VerC 2 2. the fixtb Chapter to the R ó lut A N S. 1447 no more. It is raid, Prov. ió. 22. The Welling of the Lord maketh rich , and he addeth no furrow with it. There is a common Bleffingwhich is vouchfafed to the carnal , and there is a special Bleffing which is vouchfafed to the holy ; wicked men do not acquire Wealth without Gods common Bleffing; the Wealth it felf; and the comfortable ufe of it, they have it from him: elfewhere it is called Food and Gladnefs. But there words are much more true of the fpiritual Bleffing, when an Eftate is fanftified, then we have not only the natural comfort of the Creature , but a fpiritual ufe of it , a comfortable fupply of outward things , and a peaceable Cónfcience , which is more than natural re- frefhing. Alas ! unless we be upon good terms with God , all our rejoycings are but as Roan waters, and bread eaten in fecret. I. As they ufe them for his Glory , when they take mote occafions to do good, that is the fweeteft ufe of the Creature, when we ufe them with Thankfulnefs, Charity and Purity. With Thankfulnefs to God, t Tim. 4.4. Every creature of God is good, and no- thing to be refxfed, if it be received with thanksgiving, that is, with a due acknowledg- ment of God , whole invisible hand reacheth out there (applies to us. We mutt ufe them as a glass , wherein to fee our Creators goodness and glory; and finely this reli- gious ufe of the Creature is more tweet than the natural ufe. With Charity , with re -. (pea to our Neighbours , miniftring to others that want neceffaries, Nehem. 8. so. Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the Tweet, and fend portions unto them for whom nothing if prepared. Man is not Lord of thefe things , but a Steward ; for we have not the Right of a Lord, but the Right of a Servant, and maß give an account, Luke i 6.2. we do not receive there things to fatisfie our fleshly mind , but to do good with them, and the pleafure is not in the poffeffion, but the ufe, Luke 16. 9. Make to your felveo friends of the Mammon of nnrigbteoufnefs , that when ye fail, they may receive you into everlafling habitations. It is more Godlike, Aix( 20. 35. It h more bleffid to give than to receive. Sobriety refpeíts our (elves , our Lord hath given us a caution , Luke 2 I.34. Take heed to your feines, left at any time your hearts be overcharged with farfeitin,O and drunkennefs, and cares of this life. Now Temperance is much tweeter than Excels, as being more healthy and refre(hing to Nature, whereas Excels oppreffeth it. Upon the whole the holy mans comforts are fweeter than other mens , he hath them from God reconciled, and ufeth them for his glory. And thus I have proved to you , that to have our fruit unto Holiness, is the greatelt pleafure : the very doing it is pleafant, and God owneth them, pardoning their fins, and alluring them of his Love, and Conscience fpeaketh peace to them, fo that they have no inward trouble to damp their joy , and their end is Eternal Life : for the prefent they have force accefs to God, their work is more eafie, and their comforts are more fween 2. Let me now (peak of the Honour that doth accompany ah holy Life. It will never be matter of (hame to us, as fin is to all that pra&ife it fielt or Taft. 1. Becaufe Holiness is the very Image of God upon the Soul, or that work by which he Pets forth his Praife to the World. If Golbe excellent, it can be no difgrace or dis- honour to us to be like God , and nothing on this fide Heaven fo like him as an holy Soul. This was the bleffed Perfection in which we were created at firft, Gen. 1.26. AndGod Paid , Let as make man in our image , after our likenefi : and when it was loft, for this end were we redeemed by Chrift , who came to let upGods Image in our Na tore, yoh. 1. 14. And the Word was made fiefh, and dwelt among ase, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, fall of grace and truth. That we may be renewed by the Spirit, 2 Cor. 3. i 8. We all with open face beholding as in a glaff the glory of the Lord, are changed into the fame image fromglary.toglory, even as by the Spirit of our God. Ic is an Image not made by Painter or Carver, but the Holy Ghoft. Now certainly that which was our primitive glory and excellency, and is renewed and repair= ed with fo much ado, will never be matter of shame to us: 2. They which have their fruit unto Holinefs , have the beft temper and conftitution of Soul of any men in the World ; they have a new andDivine Nature which inclineth them to the nobleft Objefts and Ends, 2 Pet. 1.4. nothing below God can fatisfie them: their Ends are the glorifying of God, and the eternal Enjoyment of him, 2 Cor. 4. 18. While we look not at the things which are fen , but at the things which are not teen; for the things which are feen , are temporal ; but the things which are not feen , are eternal. Alas! what a poor droffie Soul is an unfan tified Soul, they that drive no higher a Trade than providing for the Flesh , or accommodating a Life which shortly muft expire. When thefe are Peeking after the World, and scrambling for the Honours and Delights thereof, they are Peeking after Heaven ; and adorning the Soul , while they are pampering T t t t t a Fletshhe,