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Ver. I. the 8th Chgpter of the ROMAN s. 7 tenCe Degree ; they are contrary in their Nature, contrary in their tendency and aim, contrary in their rule, GO. 6. 16. the one carrieth God and Heaven ; the other to fomething pleating to prelent fenfe; the.opeis fed with the world, the other with Hea- ven ; they are contrary in their affiting powers, Satan and the Spirit of God ; the good partis for God, and the flefh which is the rebelling Principle,is on the Devil's fide; I John 4. 4. Satan by the labs of the flefh taketh men captive at his will and pleaf sre. 2 Tim 2. 26. That theymay recover themfelves out of the five of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will and pleafure 5 but the Spirit of God is affilled by the Author of ir, the holy Ghofl, Eph. 3. t 6. Strengthened by the fpirit with might in the inner man. They are irritated by the Spirit, or the flefh, preCenting different obje &s of fenfe and faith. The flefh hath this advantage, that its objefts are near at hand, ready to be inlayed, but the Obje &s of Faith are to come, lie in an unfeen world, only they are greater in themfelves, and faith helpeth to look upon them as fureenough, Heb. 11. t. 4- That every Chrifiian hath theft two principles in himfelf, the one by nature is called rfefb; the other by grace is called Spirit. Gods hell children have flefh in them. Paul ditlin- guilheth in the former Chapter betwixt flefla and [pint, the law of the members, and the law of the mind, l,.om. 7. Ill, 23. as two oppolte Principles inclining feveral ways. 5. Tho both be in the children of God, yet the fpirit is in predominancy : For the a &s of the flefh are difowned; not I, but fin that dwelleth in me ; and a mans efface is determi- ned by the reign of (in and grace in a man converted to God, the fpirit or renewed part is fuperior, and governeth the will, or whole man, and the flefb is ioferiortand by thriving feeketh to become fuperior, and draws the will to its Ce1f, fo that the heart of a renew -. ed man, is like a kingdom divided, Grace is in the Throne, but the flefh is the rebel whichdillurbeth and much weakneth its Soveraignty and Empire; k -muff nerds he fo, otherwife there would beno diftin &ion between nature and Grace;a man is denominated from what is predominant in him, and hath the chiefefi power over his heart ; ifit be the flefh, he is carnal; if the fpirit,he is regenerate or a new Creature; if his heart be fet to reek, ferve, pleafe and glorifie God, and doth prefer Chrifl before all the world, Phi/.3. 8. Then he hath not only a fpirit contrary to the fefli, and the world, but a fpirit prevailing above the flefh And the world, I Cor. a. I a. for we have not received the fpirit of the world, but the fpirit of God. Then the Government of the Soul is in the hands of Grace. 6. The prevalency of the principle is known not only by the bent and habit of our wills, but our fetled courfe of Life. By our walk ; for 'cis Paid in the Text, They that walk not after the fleis, but after the fpirit. A man is not known by an a& or two, but by the tenor of his life; thole that makecorrupt inclination their ordinary guide and rule, and the Catis- fa &ion thereof their common trade, they are carnal and in the flefh, and lo cannot pleafe God, Rom. 8. 5. but thofe whole Bufinefs itás tolerve, pleafe and giörafie. God, and their end to enjoy him, and by whom this is diligently, and uniforrnly ,purfued, they walkafter the fpirit, becaufe they live in the fpirit, they walkin the fpirit, 'Gal. 5. 25. I come to apply this Difcourfe : The firff Life is Information. t. That Condemnation yet remaineth upon all thofe that are out of Chrifl; fot that promife, there is no condemnation, hath an exception, limiting it to thole that are in Chrift. Car- nal men think God will not deal fo feverely as to condemn them, but there is no comfort hence to them, the Scripture propoundeth Priviledges with their neceffary limitations and reftri &ions; whereto remaineth in its power, and firength,the Law condemneth men, Confcience convinceth them, and God will condemn them allo. So the Brutes are more happy than they who follow their pleafure without remorfe, and offend not the Law of their Creation as they do; and when they die, death puts an end to their pains and plea - lures at once; but thofe that walkafter their lufls,are but Chriftians in name,certainly they are not made partakers of the fpirit of Chrifh; foci/. they did live in the fpirit, they would walkin the fpirit, and none but fuch can efcape Condemnation, they that walk after the flefh are without God, and without Chrift; but every one will fhift this off from him- fell, but the works of the flefh are manifeff, Gal. 5. 19. Many men vifibly declare that they walk not afterthe fpirit, by their Drunkennefi, Adultery, Wrath, Strife, Malice, En- vy. Othersmore clofely live only to fatisfie a flefhly mind ; now whether openly or clofely,if they cannot make out their living after the fpirit, they walkafter tie flefli. 2. It informeth us, That we can never have folid peace, till juflification and fanCtiflcati- on be joyned together.Juftification, Rom.5. t: Being juflifsedby faith, we have peace wiih God. Mat.9.2. Son be of good cheer,thy fins be forgiven thee:fo for fant7ification,aCor.t 12.This is our