VerC 2 3. the fzxth Chapter to the Rom A N s. 159 punifhed with everlafling deflrution from the prefence of the Lord, and from the glory, ofhit power. Rom. 9. 22. What if God willing to flrew his wrath, and to make his power known: We cannot conceive what God is able to do in punithing Sinners, but the event de- clares it. Vice r. information. r. That Believers need to confider the Fruit of Sin, that thereby they may be moved to fears of ßód, and more careful avoiding of fin. They are not to think alit in a (la- vith tormenting way , as if God defired the Creatures rnifery 5 no, they are warned of it, that they may efcape it : though Love muff be the chief Spring and Principle of our Obedience, yet Fear hath its ufe ; the Threatnings declare the Holinefs of God, as well as his Promifes 5 and we need to know his hatred to Sin , as well as his love to Righte- oufnefs, to breed an awe in us. 2. It theweth the folly of them that betwitch themfelves into a groundlefs hope of impunity in their finful courfes : Deut. 29.19. And it come to pap, when he heareth the words of ibis Curie, that be blefhimfelf in his heart, fäying, I fhall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of my heart , to add drunkennefi to thirfi. They take from God the honour of his Holinefs, Juttice and Truth ; Gods glory is advanced in the World by As of juffice as well as Ads of Mercy : and betides they open a gap to all impiety. 3. That all fins are in their own nature mortal ; for the wages offin is death. in corn - parifon fome fins are greater than others, and fo more deferving punithment ; but limply and confidered by themfelves, all are mortal, if not in the iffue and event, yet in their own nature. God pardoneth the Penitent, their fins are not deadly in the event, but they deferve damnation in their own nature. There are fins of infirmity, and wilful fins; but nothing Ibould be light and fmall to us, that is committed againit the great God. Some are lighter , force are heavier, but all are in their nature damnable, they are a breach of the Law of the eternal God. Though the Gofpel reacheth out mercy to penitents, offering to them pardon of fins, and eternal Life , yet all deferve damnation,, and were it not for Chrift and the new Covenant , we thould not be a moment óut of Hell. VP a. Dire pion: I. To the Impenitent , that yet go on in their fins. Ò repent of it fpeedily , and calf out fin as we do fire out of our bofoms , and fleep not in the bonds of iniquity, Tour damnation fleepeth not, r Pet. 2. 3. You are invited earneffly, Ezek r8. 3%. Why will ye dye , 0 houfe of Ifrael? O then pafs from death to life ; if you refulè this Call, you do in effect love death, Prov. 8. 36. He that finneth againfi me, wrongeth his own foil: all they that bate me, love death. By refufing Chrifl and nourifhing fin, you nou- rtth a Serpent in your bofoms , and embrace the flames of Hell -fire 3 therefore betimes Peek a Pardon. 2. To the penitent Believers; three things I have to preis upon them, Firs` I, Confider what caufe we have to admire and magnifie the riches of Gods Mer- cy in our Redemption by Chritt, by whom fin is taken away, and the conlèquent of it eternal death, and who alfo hath taken the punilhment'of it upon himfelf: I f a . 5 3.4 5. Surely he hath born our griefs, and carried our f rrows , yet we did efteem hint fifricken, fmitten of God and afflilted. But he was wounded for our tranfgreffions, he was bruited for our fins, the chaflifement of our peace was upon him, and by his firipes are we healed. Secondly, Never return to this flavery again, for you fee what a dangerous thing fin is; when you indulge fin , you lay hold on death it (elf , therefore fly front it as from the gates of Hell, and from all means, infruments, occafions and opportunities that lead to it; and when Satan iheweth you the bait, remember the hook, and counterbalance the pleafures of fin, to which we are vehemently addifted , with eternal pains, which are the fruit of it. Now (hall we run fo great an hazard for poor, vain and momen- tany delights ? It is Tweet to a carnal heart to pleafe the fleth, but it will colt dear. Now fha/l we fell the birthright for one morfl of meat ? Heb. r 2. i 5. and hazard the lots of the Love of God for trifles? Thirdly, Take heed of (mall fins, they are breaches of the eternal Law of God. They that do not make great account of (mall fins, will make but (mall account of the great. eft for he that is not faithful in a little , will be unfaithful in much. There are many forcible Arguments to deter us from (mall fins : partly , becaufe it is more difficult to avoid them, they do not come with loch frightning awakeningaffaults, as the greater do: partly, becaufe being neglefted, they tainfthe heart infenfiblyj and then look not after their cure : partly, becaufe they do prepare anddifpole to greater offences, as the tittle