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1.20 SERMONS upon Serm. XVIII. I. I will prove, that it is fo with all Converts by that Promife of the new Covenant, Heb.8. lo. I will put my Lams into their minds , and write them in their hearts. The- thing written is the Law of Chrift or the newCovenant , or the fubftance of the Do- &rine of the Gofpel , not every leffer Opinion , or minute Circumflance of their Duty, but thofe Points which are effential to Chriffianity , fmaller matters depend upon a par- ticular gift. The Book is the mind and heart of the Believer , by the Mind is meant the Underflanding, by the Heart, the Will or rational Appetite ; in the one is the di- reetive'Counfel , in the other the imperial and commanding Power of the Soul ; the one is compared to the Ark , hi which the Law was put , I will put my Laws into their minds ; the other to the Tables of (tone, upon which the Law was written , God will convince their Underflandings of their Duty , and incline their Affe &ions to receive and obey it. The Writer [1] God challengeth it as his proper work , 2 Cor. 3. 3. Te are manifefily declared to be the Epi(ile ofChrifl, written not with ink, but with the spirit of the living God. By this Spirit the mind of manis inlightened , the heart is inclined ; but yet we mull do our Duty, both to underftand the Will of God, and fet our hearts upon it, and do the things required of us. To underftand, wemuft dig for knowledge, and cry for underfianding, Prov. 2. 3, 4. and for inclining our hearts, Pfal. 119. 112. 1 have inclined my heart to perform thy flatutos always , even unto the end : and for a&ual Obedience, we are folemnly confecrated to God in Baptifm, that we may take up that courfe of living that is prefcribed of God in the Gofpel.; and therefore it is Paid, t Pet. I. 54. Not fafhioning your felves according to the former lufls ofyour ignorance. We mutt not mould our felves to any form , but that of this Doetrine., calf all our a&ions into this mould. 2. I will (hew the fruits of it. They are either internal , within the man , or efïen- tial to"thls work , or refulting from it by immediate confequence. Such as an abhor- rence from fin, and a promptitude and readinefs to holy a &ions. 1. For the fir(t, where the Do&rine of the Gofpel iS imprinted on our hearts , it is an awing Principle which reftraineth us from fin, Pfd. 37.31. The Law of God it in his heart , none of his fieps fhallBide : he that knoweth and loveth what is commanded, knoweth and hateth what is forbidden ; therefore his heart giveth back , when any thing contrary is offered to him , t Joh. 3. 9. Whofoever is born of God doth not commit fin, for his feed remaineth in him , neither can he fin , becaufe he is born of God. Still fomething rifeth up by way of diflike , he looketh upon fin not only as contrary to his Duty , but his Nature , Gen. 39. 9. How can I do this wickednefs, and fin again fl God? The heart as thus conftituted , is not eafily brought to it. By this, Temptations are defeated, whether from Satan, or our own hearts ; from Satan, s 7oh. 2. 14. 1 have written unto you, young men, becaufe ye are flrong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. Or from our own hearts , Pfal. 119. 1 I. Thy word have 1 kid in my heart , that I might not fin againfl thee. Our hiding the word in our hearts is fubordinate to Gods writing it in our hearts : we mutt ufe the means, the Grace is from him. 2. A promptitude and readinefs to holy a &ions; for all holy and heavenly a &ions are fuited to them , and there is a Cognation between the Law within, and the Law without ; fo that they are carried after them with more love , delight and pleafure, Pfal. 40.8. Thy Law is within my heart, I delight to do thy will, 0 God. There is an in- clination and propenfity to do the Will of God , and to pleafe and ferve him , which maketh pur.obedience more eafe and even. 3. The Benefits of being (tamped and moulded into the form of this Do&rine. I. It is ready for our ufe, they have Principles laid up , to be laid out upon all occa- fions, either of trouble or temptation, or bufinefs and affairs, Prov. 6.21, 22. Bind them continually upon thine heart , tye them about' thy neck When thou goefl, it fhall lead thee ; when thou fleepefl, it fball keep thee ; and when thou awakefl , it (ball talk with thee. So that the Chri(lian is a Bible to himfelf, as the Heathens were faid to be a Law unto themfelves, there was fomething urging them to Duty, reltrainíng them from fin. 2. It preventeth vain thoughts ; what is the reafon evil is fo ready and prefent with us? becaufe Our hearts are not flocked with the knowledge of heavenly Truths. Vain thoughts cannot be prevented, unlefs the Word dwell richly in our hearts. If a man have many brafs Farthings , and but a few pieces of Silver, he will more readily draw out Farthings than pieces of Silver. But a Chrittian when alone, and deftitute of out- ward helps, Pfd.16. 7. His reins inflrntl him in the night feafan, when, he bath no bene- fit of the Bible, or other literal Inftru &ion. 3, It