Ver. 2. the Sth Chapter of the ROMANS. >i j oeil us to an account for the violation of his Law; an inward fentence of life or death upon us , as we do good or evil; the bitter a(1lidive fènfe of Godsdifpleafure in éafeof evil ; and the rewards of love and obedience, as tarts of Gods acceptance, given us by his Spirit upon our fidelity to Chrift, a real lively Joy, and peace of Confcience, 2 Cor. rè 12. This it our rejoicing, the teflimony of our confeience. Rom. 5. I. Being juflifred by fàith, we have peace with God, Rom. 14. 1 7. Far the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteoufnefi, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghofi. Secondly, Gods external government is according to the Law of the Gofpe! ; God interpofeth now and then, puuiihing the con- tempt of the Gofpel with remarkable Judgments, Heb. 2. 1, 2, 3. Therefore we ought to give the moreearnefi heed to the things which we have heard, left at any time we fhould let them flip : for if the word fpoken by Angels was fledfafi, and every tranfgreffion and dif bedi- ence received a jolt recompence of reward: how (hall we efcape if ire negleEt fo great falvation, which at firff began to be fpoken by the Lord himfelf, and was confirmed by them that heard it? And eminently difpenfing his bleflìng where the Gofpel is favoured and obeyed, and prolpeleth, as he bleffed the houfe ofObed Edam for the Arks fake ; but more fully at the day ofJudgment the wicked have their full punlihment, 2 Thef 1. 8. Coming in flaming fire, rendring vengeance to all thofe that know not God, and obey not the Gofpel. Secondly, I shall Phew you; wherein the Gofpel, as a law, direth. from ordinary laws among men: Firft, Men in their Laws do not debate matters, but barely injoin Them, and interpole their Authority; but God condefcendeth to the infirmity of man; and feem- eth to come down from the Throne of his Sovereignty, and reafoneth, and perlwadeth, and befeecheth men that they will not forfake their own mercies, Ifa. 46. 8. Remember this,thew yourfelees men, bring this to mind again, O ye tranfgreffors : and Ifa. 1. 18. Came let us reafon together: God is pleafed to (loop to lorry Creatures, and to plead, and ar- gue with them : So 2 Cor. S. 2o. We as Ambaffadors in Gods (lead, do befeech you to be reconciled. Men count it a leffening to their Authority to proceed to entreaties; but the Clemency of the Redeemers Government is otherwife. Secondly, The law of Godbind - etb the ronfcience and the immortal Souls of men ; condemneth not only alfa, but thoughti and !'offs, Mat. g. 28. The law is fpiritual, Rom.7.14. With man, Thoughts and Delires are free tillthey break out into ad. Thirdly, Mans laws do more incline to punifhment than reward: For Robbers and Murtherers, Death is appointed ; but the innocent Subjeft hath only this reward, that he doth his Duty, and efcapeth thole punishments ; in very fewca- fes doth mans Law promife Rewards; the infliling of puni(hment is the proper work of mans Law, and the great Engine of Government, becaule its tile is to,reftrain evil ; but Gods Law propoundeth rewards equal to the Punishments; Eternal Life on one hand, as well as Eternal Death on the other: Deut. 30.15. See 1 have fit before you life and good, deatj, and evil; becaule the ufe of Gods Law is to guide men to their 'happinefs. 'Tie legit candor, t he equity'and favour of mans Law tofpeak ofa reward; it commands ma- ny things, and forbids many things, but (till under a penalty; it's natural work is pud niihment, and it doth not invite men to a duty by a reward : Ex malls moribus Humane legeo, to reftrain evil is their work. Fourthly, Humane Laws threaten temporal punifb, ment;but Gods Law threatneth eternal punifhments and rewards, Mark 9. 44, Where the worm dieth not, and thefire is not quenched: He is a living God, Heb. to. 31. into whole hands we fall when we Die. of Ule, Is to humble us that we bear fo little ref étï to the precepts of the Gofpel, and do fó boldly break them, and fo coldly perform the Duties thereof; we fear Temporal pow- er more than Eternal, a Prifon more than Hell ; and therefore can difpence with Gods Law, to.comply with our own Lofts ; a little profit, or a little danger will draw men in- to the Snare, when Eternal Death will not keep them from it. Oh roufeup your (elves; are you not Chrifls Subje &s? is not he a more powerful Sovereign than all the Potentates in the World? doth he not in his Gofpel give Judgment upon the everlafling flee of men? 'and will this Judgment be in vain? hath he not appointed a day when all matters (hall be taken into confideration? will not Sin when it comes to be reviewed, have ano- ther countenance? awaken then your fleepy and fluggi(h Souls ; if you can deny there Truths, go on in the negle& of Chrift, and breach of his Laws, and (pare not ; but if Confcience. be fenfible of his Authority, break off your Sins by repentance, fueout your Pardon in his name; devote your felves to God, walk more cautioufly for time to come , God will not wink always at your difloyalty. 2d Ufe is Direfion to us, If you would not'be flighty Ike Duties of the Gofpe!, look