Ver, h the 8th Chapter of the R O M. A N S. the Father and theSon,; but the quite contrary is true,that by faith we have firtt Union and Communion with Chrift, and then with his Church, becanfe Of thecommmon Relation to Chrifl; well, but the Apofle faith, that ye may have Communion with us, and truly our Communion is with the father and the fon.Communion and Fellowfhip with us,is not meant of Communion between the Apoflles and them, but that you may have like fellowship wíth,God and Chritt as we have, 'vprPs, that ye alfo,that you may have Communi . on as wehave, and what is that `4. i.onml. upsAeo as if he had laid, the Communion of which I £peak, is Communion with the Father and his Son Jelus Chrilt ; that is, we have Communion with God and Chrifl, and we delire that you may have allo the fame Corn- munionc Tho the Thing be evident in its fell, yet i (hall add Reafons, not my Own, bur anothers, that is, Epifiopius, a Man from whom all the Modern Divinity is derived, as isevident by their Homilies and printed Dif ourfes;tho they are Tvere and Tragical upon the Memory of that Bleffed Servant of God, John Calvin,. yet methinks they fhould not differ from their great Matter in Divinity; now, faith he, upon the place, Thü. Opinion that we are united fall to the Apoflles, and then to God, is with all diligence to be. refuted. Firtt, becanfe .'tis abfurd in it fell ; and fecondly, becaufe of the abfurdConfequences which are deduced from it. I. 'Tie abfurd in its fell, becaufe our Communion followeth our Union, but our `Oni- on is not with the Apoflles themfelves, kut withChritt, for the Apoltles are not united to Chrifl as Apof les, with a faving Limon, but as believers-; they are united to Chrifl in the fame manner that we are, and fo we are all Brethren.; now a Brother is not united to the Father by his brother,'but immediately 5. for there is no fübordination in a Family; but a Collateral Refpe& to their common Parent ; as they are Apoftles they are in- ftruments whom God Imployeth to work that inns, by which we may be united, not to them, but to God, and Chritt Immediately , and fo have Communion with him x fo the Apoftle faith, r Cor. I I. 2. I have efpoufedyou to one husband, that I may prefect yen as a chaff virgin to Chrifl. I will add, and not only the whole Church, but particulaé Believers are fail to be married to the Lord, Rom. 7.4. the Union and Conjunllion is with him immediate,and in this office all Minifters or Paftors are equal .with the Apofles; only that they liirlt and immediately were fentby God for this work. 2. For the abfurd Sonfequences that may be drawn from thence : Namely, That our union is neceffary with fome Men or Company of Men, that is, Tome Church, ,before we can have Union and with God, and Chritt ; which by degrees, faith he, introduce the Papacy; for if filch an Vision be with any Men (irft neceffary, certainly with thofe that .firtt delivered Chriftian Do&rine ; but becaufe they abide not for ever, otherswere to be fubttituted in their place, that immediately depended or them, and fo onward ; and before we have Union and Commmunion with God and Chrifl, we mull have Communion with their Succeffors, how much foever they have de- generated frompure Chriftianity in Doffrice, Worship, and Government ; but, faith he, there is no filch neceffity. Every tingle Believer, the lowefl and lea(t among them, have an equal Immediate Vnion and Communion with Chrilt; for the Apottles and all other Paflors do only preach the Gofpel to no other end, but to bringfouls to God, and have Authority over us to no other end ; therefore what can be more abfurd, than that our Union with any Church or Head of the Church fhould be neceffary befetre our Vrrion with Chrüt fhould be obtained. I proceed to the fecond Thing which I propofed, viz. To open to you, 2. How we come to be in Chrifl. This is by Regeneration, or the converting work of his f irit. Converfionconllts of ThreeParts. r. There is in it, a turning from the creature tá God. 2. From felf to Chrifl 2. From Sin to Holinefe. Firft, From the creature to God: That is, from the falle happinefs to the true, From all falle ways of felicity here below, toGod as injoyed in Heaven. Certainly our Con - verfion may be underflood by our Averlion or falling off from God. Now we fell from God to the creature, Jet. 2. r3-. My peofle haveforfaken me. We fought our happinels apartfrom God, in the injoyment of force fublunary Contentment ; therefore till God be our end, there is no ufe of means. Intentio eït finis ultimi, Eletlia eft :mediorum, There is no choice of Means, without intention of the end ; and Chrifl ai Mediator is so be confidered as a means to come to God, John 14.6. whofe Favour we have forfeit- ed, and not only forfeited, but defpifed ; for whilft we are fatisfied with our worldly in-