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'Verf. >t 5. the fixth Chapter to the ROMAN s. 109 2. The Danger of Back(liding is often reprefented to Believers to increafe their cau- tion : as Chrift laid to his own Difciples, yoh. 15. 6. Ifa man abide not in me, he is call forth as a branch, and is withered, and men gather them, and tali them, into the fire, and they are banned. The danger of Apoftafie is reprefented to them to confirm their (land- ing, or laid before them to make them afraid of defeElion. So Heb. to. 26, 27. If we fn wilfully after we have received the knowledge ofthe truth , there remaineth no more facri- ftee for fns. But a certain fearful looking for of judgment , and ftèry'indignation which (hall devour the adverfaries. 3. The Promife and Exhortation go together , that we may carry an even hand be- tween Defpair and Prelumption. Compare verf. r2. Let not fin therefore reign in your mortal bodies , that ye fhould obey it in the lulls thereof, with the Text, Sin fhall not have dominion over you, we mull not prefume becaufr of the filthinefs of our hearts, and the number of the fnares that are (till before us : we mull not defpond , becaule of the un- changeablenefs of Gods Covenant -love. Let us improve the Grace we have received, that we may continue in it. The Ad is ours, but the Help is Gods. To fin upon a confidence that we are Cure to perfevere, is to ceufe perfevering 5 and to fall away, be- caufe we are lure not to fall away, which is a contradi &ion. Zfi of Information. It informeth us, 1. No Doctrine is fo found, but a corrupt heart will abufe it ; therefore as much as in us lies, we mull prevent there mil interpretations. 2. How prone finful men are to take all occafions to indulge liberty to fin ; being na- turally bent to Licentioufnefs, they pervert Chrifts holy Doctrine to this end. 3. With what abhorrence we (hould entertain any thing that leffens the neceflity of the Creatures fubjedion to God, or doth befriend fin, or inticeth you to make light of Obedience; yea though this (hould be done with the molt glorious pretences of Grace, it is but Poifon miniftred by a Perfume. 4. What caution and watchfuloefs we (hould ufe over our own thoughts and inferen- ces. Every one draweth one Conclufion or other from the Gofpel , What ufe do you make of it? Many that will not fay fo , that we (hould fin becaufe we are not under the Law , but under Grace, are apt to think and do fo, And fince it is natural to us, we fhould be provided of a remedy. r. Let every Sacred Truth be digefled into holy Love and Pra&ice : Love , 2 Cor. $. a, 2. Knowledge pufeth up, but charity edifyetb. And if any man think that he 1¿oweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet, as he ought to know. Pra &ice , t Job. 2.4. He that faith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a lyar, and the truth is not in him. When Truth is turned into Love, it is turned into a new Nature, and deeds dilcover the reality of our opinions more than words. 2. Let no myflical Truth be fet up to avoid Gods unqueftionable natural Right to govern his Creature, or to infringe the Rights of the Godhead , as to -let up Chrifi a- gaintt the Moral Law, as if that were abrogated; and if no Law, no Tranfgteffion, no Sin, no Duty, no Judgment, no Punifhment, no Reward. 3. Do not letup Chril againfi Chrift , Heb. 5. 9. And being made perfelt , he becamg , the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him. Do not let up his Merits againfi his Law, he is Saviour but to thole that obey him. SER-