Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. L. LAw, the ufe of it 4 How Believers are under the Law 107 Law written in the heart, what it is 120 The fruits and benefits of it ibid. Libo ty, the kinds of it 131 The Liberty we have by Grace 107 Service of God the greateft Liberty io8 Liberty finful, what 107 Wicked men afftfi a Liberty to fin 3 Liberty to fin, no Liberty io7 Chrifi never came to eftablifh it ibid. They that labour for carnal Liberty are the for. vents of fin 1;1 The true notion of Liberty 107 Life of Chrift after his Refurreftion how to be improved 53 Life eternal, that there is facts a thing, proved 153 What it is 150 Compared with Life natural ibid. Compared with the Life of Grace 1 S t Connexion between it and the Life of Grace 45 Thofe lb d have their fruit to Molinefs are capaci- tated for it 153 The g ft of God. Vide Gift 16o Purchafed by Chr fl ibid. Chr fs Rebored-lion the Golfe and pattern of it 52 The happinefs of it 151 No fear of loving it 152 Why it is our final reward. ibid. Life fpiritual, the excellency of this Life 59 The Refurrellion of Chrift, the caufe, pattern and pledge of it 17, 18, 51 The connexion between Life fpiritual and eternal Vide Newnefs of Life. 45 Living to God. Vide Dying to fin , and living to God. Living in fin, a fafe inference deduced from the Deflrine of Free Grace z Vide Free Grace. That it is an unjufi inference 4 An abfurd inference 5 A blaffihemour inference 6 The corrupt heart of man apt to draw loch an in- ference z The Devil bath a great hand in lach an inference 4 Likenefs, where there is a Likenefs toGhr fir Death, there will be a Likenefs to bis Refarreflion 26 Lord's Supper, what oar work, is at it 154 How we rawforth Chris 'Death in it 10 The influence of iron mortification 92 Love of God -, thole that ferve God Pall be allured of his Love 144 Love to God makes us tender of offending him 97 Luftslrodily, why we fhould take heed they do not reign in ve. 66 M. Mercies fpiritual. We are chiefly to thank God for fpiritual Mercies, and why rzz Above all fpiritual Mercies for the converfion of our felves and others rz; Middle Rate, there is no middle fiate, but all either goodor bad r 1 z Objefiians anfwered ibid. Mortal Body , why the Apo/lie ufeth this exprefon of fin reigning in our mortal Body 62 Vide Body. Mortification of fin, what it is 55 Habitual and affaal, what 27 Knowledge a help to mortifie fin 31 We mull be dead to carnal plc fures, if we would mortifie fin gz The influence the Lords Supper bath upon Mortifi- cation z The neceffity of the Spirit's cencarrence to Morti.. fication 90 The incouragement we have from the Spirit's con- currence 91 The Graces of the Spirit cannot thrive in an un- mortified Soul Till Sin be mortified, all the good we do is boa as covering of Sin ibid. N. NEw Covenant, the defign of God in faring it The tenor and conlitution of it ib Q Sealed in Baptifm uS New Nature oppofstero Sin 88 Tee Rill Sin to be watched againi2 ibid. Newnefs of Life, what it is 15 The properties of it 16 Chri/i the Cattle and Pattern of the New Life 53 How Baptifm obligethas to welkin Newnefs of Life 17 Motives to walk in Newnefs of Life. 21 o. OBedience, the neceJJity of it 11y The fruir of it 1,6 Motives to make it more clear and explicite 129 It is the fruir of the word implanted in our bears 121 TQfolotions of Obedience, how to continue them 115 Our being Servants of God appears not by bare canfenr, but by Obedience 114 Obedience from the heart, what it fsgnifies 118 Why roe fhould be obedient from our hearts 122 Obey, bodily hilts may be obeyed two ways 64. Occafions of Sin to be avoided loo Old man, why Sin caged the Old man 28 The Old man is to be crucified 29 Why the Old man is to be crucified 29 Vide Crucifixion. Ordinances encourage ui to firive againfi Sin 92 Own, how God owner bra Servants 144 MAfter, the great baf/nefs that belongs to our duty is choice of Matters Whom we ought to chafe for our Matter 115 Vide Choice. God and Sin different Mailers S7, 68,,1 iz All men. have God or Sin their Mailer 1 t z No man can ferve both ibid. God it greet and good a Mailer r 32 P. PArdon, Gods freenefi to pardon, no allowance to 1j n 106 Belongs only to the Penitent ibid. God will pardon the fins of thofe that ferve him Pdtfeverance, the Doftrine of Perfeverance no en coura ement