Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

The TABLE. co oragement to fin t o8 Means to perfevere ibid. Pleafure of Gods ways 126 Of a life lent in Gods fervice proved 143, 144 The Pleafure of fin will not countervail the pain 137 We are to be dead to carnal Pleafures, if we would mortifie Sin 3z Power againft fin, the more obedient we are to the fanelifying Spirit, the more Power againft fin 37 Praying againft fin, the reafon why it prevails not with many 94 Predominancy of one Sin over another , and of Sin over Grace 8o Prefumptuous fins, the mifehief of them to 1 Prevent, -how te prevent gels of Sin 138 Profefror, the vifible Profefror to look after freedom from Sin. 40 Profit ofGods fervice ,z6 Profit of fin will not countervail our lof by it 1.37 Pcomifes of the Gofjel encourage no to flrive againR Sin 91 Providences of God are helps and occafions for fob- doing Sin 93 Punifliment of fin, of (of , and of fenfe, in this world, andin another 36 Purpofes againft fn, the.reafons why they prevail not in many 94 R: REckoning our felves dead to Sin, and alive to God, what it implies. 58 Regeneration, the parts of it - 15 Reign of fin, when Son it find to reign 6 3, 64, 76 Why Sin is faid to reign in the Body rather than theSout 6, The Reign of fin may be prevented in our frail mortal fate 63 Why Chriftians fhould take heed that fin reign not in them 65,81 The m,fchi f of reigning fin 83 e---I Note of a carnal heart 84 Vocomely in thefe that profeff themfelves Chrifl's 85 Deflroys our hopes of Glory 86 The attual Reign of fin makes way for the ',obi. teal 101 Relapfes into fin, which confiflent with true Re. pentane 52 Religion Chriltian , the Verity of it dotnonf¢rated from Chri fls ReftorreEhon 50 Repentance, what n implied in it 5 Profeffed in Baptifm 6 Refilling fin,- Objetfions againfl it anfwered 93 What kind of Refiftance h required 96 How we are to refill fin 103 How you may know that you do not refill fin 96 Vide Striving againft Sin. Refolved, we fhonld be refolved againft Sin 134 Refurreftion demonflrated by the Refurreftion of Chrifl S' Refurreftion of Chrift, a pattern and pledge of the new Birth 17, 18 The caafe andpattern of our life /firitnaland eter- nal 51, 52 How we are conformed to the likenefs of it 21 The Analaoie between Chrilts Refurreftion and his lofe' after it, and our riling to the life. of Grace and of Glory 49, 51 The confederation of it promote; the fpiritstal life 5o It detnonflrates the Truth of theChr /ion Religion ibid. It demonfirates our Refurreftion 5 r Shows the falneß of Chrrfls Satisfatlion ibid. The advantages we have by n 5ó Refurreftion fpiritual defcribed z8 Reward, why few Laws propound a Reward 15 z Of Sin and Righteoufnefs, wherein they agree 155 Wherein they differ ibid. The rrafon of this difference 156 Why life eternal is our final Reward 152 Right ofGodteto 7r,85 Right by Covenant to temporad blefnps,ie fweeter than a bare providential Right 146 Righteoufnefs, various acceptations of the ward 68, I11 Acraments , our .Vnion and Communion with Chri fl fgnified by the Sacraments 10 They arefolemn meant of our Communioptb the Death of Chr, lid Both Sacraments-ebiefy .relate to Chr1s Death, and why ". , so,-r r Sacrament of Baptijtn. Vide Baptifm. Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Vide Lords Supper. Satisfaftion of Chrift, the Rfurrettion of Clorifl frays the fulnefs of his Satisfuition 5o Sentes, much fin let in by the Senfes 73 Servants by content, and by congaeff explained 110 Servants of fin. Vide ferving fin. Servants of fin carry it as if they were free from Righteoufnefs 131 Servants of God are fo by open profeffion s r4 We appear to be fo, not by bare content but obe- dience ibid. r.SWotiveo to it 149 Diretlions to undertake the Service of God ibid. Vide Service of Righteoufnefs. Servants of God, and Servants of Sin receive wages finable to their work a 14 Service of Righteoufnefs, why fo called 142 Service of and Service of Sin oppofed 127 The difference between theft two Services 125: None can be the Servant of Righteoufnefs but he that is freed from the Service of fin 127 The excellency of the Service of Righteoufnefs 126 A Servant of Righteoufnefs (bon/de/0 at much, yea more for Righteoufnefs, thanformerly he did for fin, and why 127 Vide Activity. The pleafure, profit, and honour of Gods Service 126,143,144 The amiablenefs of a life fient in Gods Service 143 Serving fin, what it is to ferve fin 31 Servitude of fin natural and acquired 117 Men voluntarily enter into this Service r 13 Before Regeneration we were all Servants of fin 30,113,114,117 Tea naturally we were under a fatal neceffty of ferving Stn 114 It is neceffary and Weld to Gods people to re, 7eú on this, that once they wore Servants of fin 118 Our former Servitude to fin fhould flic up in us thanlfulnefs to our Redeemer 118 And quicken us to more diligence for the future 119 Why