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16 SERMONS upon Scrim 'ÌI reprefented as light, becaufe the Wifdom of God [hineth forth there, and is reprefen- ted in the My[teries of the Gofpel, where the way of 'Salvation is fufficiently taught. We fpeakwifdom among theft that are perfebt, 2 Cor. 2.6. The holy Scriptures are able to wake us wife to falvation, 2 Tim. 3.1.5. fometimes the Gofpel is called, the power of God, Titus 2. I I. and 7ude 4thver. or The goodnefr of God, becaufe it reprefenteth the won- ders of Gods Love in our Redemption byChrift, and, the rich Preparations of Grace he bath made for us. And thefe three effe &s of the fpirit fuit with the three fundamen- tal Graces, Faith, Love, and Hope; the f irit of a found mind is elfewhere called the fpi- rit of faith, 2 Cor. 4. 13. which is the eye of the new Creature; and the fpirit of love, is with a little variation called love in the fpirit, Col. a. 8. and is the heart of the new creature ; and the fpirit of power is hope, called elfewhere abounding in hope through the power of the Holy Ghóll, Rom. 15. 13. which is the flrength of the new creature, whereby we overcome fins and temptations ; and in all thefe effe &s doth the life and power of true godlinefs confift; for Purely, he is fufñsiently furnilhed for the kingdom of Heaven, and all the duties thereof, whofe mind is inlightned to know God in Chrift Jefus, and inclined to love God, and live to him, and who bath chofen the bleffednefs of the next world for his portion, and liveth in the joyful hopes and forefight of ir, this man bath the true fpirit of the Gofpel, and his converfation will be anfwerable; for there are three words by which a good converfation is ufually exprefl'ed, holinefs, heaven- linef and gadlinefs ; holinefs is fometimes fpoken of as diftin& from godlinefs, a Pet. 3.11. and fo holinefs noteth purity and hatred of fin, and abhorrency of fin, this is the fruit of the found mind, or the love and knowledg of God in Chrift; for he that finneth bath not feen God, 3 John r I. that is, bath no true apprehenfion of him; for if we rightly beheld the glory of the Lord in the glafs of the Gofpel, we are changed into his likenefs, 2 Cor. 3. 18. And Faith,which is but the knowledg of the Gofpel with lent, Both pu- rifle the Heart, A is 15. 9. The next property isgodlinefs, or an inclination and addi&- ednefs to God, and is the fruit of love which fubje&eth all to God, and raifeth the heart, and refigneth it to him, and maketh it fit to ferve, pleafe, glorifie and injoy him, 2 Cor. 5. 14, 15. For the love of Chrifl confiraineth us, becaufe we thus judg, that if one died for all, then were all dead : and that he died for all, that they which live fhould not henceforth live to themfelves, but unto him which died for them, 1 Pet. 4. 6. for this caufe was the Gofpel alfo preached unto them, that are dead, that they might be judged accor- ding to men in the flefh, but live according to God in the fpirit, s Cor. 6. 20. for ye are bought with a price, therefore glorifie God inyourfpirits, which are Gods. Love is moft feen in a thorough refignatton and obedience unto God, and a defire of Communion with him here, Eph. 2.8. and the full fruition of him hereafter, 2 Cor. 5. 1. The la[t property is heavenlinef, Phil. 3. 2o. but our converfations are in heaven, from whence we look for a Saviour. This the fpirit worketh in us by hope, which fortifieth us againft all the terrors and delights of fenfe, 1 John 4, 4, 5, 6. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world; they are of the world, therefore fpeakthey of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God; he that knoweth God, heareth us, he that is not of God,heaih- eth not us: hereby know we the fpirit of truth, and the pfirit of error. The Apoltle is fpeaking there of the Trial of fpirits, and he puts the difference upon this iffae, the fpirit of God, and the fpirit of the world, and fheweth the one mutt needs be more pow - erful than the other ;fo in that other Text, 1 Cor. 2. 12. For we have not received the fpirit of the world, but the fpirit which is of God. A fpirit railed to God, and Peeking the happinefs to come, weaneth us and draweth us off theworld, and fo giveth us pow- er to overcome not the world only, but the Flefh and the Devil allo. 2. Confider this fpirit, as it fitteth ris and frameth us for our duty to man. That the Apoftle fheweth, Eph. 5. 9. For the fruit of the fpirit is in allgoodnefs, righteoufnefs and truth. That is, the fpirit that God bath fent among its by the preaching of the Gofpel, doth bring forth and produce in us all kindnefs, juflice, and fidelity ; there is not a more benign, affable thing than the Gofpel-fpirit, nor any thingthat doth more fit us to live peaceably and ufefully in humane fociety : the firft property is all goodnefr, for God. is good to all, and his fpirit is called a good fpirit, Pfal.143. 10. it caufeth us to love all mankind with a love of benevolence; and thofe that are holy and partakers with us in the fame grace, with a fpecial love of complacency; this not only keepeth us from doing thofe things;which would hinder their good, but alfo inclineth us to reek their good by all means po[fible, efpecially the belt good for them, and if others do injuries to us, to forgive them,as GodforChnlis fa/¿ehath forgiven us.The fecond Operation which the Holy Ghoft produceth in us,is righteoufnefi,or juflice in all our dealings,giving every one his due, honour