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Vert 15. the frith Chapter to the Ró M A N s. 10 5 2. From the Evangelical ftate pofrtively propofed, Bid under Grace. I. The Grace of Juftification , we may indulge fin, lince the GbIpel offereth a Par- don, or freedom from Condemnation. 2. The Grace of San &ification by the Spirit , God will maintain our Right , though we mind it not, and fo we turn the Grace of God into loofnefs or lazinefs. 3. The Brand upon this Conclufion, or his Abhorrence fpecified , it is not only un- reafonable, but impious, pm 4soiTo, far be it from Believers thus to conclude: 1. Becaufe the Conclufion is unreafonable, being a diftortion of true Do&rine, or of the Grace of the Gofpel. 2. it is ungrateful, what ? be more licentious for Gods Grace ? it is the molt abhor- red ufe of Gods mercy that is imaginable. Do&rine. That it is a manifefi abufe of the new Covenant , fo much as to imagine , that it countenanceth any licentioufnef or liberty in fin. 1 (ball r. prove it by two Arguments, Firll, From the defign or end of God in fetting up this new Tranfa&ion with Man,; kind. Secondly, From the Tenor and Cónftitution of it. 2. Shall vindicate thole Doctrines of free Grace, which may molt feem to occafiotl Inch thoughts in the hearts of men. 1. From the defign of God in letting up this new Covenant , which was to recover Iapfed Man from the Devil and theWorld unto himfelf,that he might not wholly lofe the Glory of his Creation ; which appeareth by manifold expref ions in Scripture, Luke r9. to. The Son of man is come to Peek, and fave that which was loft. Now we were loft firff to God , as Luke 15. the loll groat was loft to the Polfeflòr.,- the loll fheep was loft to the Owner, the loll fon loft to the Father : thefe two laft Parables (hew that they were alfo loft to themfelves 5 but that is but a confequent , the primary fence is, they were loft to God, and therefore Chrift came to recover them to his obedience. But to leave Parables , it is faid exprefly , Rev. 5.9. Thou haft redeemed us to God by thy blood , that we might not only be admitted into his friendlhip and favour, but fitted for his fervice, and that he might bring us to God, r Pet. 3. 18. by which is meant not only to reconcile us unto God , but bring us into a Irate of fubje&ion and obedience to him. Chrilf is fet up as a Mediator, and Lord of the newCreation, to the glory ofGód the Father, Phil. 2. r r. That every tongue might confefi that yefus Chrift is Lord, to the glory ofGod the Fa- ther, that his intereft in his Creatures might be fecured. And the Kingdom of the Me- diator is fubordinate to the Kingdom of God, all the Authority and Power which Chrift bath as Mediator to enaft Laws and make a new Covenant, is to bring men back again' to the obedience of God upon more comfortable terms: Our fubje&ion to him is not vacated or made void, or only referved , but eftablifbed on more comfortable terms , as we have Grace given us for the pardon of failings, and the effe&ual help of his Spirit to incline us to obedience. 2. From the Tenor and Conftitution of it. As to the Precepts, it begins with Faith and Repentance, and is, carried on in the way of new Obedience or Holinefs. None are admitted to the firlt Priviledges, but thofe that repent. Upon Mary's Repentance Chrift laid , Her fins which are many are forgiven her, Luke 7. 47. Him bath God ex., alted to be a Prince and a Saviour , to give repentance to Ifrael, and forgivenefs of fins, Ah., 5.31. Now Repentance is a ferrous fixed purpofe of returning to the obedience we owe to God. And the laft Priviledge, Eternal Glory, we have it not without Ho- finds, Mat. 5.8. BleJed are the pure in heart, for they fhall fee God. Heb. 12. 14.. Fol low peace and holinefi, without which no man fhall fee the Lord. All the intermediatePri- viledges do exprefly require or imply Holinefs, Pfd. 84. r t. For the Lord God is a fun and a fhield, the Lord will give grace and glory, and no good thing will he withhold from that walk uprightly. So that from firfr to laft it is an Holy Covenant , as it is called Luke 1.72. Yea it is holy , not only with refpe& to what it requireth, but with refpe& to what it promifeth; it promifeth the Holy Spirit to fandifie us, Nis 2. 38. Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of pefus Chrift, for the remiJon of fins, and ye (hall receive the gift of the Holy Ghofl. Ezek. 36. 25. Then will1 fprinkle clean water up- on you -, and you fhall be clean , and from all your idols will I cleanfe you. r Cor. 6. 1 r. Such were tome of you, but ye are wa flied , but ft are juftifred, but ye are fantlii ed , in the Name of the Lord yefinr, and by the Spirit of our God. And the Heaven of Heavens is O o o o o Perfe-