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io6 SERMONS upon Serm. K VI. Perfe&ion of Holinefs , i gob. 3. 2, 3. Beloved , now are we the fins of God , but it doth not yet appear what we (hall beg bite this know , that when be MI appear , we (hall be .like him, for we (hall fee him as he is. And he that bath this hope puriffeth himfelf, as.he is pure.. Eph. 5. 27. That he might prefent it (the Church) to himfel f a glorious Church, not having #ot or wrinkle , or may (itch thing , but that it fhould be holy and without hlemifh. Once more, the aim of it is to promote Holinefs, 2 Pet. r. 4. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promifis, that by theft ye might be partakers of the Divine Na- ture." 2 Cor. 7. i. Having theft promifes, dearly beloved, let is clean( our films from all ftltbinefr of flefb and fpirit, perfetfing holinefo in the fear of God. Luke i. 75. I hat we might ferve him átpo(3we without fear (that is the great Priviledge of the new Covenant) in holinefr and righteoufnef before him all the days of our lives. In fhort, the Covenant dealeth only with an holy people, and excludeth the prophane and unclean ; the holy Covenant mutt have an holy People fuitable to it, or elfe it fpeaketh no good to them: if you be not holy, you have no part in Chrifr, nor intereft in his Covenant, Ath 20. 32. And now , brethren , I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up , and to give you an inheritance among them that are fantüfted. Alts 26. 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darknefs to light , and from the power of Satan unto God, that we may receive forgivenefo of fins , and an inheritance among them which are fantlifted by faith that is in me. Well, you fee the whole (cope and great drift of the Covenant is to promote Holinefs. 2. It remains to vindicate thole Doltrines of Grace , that may feem to occafion thole imaginations. I. Gods freenefs and readinefs to pardon. The Law threatneth Punifhment, but Grace offereth Pardon and Impunity ; therefore men let loofe the reins , they think Mercy will pardon all, and difcharge all. But this is a wretched abufe. t. Though Pardon be offered to penitent Sinners,'yet it is on purpofe that they may forfake their fins , and timely return to the obedience of God, Pfd. 13o.4. There is forgivenefo with thee , that thon mayeff be feared ; that they may not (land aloof from God as a condemning God , but return to his fear and fervice. It is offered to prevent defpair, not to encourage us in fin, fo that you quite pervert the end of the offer. 2. This Pardon belongeth only to the Penitent. The offer is made to all, but none have an altual Right to it, till they repent , Ifa. 55.7. Let the wicked fort4e his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts , and let him return unto the Lord , and he will have merry upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. And Prov. 28. a3. He that covereth his tins, ¡hall not pro/ßer g but whafo confegeth and forfaketh them, (ball fi'nd.wercy. All Sinners are to be told, That God is ready to pardon g but all Sinners are not to be- lieve that their fins are pardoned ; for this is an Ad that belongeth to God as a Go- vernor and Judge. Some things God doth as a free Lord, and there it is, not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that fheweth mercy, Rom. 9. 16. Other things God doth as a righteous Judge and Governor , according to the Law of Com- merce between Him and his Creatures, there it is, So run, that ye may obtain, t Cor. 9. 24 To apply this to the cafe in hand. Pardon of fins is an Aft of Judicature, diC- penfeth upon certain Terms, gracious and free they are indeed, but Terms and Con- ditions they are frill , without which we have no right to pardon , or are not qualified to receive it. All the Priviledges of the Gofpel are a Benefit, but a Benefit difpenfed on certain Terms, fuch as our Soveraign Lord was pleafed to prefcribe. 3. They are exprefly excluded that fecurely go on in fin , Pfal. 68. 21. But he will wound the head of his enemies , and the hairy fcalp of fxch an one as goeth on fill in his tref pages. That exceptive Particle [But] relateth to what was faid of God before, now twice before God is called a God of Salvation , vet( 19. Bled be the Lord , who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our falvation, Selah. And verf. 2o. He that is our God u the God of falvation. But he will wound, &c. A man that goeth on frill in his fins, is reckoned an Enemy to Chrift, whatever he be by outward Profeffion, and as an Enemy he.fhall be dealt with, the God of Salvations, or the merciful Saviour will not Cave him, notwithlianding all that lenity and goodnefswhich he (bewail to them that are fincere, the God of Salvations will ftrike home upon their hairy fcalp , that is , utterly defiroy them. Therefore when men go on in a frate of Impenitency , either ignorantly, or a- gainli convifion of Confcieuce, upon a prefumption, that Gods mercy [ball bear them out , they make the God of' all Grace their Enemy , his Jufriee is againft you , and his Mercy will not help you. By the Law is the knowledge of fin, and by the Gofpel you are excluded from Pardon , till you break off your fins by Repentance, and the more 11th