4 S E R M 0 N S upon Sermó 1 130. 3, 4. If thou Lord fhauldfí mark iniquities (O Lord ) mho (hall Rand ? but there is fergiveuefs with thee, that thoumayefi be feared. No man could efcape condemnation and the Curfe, if the Lord (hould deal with us in arid jultice ; but from the Tribunal of his (arid juftice, we appeal to the Throne of Grace, where favour and pardon is allowed to us upon certain equitable and gracious Terms. According to the oldTerms, who is able toappear in the judgment before God ? A Sinner mutt either defpair, or die, or run for refuge to this new and bleffed hope, fo Pfal. 143. 2. Enter not into judgment with thy Servant (0 Lord ) for in thy fight (hall no man living be jufiif'ed. An innocent crea- ture mutt beg bis mercy, and devote himfelf to his fear. I proceed to the fecond'Propofition. 2 DoE(. That this priviledg is theportion of thofe that are in Chrift. 1. I (hall here thew you, What it is to be in Chrift. 2. Hom,we come to be in Chrift. Firft, What itistobeinChrifi. The PhraCe.notethvnion with him. There is certainly a real, but fpiritual, Union between Chrift and his Members,which I have often defcribed to you. But late Cavils make it neceffary to Cpeak a little more to that Argument. All that I will fay now is this, a. That it is more than a relation toChrift as a political head. 2. That the Vision of every Believer with Chrift is Immediate. t. That it is more than a relation to Chrift as apolitical head. I prove it, becauCe it is repprefented by Similitudes, taken from Union real, as well as relative: Not only from Marriage, whereMan and Wife are relatively united 5 butfrom Head and Members, who make one body, not a political but a natural body, i Cor., 1'2. 12: For as the body is one and bath many members,and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body:fo al- fo is Chrift 5 alío by the frmilitude of root and branches, John 15. 1, 2, 3. yea, 'tis compa- red with the myftery of the Trinity and the Unity that is between the Divide Perlons, John 17. 21, 22, 23. that they all may be one, as thou father art in me, andlin thee,that they alfa may be one inns: and the glory which thou gavel' me I have given them, that they may be one, dr we are one.. in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfetï in one ; which tho it mutt not be underttood in the- utmott ftriernefs, yet at leali there is more than a relation ; as an by reafon 'cis not only a notion of Scripture, but a thing effe led and wrought by the Spirit on Gods part, s Cor.12. 13, We are by one j,birit baptizedinto one body, and by confederation one with another. Cant. 2. 16. I am my beloveds, and my beloved it mine. Chrift is ours, and we are hiss and he is allo in us, and we in him. 21-is fuch a real Conjunetion with Chrift, as giveth pa new being, that Chrift becometh to us the principle and fountain of a fpiritual life, r John 5.12. He thathath the Son, bath life. Chrill is the.Rock, we thegraft; he is the vine, we the branches ; therefore we arefaid to be planted together in him, Kom. 6.5. So that we may grow and live in him. We are united to hiring the body is to the foul, all the members of the bodyarequickned by the foul; the fecond Adam becometh to all his Members sat.µ 1 C.°00lar a quickning fpirit, t Cor. 15. 45. asgiving them life, not only by his merit and promife,but the influence of his fpirit, which life is begun here and perfeetedin Heaven ; it is begun in the foul, Phil. 3. 20. and Rom. 8. to. but 'tis perfefted both in body and foul in Heaven, forth fpirit is life to the body, belaufe of righteoufnefs; and if the fpirit of him that railed Chrift from the dead dwell in you, he that raifid up Chrift from the dead, (hall of quicken your mortal bodies by his fpirit that dwelleth in you. So that a vivifical influence is the fruit of this Union,which (heweth that our Union with Chrift is not only an union with him, as a po- litical head, (as the King is Head and Governor of all his Subjells)but fuch a conjurûion as maketh way for the lively influence of the Spirit of Grace, as well as obligeth us to fubjeetion to him, and obedience to his laws. 2. That the union of every particular believer with Chrift is Immediate. Perlon with Perlon ; the thing is plain, for the Scripture faith often that Chrift is in us,, and we are in Chrift, and therefore'tis not Paid truly that we are united with the Church fiat, and by theÇhrrrchwith Chri/l. Chrift who is_the head of the Church, is the head of everr particular Member of the Church;and he that cloth not hold the head,and abide in him, prefently withereth, and can bring forth no fruit. The only place produced with any pretence for that fond conceit is, i Jo. t.3.That which we have feen and heard we unto you,tbat ye alfo may have fellowfhip with us,and truly our fellowfhip is with the Father,and with his Son Jefus Chrift. From whence they conclude,that ourUnion and Communion is firft with the Apoflles,and then with Chriffnot immediately,but mediately;we have Commu - . nion with the Church,and we have Communion with them,and their Communion is with the