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Ven 2 tbé 8th Chaptek of abe ROM A Ñ S. 2. A Lam of the Spirit it it : Not only becaufe of its fpiritual nature, as it èometh near- er and doter to the Seal than the Lam of outward and beggarly rudiments; and therefore Chatt called the Ordinances of the Gofpel, Spirit and Truth, John 4.24. Spirit,in oppgfi- tion to theDatier, or the Legal adminiflratians,which are called carnal Ordinances,Heb.9; ro. and Trreth,in oppofition to them again, as they are called fbádows ofgood things to come, Heb. r o. > . In this fenfe the Gofpel or Nee Covenant might well be called the Law of the Spirit; but not for this reafon only, but becaufe of the power Of the Spirit that accon- panieth it as 'Cis Paid, 2 Cor. 3. 6. Who hath made as able Minifiers of theNew Teflament, not of the Letter but of the Spirit.- for the Letter *illeth, bist the Spirit giveth life. Lex jubet, gratia jevat ; and the grace of the Gofpe] is the gift of the Spirit. 3. 'Tis called the Spirit of Life, becaufe through the preaching òf the Gofpel we are renewed by the HolyGhofl,and have the new life begun in us,which is perfefted in Heaven's' and we are laid, Gal. 2.19. To bedead to the Lam, that we may live unto God ; that is, that by vertue of the fpirit of Chrift dwelling in us, we may live righteoufly and holily to the glory of Goda 4.'Tís the Spirit of Life in Chrift Jefus;partly becaufe he is the author and foundation of this new Covenant ; and partly alto, becaufe from him we receive the Spirit, as from our head 5 we have the :maim from the holy one, t Jghn 2. to. and the renewing of the Holy Ghoft is flied upon us abundantly through Chrift Jefus our Lord, Titras 3. 6. Thus I have plainlyopened the firft Law mentioned. Let us addrefs our felves to the fecond. 2.The Law of Sin and Death. Thereby is meant the covenant of works, which inferred' condemnation to the fallen Creature, becaufe of fin ; and in part the legal Covenant, not as intended by God, but ufed by them; it proved to them a Law of Sin and Death ; for the Apoftle talleth it the minifiration of Death, 2 Cor. 3.7. and verte the 9th. a minifira- tion of condemnation.. Now becaufe it feemeth hard to call a Law given by God himfelf, a Law ofSin and Death; I mutt tell you 'tisonlycalledfo, becaufe it convinceth of Sin; and bindeth over to Death ; and that I may not involve you in a tedious debate, I (hall expedite my felf by informing you, That theLaw of works kath a twofold operation 5 the one is about Sin, the other about Wrath; or theDeaththreatned by the Law. I. About Sint its o eration is double. Firft, it convineeth4in, as 'sis laid, Rom. 3.2o.By the deeds of the Law (hall no flefh bd juflifred in his fight : for by theLaw is the knowledg ofSin : That is, the ufe of it is to bring os to an acknowledgment of Sin and Guilt : For when the Law lets before a man what God commandera and forbiddeth, and a mans Confcience convinceth him that he hath offended againft it by Thoughts, Lufts, Words, Deeds, he findeth himfelf a (inner, and his heart reproacheth him as one that is become culpable and guilty before God; fo that all are concluded under Sin by the Cervices of that Covenant;neither will the legal covenant help him,for that is rather an acknowledgment of theDebt,than a token ofourDifcharge; a Bond, rather than an Acquittance; an hand - writing of Ordinances againfi ris, Col.2. r4. which did every year revive again the Confcience and remembrance of Sins, Heb. ro. 3. Secondly, The other Operation of the Law about Sin is, That it irritateth Sin, and doth provoke andflic up our carnal defires and effet/ions, rather than mortify them. For the more carnal men are urged to obedience by the rigid exa&ions of the Law, the more doth car- nal nature rebel, as a Bullock is the more unruly for the yoking; and a River lope by a Dam, fwells the higher. The Law requireth Duty at our hands, but confers noton cor= rupt man power to perform it; and denounceth a Curte againft thofe that obey not; but giveth no ftrength to obey; that it is fo, is plain by that of the Apoftle,Rom. 7.5. When ww were in the fleJh, the motions of fins which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto Death. While we were under theDominion of corrupt nature, Sing that were difcovered by the Law were alto irritated by the Law, as ill vapours are difco- vered and railed by the Sun, which were hidden in the earth before; and fo Sin brought forth thofe ill fruits, the end whereof is Death; but this is not to be charged on the Law' of God, but the perverfenefs of man ; for the proper ufe of the Law, is to difcover and reftrainSin, and weaken it; not to provoke and (tir it up, See how theApoftle vindica. teth Gods Law, Rom. 7. 7, 8. Whatfhallme fay then? it the Lam fin? God forbid : nay, Ihad not known fin but by the Law: for 1 had not known lufi,unlefs the Law hadfaid,Thou theft not covet : but fin taking occafion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupif- cence. Thus he anfwereth the Obje &ion; If Sin grow more powerful in us by the Law, then is the Law Sin? No, far be it from our thoughts; theLaw is not the caufe, but the <wagon only, as Sin fheweth its power upon the reftraint: Well then, the ceremonies oft the legal Covenant do not mend the matter, for thlle are but a weak fence about our dud 8 B rya