I24 SERMONS upon Serm. XIX. Religion, in Heart : 2 Cor. 3. 18. Tou are changed into the fame image from glory to glory: In Life, Phil. t. 27. Only let your converjation be as becomes the Gofpel. 4 Never return unto your old Bondage. The time of flavery is part , '2 Pet. 2. 20. If after they have efeaped the pollutions of the world, through the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour jefus Chrifl they are again intangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is werfe with them than the beginning. They that revert to their old Bondage, have no due fade of the mercy of their deliverance out of it. SERMON XIX. ROM. VI. IS, 19. Being then made free from fin ye became the fervants of righteoufnefs. I fpeall after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh : for as ye have yieldedyour members fervants to un- cleannefr, and to iniquity, unto iniquity ; evenfo nom yield your. members fervants to righteoufnef unto holinef . H ESE words are an Inference and Conclufion from the foregoing IM course, Ihewing, That as they had changed Matters, they Ihould change their course of life. In them obferve two things: Firfi, The (late of the believing Romans both pact and prefent. 1. Pali, that is implied,they were once under the bondage and flavery of fin. 2.:Pteferat , they were freed from that Bondage, and become the fervants of Righte_ oufnefs 5 where obferve two things: 1. The freedom from their former Servitude, Ereu &epro r1rs, this word is ufed of them that are emancipated,or brought out of Bondage into Liberty. Sin was a cruel and hard Molter. 2. Their entrance into a new Elate of Obedience in the word Idsoici.9 rt, ye became the fervants, or Cubjefted your felves, you have given up your felves to a more inge- nious fea'vice. Secondly, The Exhortation hence deduced. Where observe two things, t. The Preface to fweeten it. 2. The Matter of it. 1. The Preface to fweeten it, I fpeak after the manner ofmen, becaufe of the infirmity of your fief& Some think the Apoftle excufeth the earthly fimilitude, whereby he had re- presented thefe matters, as if he were forced to use these Notions of Mager and Servants, becaufe of the weakneh of their Underttandings, which could not brook a more fublime and spiritual way of difcourfing. Rather I think it is meant of the Equity of the Propo- sal, which is set forth by two expreffions. 1. The Humanity of it. 2. The due Consideration taken of the weaknefs of their Beth , The fpirit is wil- ling, but sheffcfh is weak, Mat. 26.41. that is, your will indeed is good; but you mutt remember it may be hindted by your natural frailty : So here , the weakness of the flesh is mentioned to intimate their difability wholly and fully to do the Will of God , that is, allow for infirmities; andeivlpaíonvar Aivo , I fpeak moderately , humanely, and by way of eondetcenfon, I propound that which is common, and judged reafonable among men: