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Ver. i I, I 2. xxvtb Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 67 preventing Grace. Sinners in an unconverted Elate, are fuch of whom God ta- keth Co notice and knowledge, fo as to be familiar with them, and to commu- nicate his fpecial and laving bleffings to them. Thirdly, 'Tis put for his Rewarding Grace; and fo he is laid to know, Or net to know. To know his People, r Cor. S. 3. If any man love God, the fame is known of him. Thole that choofe God for their portion, and cleave to him, and fèrve him faithfúlly, Chrift will own them or confefs them before his Father in Heaven, Luk. 12. 8. but others he will not own. See Mat. 7. 21. And then will Ì profefs unto them, I never knew you : He will not own them in judgment that will not own and obey him now. So Luk.,13. 25. a6. 27. When once the mailer of the knife is rifen up, and loath find the door ; and ye begin to /land without, and knock at the door, flying, Lord, Lord, open to us ; and he (hall anfwer and fay unto you, I know you not, whence you are : Then /hall ye begin to fay, we hive eaten and drunk in thy pretence, and thou hall taught in our fireets. But he /hall fay, 1 tell ye, I know you not: Here is no entertainment for fuch .as you, who have by your Cloth, negligence and improvidence forfeited the advantages offered you I never approved you for my Difciples and Servants. Ma "N.w 1ñsy4vns.r1N &c. faith Chrfofiome ; Thefe words are more cutting and grievous than Hell it felf, I know you not. Well, there three forts of knowing muff be diftingui(hed. The brit is this : That Chrifi bath a particular and exaci knowledge of all the Elec7 i and who they are that Ihall be faved ; wherein he will not be difappointed, doh. 13. is. I know whom I ho#e chafen. The fecond is the ground of our prefent comfort and fupport : He bath a fpeciaó of ttion to them, taketh fpecial notice and care of them, and will bring them tó know, love, and acknowledge him, as he doth alfo them : He beareth a fuitable Im- prefilon thereto. ` The third is matter of our hope, and will be our honour at the Taft day, that Chriff will come to us, and own us, and reward us for all that we have done or fuffered for him here. When others have the. entertainment of Strangers, and are rejeffed as no true Believers and Profeffors of the Gofpel, then (hall we be owned and admitted into Heaven by him. Here is a large Field of Matter. I (hall tingle out thole things that are molt obvious, and worthy of our remark and Obfervation. Firft, That they came afterwards ; I [hall take occafion to Phew the NeceIly of haflening our Preparation for the day of our Accounts. Secondly, From their pa /ovate defire to have the door opened to them; here is a ftrong iñfnuation, and vehement defire, Lord, Lord! that even in Reprobates and Catty aways there may be a defire of entring into the joyes of everlafting Life. Thirdly, From Chr /s Reply, I (hall Phew you the dreadfid Mefery, and direful effe& of being difowned by Chrift at his Coming. For the Fir/[, Since the Foolifh Virgins came too late, We fhould all take care to begin with God betimes the boner the better. r. Betaule you make a neceffary work fore, an put it out of doubt and hazard. The time of life is the time of Grace, Luk. 2. 14. s Cor. 6. s. Now the time of life is uncertain, yam. 4. 14. Whereas ye. know not what /ball be on the morrow. For what to your life ? it is but a vapour that appeareth for é little time, and then vanifli eth away. And a work of neceffity fhould not be left on peradventures : Therefore we ought to befit our felves without delay or foreflowing. We know not how loon opportunity will be over. It cannot be done too loon, it may be done too late : and therefore 'tis good to be on the fureft fide. Ludoviens Capellos telleth us, out of Rabbi Jonah's Book of the Myfiery of Repentance, that when a Dilciple came to his Teacher to know what was the fitteft time to repent in,. he anfwered, One day before his death, meaning prefently ; for we have not affurance of another day : Prov. 27. 1. Thou knowefi not what to morrow may bring forth. Our greateft works and of molt abfolute neceffity fhould be done firif, and have the quicke[t difpatch, left it be too lare before we go about them. Oh wo to us if God fhould call us off before we have minded coming to him, and walking with him. 2. In point of Obedience; God preffeth to Now. God doth not only command. us to pleafe him, but to do it prefently, Heb. 3. 7.8. Now, while it is called to day, her- d.rn not your hearts. Pompilius the Roman Ambaffador, when he made delayes and excufes, the Emperour drew a Circle on theground, laying, Intra hunt, Anfwer me K a be-