; if thou doll not turn from the occafion of Ahem : if thou. haft not flrength to avoid the occafion , which is lefs , how cant thou avoid the fin, which is greater? He that refolveth not to be burnt in the fire, mull not come near the flames. Job made a covenant with his eyes, that he would not look upon a maid , Job 31. n. Enter not into the path of the wicked r and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pats not by it, turn from it, and paff away, NOV. 4. 145 15. Evil com- pany is a fnare. Our Saviour taught us to `pray , Lead us tat into temptation, he doth not fay into fin, the temptation openeth the gate. 3. For Praying , we oftner pray from our Memories, than from our Confciences, or from our Confciences as inlightned , rather than hearts renewed by Grace. Prayer as it is the fruit of Memory and Invention, is but flight and formal, words laid ofcouric, a Body without a Soul ; as dillated by Confcience, it may be retra&ed by the Will; timebam ne me exaudiret Deus. Or at bet, they are but half delires, faint withes, like Baalain's witting, which will never do good: The foul of the fluggard defireth, but bath nothing. God never made promife, that loch wifhes thould be fatisfied. SEB-