Verf. 2 2. the fixth Chapter to the ROMAN s. 149 6. That is honourable and glorious , which will everlaflingly be fo. But we cannot fay fo of the things of the world , All flefh is graft, and the glory of titan k as the flower of the field, t Pet. 1. 24. The belt eftate of men, confidered with all their ornaments, wherein they ufe to glory, is frail and perifhing, Riches, Wifdom, Strength and Beauty are loon blafted : but they that are holy are lovely for ever, amiable and acceptable to God for ever, t Yoh. 2. 17. The world path away and the lulls thereof, but he that doth the will of God abideth for ever : he abideth when other things fade. Vfe i. To exhort yon to undertake the Service of God , that you may have your fruit to Holinefs, and the end everlafting Life. r. To ferve God is our true Liberty , his Servants live the nobleft and freefk lives in the world : Servire Deo regnare eft, you never reign or command till you learn to ferve God. His Right is unqueftionable, Alas 27.23. There flood by me this night an Angel of God, whofe lam, and whom I ferve. It would help you much, often to confider, whole you are, and whom you ought to ferve : if you were your own, you might live to your fel ves ; but fine you are Gods, you muff live to him and ferve him. t. His Service will be your Pleafure 5 for then you are in your due pofture , when you have a power over inferiour things, and are fubjeo to God , ufing all things for his glory , 1 Cor. 6. 12. All things are lawful for me , but I will not be brought under the power of any : and verf 19, 20. Know yon not , that your body it the temple of the Holy Gbofi which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not yoar own is For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorifie God in your body and in your fpirit,whicb are Gods. You are out of joynt, not in your proper pofture, till it be fo ; and 2. It will be alto your Honour ; for all his Servants are alto his Children, and Heirs of eternal Life, Tit. 3. 7. That being juflified by his grace , we fhoufd be made heirs accord- ing to the hope of eternal life. 3. The Benefit of this Service will be exceeding great , the world often inquireth, What profit fhall we have , if we f rve him ? Job 2 I. 15. Te hove faid , It is in vain to fern God , and what,profrt is it, that we have kept his ordinance? Mal. 3. 14. The whole reward of ferving God is not altogether laid up for the world to come, God giveth a reward before he giveth the full reward. Obedience is a reward to it felt, for Holinef is the health of the Soul, and if we grow more in Grace and Godlinefs, we have enough ; the Apoftle faith, Tou have your fruit to holineft.. Befides, we have many fpi- ritual and temporal Bleflìngs, t Tim. 4.8. Godlinefs is profitable unto all thing:, having promife of the life that now is, and of that which is to come : and, 1 Tim. 6.6. Godlinefs with contentment is great gain. Once more , though the great Blefedrefs of the Saints be in the Life to come, yet here we have the forefight and foretafle, there our full Portion. Now that you may do fo, I preis you, t. To give over the fervice of fin. None can be true Servants of God, till there be a change both of the Heart and of the courle of the Life, till the power of fin be bro- ken we (hall neither be fit, nor willing to ferve God. Therefore wemuff fisti be freed from fin by an hearty renunciation of this (lavery and bondage, wherein God will help the Brining Soul. 2. 1 would preis you to an high efteem of God, and Holinefi, and everlafting Life. Firft, Of God ; for till we have high thoughts of God, as an AIlfuf icient God, who is able to proteo, and do all things needful for them that ferve him, we (hall not inure ly truft our (elves in his hands, Gen. 17. I. I am the Almighty God, math before me, and be thou perfel?. The incredulous world looketh on Gods glorious Titles as fo many fine words. Secondly, Of Holinefs , Purity of Heart and Life , a recompence worthy of your la- bours, how dearly loever gotten , Heb. 12. 10. They verily for a few days chaflened us af- ter their own pleat re, but be for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holinefs. Thirdly, Of eternal Life, they are true Servants of God, who make it their work and bufinefs to ferve and pleafe God, and their fcope to obtain eternal Life: Phi/. 3. r4. .1 preii towards the markfor the prize of the high calling of God in Chrß plus : and verf 2p. Our canverfation is in heaven , whence alfñ we look for the Saviour , the Lord Jefas Chrifl. This is their Happinefs. S ER-