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ST.1.7. the fxth Chapter to the ROMANS. I a 3 T7. t 4. Whofe portion is in this life, and mhofe belly thou fiulefl with thy hid treafure , they are full of children, and leave the reft of their frsbftance unto their babes. 3. Thefe are purchafed at a dear rate, Eph. I. 3. Bled be the God and Father of our Lord jefus Chrift, who bath bled us with all fpiritual blefft'ngs in heavenly places in Chrifl: others run in the chanel of common Providence. 4. Thefe have a nearer connexion with Heaven : a Cor. 3. 18. We all with Open face beholding, as in a glafs, the glory of the Lord, are changed into the fame image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of our God. 5. Thefe incline and fit the heart for Praife and Thankfulnefs to God : Eph. I. t2. That we fhould be to the praife of his glory who firs`] trufted in Chrifi. 6. Thefe are never given in anger, as outward Mercies may be: 3er. 17. 14. They that depart from me fhall be written in the earth. 7. There render us acceptable to God : Pfd. H. 7. The righteous Lord loveth righte- oufnefs, his countenance doth behold the upright. t Pet. 3.4. The ornament of a meek and quiet fpirit, which is in the fight of God of great price. 8. We need acknowledge thefe, that God may have the foie glory of them. There are certain Opinions which rob God of his Glory, as that of the Stoicks , Qirod vivamos, &c. That profperity is to be asked of God, but prudence belongeth to our felves. Thus men are taught to ufurp the glory of God , this Opinion is facrilegious , as if we fhould praife God for our felicities, and not for thofe things that belong to our Duty and Obe- dience. The other Opinion is among Chriftians, that teach you that Peter is no more beholden to God than Judas for his differencing Grace 5 but t Cor. 4. 7. Who maketh thee to differ from another ? and what hall thou that thou haft not received ? Non, if thou didtl receive it , why doff thou glory, as if thou didit not receive it ? Mat. a t. 25, 26. Í thank thee, 0 Father , Lord of heaven and earth that thou hail hid thefe things from the wife and prudent , and haft revealed them unto babes : Even fo , Father , for fit it feemed good in thy fight. 3. Among all fpiritual Mercies , we are to give thanks to God-for our. Converfion. It is the fruit of Ele &ion, 3er. 31. 3. The Lord hatb appeared of old unto me, faying, Tea have loved thee with an everlafling love, therefore with loving kindnefs have I drawn thee. It is not from our Merit, but wholly afcribed to Gods Mercy : 2 Tim. 1. g. Who bath faved us, and called ces with an holy calling , not according to our works , but according to his own purpofe and grace , which was given us in Chrift efus, before the world began. It cometh not from any power in us, or ability in our felves, but is the meer etted' of his Grace: we cannot break off the yoke of fin , Rom. 8. 2. The Law of the Spirit of life in Chrift Jefus hath made us free from the Law offin and death 5 nor can we fit our felves for fu- ture obedience, Eph. 2. to. We are his workman/hip, created in Chrift 7efur to good works, which God hath before ordained, that we fhould walk in them. Therefore afcribe all to the proper Author. 4. We mutt biers God not only for our own Converfion, but the Converfion of others. The Body of Chrift is the more compleated , t Cor. 12.14. The body is not one member , but many. The glory of God is concerned in it , Rom. I. 8. Firtl I thank ray God through :efur Chrifl for you all, that your faith is fpoken of throughout the whole world. Gal. 1. 23, 24. They had heard only, that he which perfecuted us in time p4ft, now preached the Faith that once he defiroyed, and they glorified God in me. They are Monfters of men that repine at the riches of Grace poured down on men by their own or others Miniftry, as if they could not endure any fhould be godly and ferious: Ads t 1.a3. Barnabas when he came and had fen the grace of God, was glad. Vfe. Is there a Change ? 1. Be in a capacity to biefs God for fpiritual Bleffings. Should a Leper give thanks for perfe& health ? A mad man that he is wifer than his Neighbour? Or a man ready to die thank God for his recovery ? A llave of fin fir his liberty by Chrift? This is to mock God. He may thank God for liedemption, for the new Covenant, for the offers and invitations of Grace , for means and time to repent g but for the great change , and for an actual intereft in Chrift we can never thank him till firft it be wrought in us, and gi- ven to us. 2. Live in admiration and acknowledgment of Grace. Let this indear God to your hearts, Eph. 1. 6. To the praife oft he glory of his grace, wherein he bath made us accepted in the beloved : and verf 1a. That we fhould be to the praife of his glory, who firfi trufled in Chr. 3. Make your Qualification more explicite, by being printed and marked with your QA 4 9 4 2 Ii eligiony