Ver.I I, I2. x.xvth. Chapter if Stè MATTHEW. SERMON I X. MATT H. XXV. V. I I, I 2. Afterwards came alto the other. Virgins, faying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he anfwered, and faid, Verily I fay unto you, I know you not. N thefe Words We have two Branches. (r.) The Supplication of the Foolifh Virgins; veil. rr. kz.) The Anfwer of the Bridegroom, verf. t z. In the Firft confider, the time when it was : Thefe Foolifh Vira gins came [ afterwards, ] when the Door was /but. Secondly, The Blandifhment and Compellation here ufed, Lor49 Lard. Firfl, For the Time when it was. Thefe Virgins came [ afterwards, ] when it was "too late : They fhould have knocked, and cryed for mercy before the door was íhut : Ifs. 55. 6. Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. Otherwife our Cries are but bowlings ; the fruit of our difcontent, rather than our own choice. Heb: at. 5. 'Tis faid of Enoch, that he pleated God. If we would live with God in a bleffed Eftate hereafter, we muff pleafe God ere we depart hence. This is the time, of Grace, or Gods Patience, Luk. 2. 14. Peace upon Earth, good will to men ; and 2 Cor. 6. r, z. This is the time of labour and fervice, Etch 9. t o. Judgment findeth us as Death leaveth us. Eccl. II: ;. Then we are in termino: When this life is ended, all' opportunities of doing good end with it. Corn doth not grow' in the Barn, but in the Field : therefore we had need to work now, leek Grace now, be inflant with God now ; 7oh. 9.4. I neafl work the work of him that feat me, while it is day ; the night cometh wherein no man can work. And now, that is not only while life lafteth, but inftantly. Secondly, Here is the Biandifhment and Compellation ufed, Lord, Lord! So Mat. 7. 21. Not every one that faith unto me, Lord, Lord, fbal enter into the Kin;dom of Hea- ven; but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. And ver. 22. Many will fay to me in that day, Lord, Lord. (r.) Here is a Title of honour given to Chrift by Hypocrites; and 'tis ingemina- ted., The Title of honour given to Chrift, is due to him, yob. 03. r ;; Te call use Mailer and Lord, and you fay well, for fo I am. But the Title muft be verified by fuitable pra &ice. Men may delight to be flattered with the Title of. Lord, Lord, by thofe that inwardly bear them no reverence ; but Chrift who knoweth the Heart, will not be pleafed with thofe glorious Titles, when your Hearts give your Tongues the lie. Luk. 6: 46. Why call you me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I fay? As they cryed, Hail Ding of the yews, when the Soldiers mocked him. Many often entitle Chrift to their party, take upon them to be his Difciples in words ; but the Kingdom of God flandedb not in word, but in power. But thefè fer- ved their Mafter more with Mouth than with Heart ; therefore Chrift doth not ac, cept of them, nor approve of them for his Servants. They calf Chrift Lord, but obey the Devil, are lead and governed by ¡le flea], difobedient to Chrifts Count Fels and Precepts. I hear Lord, Lord, but what means the bleating of the Sheep, and