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Verf. 14. the faxth Chapter to the ROMANS. 90 See how thefe two are matched; for when we fall off from God, we take to the Crea- ture, yert 2. 13. Mypeople have committed two evils, they have forfakers me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out eifern, , broken cifierns, that will hold no water. And Chrifi died to deliver usfrom this prefect evil world, Gal. t. 4. Here lye all the baits and (Hares and dangers , pats but fate through thefe flats and quickfands , and we (hall food arrive to the Haven of eternal Glory. The great virtue and proper effe& of the Crofi of Chrift is teen in crucifying us to the World, Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that I fhoold glop ry, five in the croft of our Lord jefus ChrilI, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world. When the fathion of worldly Glory is fpoiled, and it feemeth lets love- ly in our eyes , then the Crofs of Chrift hath produced its effelt upon us , and the fpiri- tual Life advanceth apace. it is the World that is an Enemy to God , and quencheth and abateth our Love to him , t ybh. 2. 15. Love not the world , neither the things of the world : if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Jam. 4.4. Knorr' ye not , that the friendfhip of the world is enmity with God ? whofoever therefore will be ä friend of the world, is an enemy of God. Some temporal gold lyeth nearell our hearts,. and God is not our chiefelt Good and Taft End, wherein lyeth the Life of all Religion. It is the World that diverts us from our any , that hinders the vigour and perfeiior of the Life of Grace , Luke 8. t 4. They which fell among thorns are they, Which when they have heard, go forth and are chockedwith caret, and riches , and pleafures of this life, and bring no fruit to perferlion. It is the World that makes us grudge at the ftri tneß of Chrifls Precepts, Mat. 59.22. When the young man heard thatfaying, he Went away far - romful, for he had great pofons. It is the World that tempts us to live in a flight way; as other carelefs Creatures do about us. It is the World that maketh us (lightly mind heavenly things, and affect a life of Pomp and Eafe here, Luke 16. a5. Son , remember that thou in thy life time received( thy good things. It is the World that inticeth us tct flay by the way, and negleh our home ; that maketh the impref$ons which arife front the belief of another and better World to be weak and inefficacious , 2 Cor. 4.4. In whom the God of this world bath blinded the minds of them which believe not , left the light of the glorious Gofpel of Chrift, which is the image of Gad , fhould thine on theii. Well then, we cannot be watchful enough againft the fly infinuatiòns of the World, When it feemeth too Tweet and amiable to you, the Devil is at your elbows; inticing your Souls from God , when the things of this World begin to be reprefented as more fweet and delectable than God and Holinefs and Heaven , and you are ready to value your Hap. pints rather by worldly Profperity , than by the Favour and Friend(hip of God , and you are more indifferent , and can contentedly live without a fenfe of his Love ; but your delires are more urgent and strong after an increafe of temporal injoytnents, when you affeft to grow rich in this World , and neglect to grow rich in Grace. O then; Chriftians have need to (land upon their guard , mifchief is near ; and unlefs it be pre - vented, will prove the bane and everlaRing ruine of your Souls. Thirdly, The Flesh mutt be watched againft. The Flesh is impórtutíáte to be pleated; and will urge us to retrench and cut off a great part of that tteceffary Duty which be- longeth to our heavenly Calling, yea it will crave very unlawful and unreafonable things at our hands. it maybe not at firft ; but if you continue to gratifie Senfe and bruti(if Appetite with an uncontrouled licence, it is impoffible that you should keep within the bounds of your Duty. Therefore unlefs you keep a- contrant governn(ent civet your Senfes and Appetites , how shamefully will you mircarry ? Therefore as you love your Souls, you mutt abfiain from flefhly lofts which war again( the foul t Pet, 2. i t. For whilft you keep gratifying and pleating the Beth by the excels of lawful delights, you do butttrengthen your Enemy, increafe corruption in heart and life, provide fuel for Satans,temptations; and juftle God out of the Throne, and finally haften your -own eter- nal ruine. If you would keep fin under , you mutt cut off the provilions of the fle(h; not cater for them, Rom. 13. 14. Make no provifon for the fefhh to full the lofts the, oaf; If you would refill Satan, you muff be faker and watchful t Pet. 5.8. that is; rearing in. the ufe of worldly delights. if you would preferve Gods intereft, and relerve -the Throne of your hearts for him, you mutt take heed , that the plealúres of the animal life be not too much indulged; for there will loon fecure their intereft in our affections; 2 Tim. 3. 4. Lovers of pleafores more than lovers of God. If you would not have your Confciences benummed , and grow forgetful of fpiritual danger, you mutt let a guard upon there outward delights, Luke 21. 34. I ake heed to,oior felves, left at any tine yorir hearts be overcharged with forfeiting , and drmskennefs, and cares of this life , and fa that day come upon you unawares.. t Thefl. 5. 6. Let us watch and be fiber. There is a ftrangé Nnnurt a infatù'at-: