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VerC 14. the fixth Chapter to the ROMAN s. lot Numb. G. 3, 4. A Chriftian that hath confecrated himfelf to God, and bath made fuch a full and whole renunciation of all fin, fhould exa&ly take care to avoid every occafton and provocation to evil, every appearance of evil, not only the pollution of the fiefh; but the garment fpotted with the flefh, Jude a3. Fourthly, Watch to prevent the Sin it tell. The a&ual reign of fin maketh way for the habitual. The progrel is this, Temptations lead to fin; for there are few of us but difcover more evil upon a Tryal, than ever we thought we fhould before, as the piercing and broaching of a Veffel fheweth what liquor is in it : and fmall fins lead to greater, as the ratan (ticks let the greater on fire: and greater fins lead to Hell, except God be the more merciful ,'and we flop betimes. Well then , watch againit the fin it fell, for every foil maketh you fuffer lots ; fin cometh to reign by degrees, and a man fetleth his neck tò the yoke by little and little : it is not eafie to fix bounds to fins when it is Once admitted , and given way to ; water , when once it breaketh out, will have its courfe, and the gap once made in the Confcience, will grow wider and wider every day ; a little rent in the cloth maketh way flit a greater : fo if we do not take heed of (mall fins, work grow upon us ; the fear of God and fenfe of fin is leffened by every finful aâ , and Confcience lofeth its tendernefs, and our feeling decayeth. The bell flopping of the (tone is at the top of the Hill; when it beginneth to fall downward, it is hard to flay it. The deceived heart thinketh, I will yield a little, and the Devil car- rieth them further and further , till there is no tendernefs left in the Confcience. As in Gaming there is a fecret Witchery, a man will play a little, venture a (mall furnm, but he is wound in more and more and intangled : So men think , it is no great matter to fin a little: a little fin is a fin againfi God , an offence to him , and therefore why do not you make Confcience of it ? And it will bring other mifchiefs along with it , as it difpofeth the heart to fin again. Fifthly , Watch againfi the mifchief of heinous or prefumptuous fins. When you venture to do any foul thing again(( apparent checks of Confcience , any fmall fin may get the upper hand of the Sinner, and bring him under in time, after it is habituated by long cuflom , fo that he cannot eafily (hake off the yoke, and redeem himfelf from the Tyranny theteòf; but thefe Heal into the Soul infenfibly , and inflave us , as they get ftrength by multiplied efts. But prefumptuous or heinous fins by one fingle a& bring a mighty advantage to the Flefh , and Weaken the Spirit or better part , and ad- vance themfelves fuddenly into the Throne : Pfd. 19.13. Keep back thy fervant alfe from prefumptuotir fins, let them not have dominion over me ì Then (hall I be upright, and I (hall be innocent from the great tranfgreffron. The Regenerate , if the Lord do not keep them from temptations, or do leave them in temptations , may fall into molt fcandalouà fins againfl the Light of their Confciences, and for the prefent are under woful flavery , and inconvenience. David reprefenteth the utmoft mifchiefdf thefe kinds of fins, a9 afraid (with the fear of caution) it might tend thereto. Now if a Man , nay a Child of God, may pòffibly fall into fcandalous fins, being inticed by the pleafure or profit of them, and for the prefent be blinded ; then after any heinous fall there fhould be a fpecial mortification or weakening of fin ; becaufe when we are gotten to that height; fin will break out again in the fame or other kind; as a venemous humor in the body, heal one fore, and it breaketh out in another place. After Tome notable fall or aduai Rebellion againft God , it is good to come in fpeedily to prevent hardnefs of heart by all holy means, that we may not fettle in an evil courfe; it is not enough to ask Par- don, to forbear the Ad, but you mull mortifie the toot of the diftemper. There are three things in 1m, Culpa, Reatar, Macula. The Fault is continued as long as the A& is repeated, you are in danger of this, till the breach be made up between God and you; as Lot doubled his Ince(t, the orifice of the wound was not yet clofed; and Peter doubled and trebled his denials, whilfi the Temptation was yet upon him, and he had not recovered himfelf by Repentance S'amfons folly and inordinate love to women twice betrayed him', 7udg. r6. r, 4. The Guilt continueth till Repentance, and fuing out Pardon in the Name of Jefus Chrifì', r ph. 1.9. If we eonfefi our fn., he is faithful and jefr Eo forgive to our fins , and to eleaesfé as from all unrighteoufnefr. Though a matt fhould forbear the Ail, yet unlefs he humbleth himfelf before God , and in a broken hearted way applieth himfelf to his Mediator and Advocate, the guilt is not done away. But befides, there is the blot, or the inclination to fin again, the evil influence of the lid continues till we mortifie the root, and the core of the diftemper begotten Out. Take for aifinitauce yonab the Prophet, the origititilreafonof his tergiverfation from his Call; war a feat' of being Abated, and found falfe in thofe threatttings which he was to de° manned