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Places of Scripture explained in the Sermons on 7omans 6. Page Gbeep 3. 3. 96 Exodue 4.19. 77 Levit. 7. 15, 16, 17. 10 13. 23. 84 45. 46. 84,85 14. 5,6,7,8 34,35 Jofooa 24. 15. III 1 Sam. 15. 25. 130 z Sam. 7. 14. 125 1ICings 18. 21. 111 Job 34, 27. 32 'P.M/7n 68. zr. 106 97. 10. 88 Proverb. 8. 18. I I I e 13. 13. 134 26. 9. 2 Eeclef. 5. 16. 137 Ifaiah 48. 18. I I I Jerem, 9. 25, 26. 19 Hofes 4. 4. 3 9 8. 7. 13 7 Matt. 5. 29, 30. 20 Pag. 13. 45, 46. 112 20. 22 9 Lake I. 72. 105 I1. 44. 44 19. 10. 105 febn 5. 25. z8 8. 34. 117 13. 10. 78 57. 35. 50 27. 22, with 31. 108 38 39 4 30,86 Alb Romans 3. 23. 5. 6. 20. 21, 8. 13. II. 17. I Car. I. 13. 9. 21, 1I. 7. 15. 20. 49. Galat. 5. 18. 23 To 107 38 51 24 I07 24. 86 Pag. Ephef. 4. 30. 91 6. 12. 97 14,15,16,17 103 Philip. 1. 20, 70 Colof. 2, 12. 14 3. 31 5. 27 i Theft: 5. 10. 57 Hebr. 6. 1. 6,40 18. 47 8. 10. Ito 13. 20. 152 gamet 1. 14, 15. 100 4. 8. 44 1 Tet. 1. 14. 88 21. 53 q . .. 40 z Pet. 2. 20. 32 1 John 2. 6. 24 16, 79 3. 9. 88 Jude 4. 6 11. 69 ERRATA. PAge ;.line 12. for mak,th, read make. p.6. 1.55. for prevent, r. pervert. p.7. 1.25. for yea, T. yea. pas. I. 55. for do, r. to. 1 59. r. that ar it is. p.29. 1.9. for se, r. and. p.34. 1.1 ;. for our, r any. p.45. I. 2. for na, r.,sow. p. 59.1.23. r. O 00 own. p. 59. I. 44. for con jommated, T. continued. p.64.1.22. for //rive, T. font. p.65. 1.3. for her, r. its. p.69. 1.31. r. but we give up our leloes folemnly and profeffedly to God. p. 70. I. 37. for balls, r. bells. p.72.1. a.. for there, r. therefore. p. 77. 1.46. for propofed, r. purpofed. p.78.I. 42. for levelled, T. leavened. I. 55. r. after it ú habituated. p. 80. I. p. for alfa, r. sift. p.86. Lao. for of, T. to. p. 103.1. 29. for f T. ta. p..106. 1.43. for difpenfeth, r. di8enfed. p. 1o7. I. 6o. for there, T. thereby. p..25. 1. ;2. dele unconverted. p..27. 1.11. r. Peek not. p. 131. 1.6. for con literately, T. esofderably. p.131. 1.13. for. ¢um, r. with. p. 131.1. R. dele that. I. 38. for iniquity is, r. are. p. 141. 1.32. for hra, r. thm. p. 145.1. 19. foreur, r. you, p.. 58.1.36. for that, r. he is implacable, en.