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Verf. 16. the fixth Chapter to the R ó M A N s. the wicked with endlefs Miferies, fo he will reward the obedient with everlaiing Blef fednefs. Though we merit nothing of him, you cannot fay you work for nothing, he is very ready to manifeft his approbation of the obedient, Mat. 25.23. Well done, good andfaithful fervant. It is a delightful thing to him to (peak good of his Servants, and that before all the World. Vfè I. We learn hence, whom we should chufe for our Maier, or to whom we should (land in the relation of Servants. 1. Confider Gods unqueftionable Title, that will awe the Soul. You are Servants of God by Obligation, before you are Servants of God by Confent 5 you are His by Creation , before you are by Contras . Our felf obligation is neceffary , the more to enliven the fenfe of our Duty , and shake it more explicite and a&ive upon our hearts, and more acceptable to God. God will make the wicked fee he bath a right to punifh them, without asking their confent ; but he will not reward you without yoltr con- fent , unlefs you willingly give up your (elves to ferve him and obey him. Chris for- ceth not men to good againft their wills, but the effeâ of his victorious Grace is to make you willing, to bring you to yield up your (elves to obey him, Pfal. I to. 3. Thy people 'hall be willing in the day of thy power. 2. Confider the necef ity of Obedience. Our fervice is not abrogated by Grace, but changed : His firvants ye are to whom ye obey ; we are redeemed , that we may obey, Luke I. 74, 75. That we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies , night force him without fear, in holinefs and righteoufnefi before him all the days of our lives. We are pardoned , that we may obey , Pfal. t 30. 4 There is forgivenefs with thee , that thou mayefl be feared. We are renewed and fanbified, that wemay obey, r Pet. i. 2. Eleiï according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through fantfication of the Spirit unto obedience. And when once we are brought into this bleffed elate, and are in Covenant with Chrift , to depend upon him and obey him, then all the fubfequent Priviledges are difpenfed according to our obedience ; as the further fupply of the Spirit, Ads 5. 32. Whom God bath given to them that obey him: and eternal Life, Heb. 5. 9. And be- ing made perfehl, he became the Author of eternal life to all them that obey him : all the effetYs of Gods internal and external Government , all the intervening Communion with God that we have in the World , Job. 14. 2r. He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me, (hall be loved of my. Father, and I will love him, and will manifefl my felf unto him; that h , he will inlighten him' with the , knowledge of his Salvation , quicken him by the Paving operations of his Grace , and lift up the light of his Countenance Upon him , give them peace of Confcience , Mat. I I. 29. Take my yobe on you , and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart , and ye (hall find refs for your f uIs ; a fanfified ufe of filch gt%d things , as he feeth meet for them, Ifa. I. 19. If ye be willing and obedient, ye fballeat the good of the land. It is his obedient Servants that Chris is fo tender of, and willing fo to cherifh, and to give tó them the effeâs of his illuminating, quickening, comforting Grace, and of his fatherly Providence. 3. Confider much what it is, wherein you fhould obey him; or fludy to know his Will, Eph. 5.17. Be not unwife , but underflanding what the will of the Lord is. Rom. t a. a. Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed in the renewing of your minds, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfell will of God. Doubtful- nets of our Duty doth exceedingly weaken our care of obedience, fo it doth alto our deteftation and refiflance of fin, when you are Pure a thing is fin, you will be more (by of medling with it; and when you are fore it is a Duty, Temptations will lets draw you from it: for it will Rrike you with horrour in the hour of Temptation , What I (hall I dilobey God , by venturing to do that which he hath forbidden, or omitting to do that which he bath exprefly commanded? When our Duty is once made matter of Controverfie , you (hall always find people lets ferious in it ; therefore it is the Lords mercy, that molt of the neceffary things are unqueflionable, and out of debate, other- wile - (in would be more commonly committed, and with lets regret of Confcience. Therefore it concerneth you to underhand what is Duty, or what is Sin, that want of Light may not difable nor enfeeble your Pra&ice, and abate your Zeal for fuch things as God bath commanded, or againft fuch things as God bath forbidden. 4. To continue your Refolution of obeying God, you fhould often confider of two things, what is pall, and what is to cóme. Firfl, What is pall, the fruit of ferving Sin, and obeying God. The fruit of ferving fin , Alas f we cannot look back without (base and blufhing , Rom. 6. a s. What fruit PPPPP a have