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Vert: 14. the faxth Chapter to the ROMANS. 10/ Devil , the World , and the Fleth, and bid defiance, or proclaim an eternal feud and hollility againfi them, declare our (elves enemies to thefe three. 2. A courageous refifiance ; for after that time we are fearfully affaulted, and in con- tinual warfare with Satan , r Pet. q. 8. Be fober , be vigilant , becaufe your adverfary the Devil, like a roaring lion, continually walketb about, feeking whom be may devour ; with the World , Jam. 4. 4. Know ye not, that the friendfhip of the world is enmity with God ? whofoever therefore will be a friend to the world , is the enemy of God; with the Flefh, Rom, 7. 15. For that which I do, I allow not ; for what I would, that 1 do not ; but what I bate, that do 1; there is the ftrife de(eribed. Now we refill, t. By firength of resolution , Dan. 3. r8. We will not ferve thy gods , nor worfhip the . golden image which thou haft fee up. Pfal. 39. t. 1 paid I will take heed unto my ways, that I ofend not with my tongue. z. Partly by hazarding our temporal interefts, Heb. 12.4. re have not yet reefed tprto bloód, firiving againfi fin. Rev. 12. 11. They overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their teflimony, and they loved not their liver unto the death. 3. By oppofing gracious cónfiderations, Gen. 39.9. How Pall I do this wickednefis and fn again.lj God ? 1 Joh. 2. 14. re are !tong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one, by oppofing reafóns out of Scripture , or arguing ftrongly againft fin. 4. By praying, or crying ftrongly for help , when we are (enfible of the burden of fin, Rom. 7.24. 0 wretched man that I am, who (ball deliver me from this body of death ? g. But chiefly by being acquainted with all the Chriflian Armor , and the ufe of it we mutt not go one day unarmed, but be armed cap -a -pee with the Helmet of Salvation; which is Hope, the Breafi -plate of Righteoufnefs, the Girdle of Truth, the Shoes of the Preparation of the Gofpel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Sword of the Spirit. The 4poftle beginneth with, Firft , The Girdle of Truth, whereby is meant a fincere and honeft intention , to be what we feem to be. Satan ufeth wiles, but we mull not imitate our Adverfary in de- ceit, but labour for Truth of Heart, which as a Girdle is tlrength of the loins. Secondly, TheBreaff -plate of Rigbteoufnefs, which is a Principle of Grace inclining us to obey God in all things, or a fixed purpofe and endeavour to give God and man their due. This feeureth the breaft or vital parts. Thirdly, The Feet mule be food. We meet with rough ways, as we are advancing to Heaven ; and Souldiers had their Greaves or brazen Shoes, to defend from (harp- point- ed Stakes , fixed by the Enemy in the ground , over which they were to march. This Preparation is a readinefi of mind to fuller any thing for Chrift, this is built on the Go- fpel of Peace , Ads 21. t3. Then Paul anfwered , What mean ye to weep and break my heart ? for 1 am ready not to be boned only, but alf to dye at yerufalem for the name of the Lord Jefus. t Pet. 3. 15. Sanfäifie the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always tó give an anfwer to every man that asketh you a reafon of the hope that is in you, with meek - nef and fear. We mull be ready to confers Chrift in Perfecutions and dangers. When we have a fenfe of our peace and friendthip made up between God and us by Je(us . Chrifi, and our great and eternal interetts are once fetled, what need a Believes fear ? Fourthly, The Shield ofFaith, which covereth the whole body; a found belief of the Myticries of the Gofpel, and the Promises thereof, efpecially a clear fight of the World to come. They that have loch a Faith, fee a fuse foundation to build upon. On the one fide the Righteeufnefs of Chrifi, or the Promifs of the Gofpel to a penitent Belie- ver of Pardon, Of ftrength to maintain Grace received, and finally of eternal Life ; on the other fade Threats to impenitent and fenfual perfons. Fifthly, The Helmet of Salvation , which is a well grounded hope of eternal Life: t Thefts. 8. Bet let us who are of the day be f ber, puttiúg on the bread -plate of faith and love, and for an helmet the hope o f filvation. This maketh a Chriflian hold up his head in the midit of all encounters and fore aflàults; he that often looketh above the Clouds; and expe&eth within a little while to be with God in the midit of the Glory of the World to come, why fhóuld he be daunted ? Sixthly, The Sword of the Spirit. This is a Weapon both offenfive and'defenfrve, if wardeth off Satans blows, and maketh him fly away wounded and afhamed. If Satan faith , O it is too loon to mind Religion ! he bath the word ready , Eerier r a. r. Re- fember thy Creator in the days I thy youth. If that it is too late, then yob. 3. 16. God o loved the world , that he gave hie only begotten Son, that irhofoeveo belietseth in him fhàdlei alt