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Vert 1t c{. the fixth Chapter to the ROMANS. 95 SERMON XV. ROM. VI. 14. For fin (hall not have dominion over you ; for ye are not under the Lan', but under Grace. USE i. of Reproof, to reprove, I. The fecurity and carelefnefs of many that never look to the Rate of their hearts, nor regard whether Chrift reigneth , or Sin reigneth , or at leali do not take good heed which way things tend to the greatning or increaíng of Gods interelt or Satans in their Souls. Many count an holy jealoufie or heedful watchfulnefs to be but Precifenefs, and that we make more ado than needeth, and make the lives of Christians burdenfom , when we preis them to a confiant watchfulnefs and holy jealoufie of themfelves : no , this is no burden, but a bleffing , Prov. 2a. 14. Blegd is the man that feareth almayr. Sin gaineth upon us for want of taking heed at firft: They that fee no need of this caution, are little acquaint- ed with the pra &ice ofGodlinefs, or the ftate of their own hearts, have not a due fence and apprehenfion of the danger of difpleafìng God , or of their own proclivity and pronenefs to fin 5 therefore live by chance and peradventure , and leave themfelves to be tranfported by their own affeftions, to do any thing which Occalons and Temptati- ons invitethem unto. Were we as fenfible of the dangers of the inward as outward man, we fhould Purely (land more upon our guard, and refifh the firft motions and ten- dencies towards a fin : certainly we would not give fuch harbour and indulgence to our Corruptions, as dually we do, left we nourifh and Coder a Viper in our own bofomf, which will at length Ring us to death. Surely it is no wifdom to tarry till the dead blow cometh ; an inclination to evil is belt mortified at firlt , and the longer we dally and play with a Temptation, the harder will our conflit be. But when may we be laid to omit our Watchfulnefs ? i. When we grow bolder with fin , and the Temptations and Occafions of it , and think we have fo good a command of our felves, and can keep within compafs well enough, though we calf our felves upon tempting obje &s and occaftons unneceffarily, and without a call. Surely thefe men forget themfelves and the danger of fin, as if they had Come fpecial Amulet againft it, which the People of God had not in former times. They know exactly how far they may go in every thing, even to the cleaving of an hair , and will not lofe one jot of their liberty , and teem to make a fport of ir, to (hew how far they can go ; and how near the pit, and not fall in. They can allow themfelves in all kind of liberty for lafcivious Songs, wanton Plays, and yet look to the Main chance well enough, pleafe themfelves with all kind of froth and folly, yea foine times execrable filth , yet never any kind of infe£tion enmesh near their hearts. Alas poor deluded Creatures ! they that do all that they may , will loon do more than they fhould 5 and thofe that come as near a fin as pohiibly they can, without falling into ir, cannot be longfafe: yea and they are infe&ed already , that have fu little fenfe of the ftrength of fin, and their own weaknefs. I confefs tome are more liable to Temptati- ons than others, but yet all need watchfulnefs for their prefervation 5 for fin is riot ex- tirpated and rooted out of any. And again , when I am in my Calling , l am under Gods Protedion, as a Subjetl is under the Proteftion of his Prince, travelling in due hours on the (High way 5 but none can prefume their Knowledge is fo found , their Faith fo ftrong, their Hearts fo good to God, as to think no hurt will come when they cad themfelves. voluntarily upon occafions of fin. a. When you make a fmall master of thofeCorrnptions, which were once fo grievous, even intolerable to you : ROM. 7. 24. 0 wretched man that 1 am ! who f oU deliver me from the body of this death ? You lofe tendernefs of Confcience, remit of your care. 3". When