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Verf. 18, I 9 the fixth Chapter to the ROMAN s. 12 5 men : that is faid to be common to men, that cloth not exceed the ftrength of risen, s Cor. to. 13. There heath no temptation taken you, but fuch as is 46.poinnr& humane, or common to men. 2 Sam. 7. 14. I will chaflenhim with the rod of men, and with the !¢riper of the children of men, that is, not in rigor, but with a gentle and fatherly hand. 2. The matter is delivered by comparifon of what is now due, with what was for- merly done by them, when they were under the flavery of fin. I. What they had done , They yielded their members to uncleannefr, and to iniquity unto iniquity. Mark here, two fins are mentioned, Vncleannefs and Iniquity. By Zyn- eleannefo Come underftand carnal fins; by Iniquity fpiritual wickedoefs. Others by Vet- cleannefr underftand thofe fins, whereby the pleafure of the carnal inclination is grati- fied ; by Iniquity the violence of the Pafíions. But the words are taken in a larger fenfe, all fin is Vncleannef, as defiling the Soul ; all fin is Iniquity, as dilàgreeing with the Equity of Gods Law ; but divers words are heaped up , to (hew , (t.) That they (tuck at no fin , and whereas it is faid , They yielded up themfelves to uncleannefr, and to iniquity unto iniquity, it teacheth us, That feldom doth fin ftand alone , one doth as it were impel and bind us to another, venture a little and you have a rye upon you to go further. (2.) That they retied not in the inward confent or luft, but added iniquity unto iniquity , that is, from the habitual inclination they proceeded to anual fin. 2. What they ( hould now do, they thould yield up their members fervantr to righteonf Neff unto bolinefo, that is, imploy their time and ftrength to ferve and please God, and continually to grow in Grace. Donrine. Tbofe that are recovered from Sin to God, Amid thew the reality of their Change, by being as earnef in Ilolinefi, ar before they were in finning. In all reafon this may be required of y ou, and lets we cannot require. Let me fo open the Point, that you may take along with you the fenfe of the words of the Text. I. That there is a great Change wrought in all them that are brought home to God, is evident by the whole Scripture, which fers them forth, as thofe that have been called out of darknef into light, r Pet. 2. 9. Who have paledfrom death to life, Job. 3.24. Tranfiated from the power of Satan into the kingdom ofChrifl, Col. I. 13. and many other fuch expreflions. And therefore every one that would judge of his own Eftate, mutt look after this change of (late, and wherein he differeth from himfelf unconverted, when unconverted, not only from others, but from himfelf when and how the cafe is altered with him, fnce he was acquainted with God in Chrift. 2. The difference between the two Eftatesis chiefly teen in the change of Matters, or the dominating Principle in the Soul; what govemeth the man ? for that determines our Eftate. There are tome who are under the reign of fin, even thole who are conten- tions, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteoufnefi, Rom. 2, 9. But there are others who are under the Empire and Soveraignty of Grace , who are fitted and framed for what is right, good, and holy, and hate the contrary, Eph. 4. 24. And that ye put on the new man , which after God is created in righteoufnefr and true holinefs : the Conftitution of their Souls is for Holinefs and againft fin. Therefore we mutt tee what governeth us. 3. The two Matters are Sin and Righteoufnefs, as verf. s 8. Being then made free from fn, ye became the fervantr of righteovfnefi. Righteoufnefs is the oppofite Matter to fin, before fin was their Matter, now Righteoufnefs governs them; he doth not fay, Being now made free from fin ye became the Servants of God, but Servants of Righteoufnefs. All will pretend they are Servants of God; but if you be fo , you will be Servants of Righteoufnefs, that is, do thofe things which Right and Reafoti calleth for at your hands, Therefore if you be Servants of God, you will not oeglen his Precepts: What do you for him ? 4. The difference between the two Services is very great : the Service of Sin is a Ca- ptivity and Bondage , but the Service of Righteoufnefs is true Liberty. In the general they agree, That both are Service; committing fin or living in fin, is a fervitude, Yoh. 8.34 Whofoever committeth fn, is the fervant of fn; and living to Righteoufnefs is a fervice alto, not a flavery, but a voluntary fervice, as we oblige our felves to God , to live righteoufly, everafter the time we enter into his Peace and Obedience. Therefore both are exprefied in the Text by terms that imply raving ; our Emancipation from fin implieth a flavery before, and our giving up our felves to God an Obedience for the dine