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13 SERMONS upon Serm. XX. Reafons. I. It is not an indifferent thing , whether ye be eminent in Obedience, yea or no. God maketh a great matter of it, as appeareth by his ftri& injun &ions , Pfal. 119.4. Thou hail commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently ; By his ample Prorttífes, Dent. I I.. 26, 27, 28, 29. Behold, I fit before you this day a bleifing and a turf ; a bleng if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day : By his Pu- nifhment of the Difobedient, 2 Theff. 1. 8, 9. To take vengeance on them that know not God , and obey not the Gofpel of our Lard Jeffs. Chrifl , who ¡hall be punifhed with everlafl- ing deflrutlion from the prefence of the Lord, and from the glory of bio power : By the Ex- ample of Chrift, Heb. 5. 8, 9. I hough he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he fuffered. And being made perfell, he became the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him. You have gained a great point, when you are perfwaded of this. 2. That the Government of God is not for the Rulers benefit, but the Subje &s wel- fare. It is as the Phyficians Prefcriptions, the Pilots Steerage to dire& us to our Hap - pinefs, the Parents Education, Dent. 5. 29. 0 that there were flab an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever. 3. That after Grace received , there is fill the weaknefs of our flefh. The Mind in part is blind and ignorant , in the corrupt Will there is a back biais , Pallions are turbu- lent, Temptations of Senfe and Appetite are incefiant and powerful; therefore watch- fulnefs and caution are not unneceffary, the Heart is very treacherous. 4. The Honour of Grace is much concerned in our a&ivity and zeal : for the new Creature is formed for fomewhat, Eph. 2. I O. We are the workmanfhip of God, created in Chr J Jefes unto good works, which God hath before ordained, that we fhouldwalk in them. SERMON XX: ROM. VI. 2o. For when ye were the fervants of fin, ye were free from rigb- teoufnef . N this Verle the Apoftle rendreth a Reafon, why they fhould add to Righteouf- nefs Hvlinefs, as they had before added Iniquity unto Iniquity , becaufe Righte- oufnefs had no whit of their fervice then; therefore fin thould not have any jot of their fervice now they had devoted themfelves to God. He layeth before them the wretchednefs of their carnal Ettate in two Notions. r. They were Slaves to Sin. 2. Strangers to Righteoufnefs. This latter he expreffethby this Phrafe, Free from righteoufnef. a. What it fignifieth. 2. Why ufed here. r. What it fignifieth. A man may be faid to be free from Righteoufnefs two ways: Firft, De Jure, fo so man is or can be free from Righteoufnefs 5 for every Creature is under a Law , and an Obligation of Duty to God. Saul proclaimed , That whofo- evet would encounter Goliah, his -houfe fhould be free in Ifrael, I Sam. 15.25. meaning not a total exemption from Obedience, but have certain Regalities bellowed on his Fa- mily ; a Subje& remaining a Subjeíf, cannot be altogether freed from Duty to his Prince. Now Man being Gods Creature, is alto his Subje &, and therefore of Right be neither is, nor can be free from Righteoufnefs. Secondly,