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Verf. i 7. the fixth Chapter to the ROMANS. ;í 17 SERMON XVIII ROM. VI. 17. But Clod be thanked that you were the fervants offin but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of Dottrine that was delivered you. IN the Gxteenth Verfe the Apof Ie had laid down a general Maxim, which he ap- plieth, fira to the matter in hand , in the fame Verfe;. now to the Perlons, to whom he wrote, the believing Roman,, in the Text, But God be thanked, &c. In the words there are three things : I. Their paft Eftate by Nature, or what they were before Converfion , Te were the fervants of fin. 2. Their prefent Eftate by Grace, But ye have obeyed from the heart that form offound Doarine, which was delivered to you. 3. The Praife of all is given to Gods Grace, But God be thanked. To open thefe, I mall begin with, t. Their paff Eftate, They had been fervants of fn, that is, lived long in a courfe of fin, yoh. 8. 34. Whofo committeth fin, is the fervent of fin , that is, whofoever doth vo- luntarily and ordinarily indulge fin, and goeth on in an open courfe of finning, he is a fervant or llave to fin ; for he doth not , yea cannot do that which Reafon and Confci- ence judgeth to be good, or the Word of God requireth from him ; but doth the contrary , that which the Word of God and Confcience difalloweth. This was fome- times their Elate and ours alto ; for we are all hewn out of the fame Quarry and Rock. Only let me tell you, that the fervitude of fin is either natural or acquired. Fidi, Natural or hereditary from our firlt Parents; fo we are all prone to evil, and averle from , and unable to that which is good : Gen. 8. 21. The imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth. The word which we tranflate Tooth, fignifieth alto Child- hood, and the Scripture elfewhere runneth up to the Womb, Pfal. 51. s. Behold, I was fhapen in iniquity, and in fin did my mother conceive me. We fee how early Children manifefl fin. Now the earlinefs, and commonnefs, and univerfality of there evil inclina- tions iheweth what Contagion hath invaded all Mankind. Secondly, Acquired, when Time and Cullom doth confirm thefe evil Habits in us: jer. 13.23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin , or the Leopard his (pots? then may ye alfo do good, who are accofiomed to do evil. We ufe to fay , Cuftom is as a fecond Nature. It is fo here, it is corrupt Nature confirmed, or inbred and native Corruption improved. Thus were they fervants of fin, and though all do not improve corrupt Nature to Inch an height and degree as others do ; yet all ferve fin, till Grace maketh a change. 2. Their prefent or converted Eftate, where take notice, i. Of their Rule, That form of Dolirine. 2. The Manner of applying it, Which was delivered unto you. 3. The Effea, Te have obeyed from the heart. t. The Rule, The form of Doctrine, that is, the whole Gofpel, or at !call fome Sum- mary of the Chriltian Doetrine concerning things to be believed and done, called The pattern of wholefom words, 2 Tim. t. 13. Or the Principles of the Doctrine ofChrifi, Heb. 6. I. 2. The manner of Application, Which was delivered unto yore, or mhereinto ye were delivered, Hs is aaye491Iae av,ror SUZIms. The Doarine of the Gofpel is the Pattern and Mould, according to which the new Creature is framed ; as Metal taketh its form from the Mould , into which it was call , there is a due impreffion left upon the Soul ; or as the Stamp and Seal leaveth a fuitable impref ioti on the Wax; but rather the former. 3. The