Ver. 2. the 8th Chapter of the ROMANS. 19 or elfe 'tis not healed and changed; the Word is the means, but the Spirit reneweth us a's the principal caufe; for the Word doth not work upon all, nor upon all thofe alike on whom it worketh : The Gofpel is a fit Inftrument for it, every thing communicateth its own nature; fire turneth all about it into fire; an Holy and Heavenly Do&rine is fit to beget an Holy and Heavenly Spirit. 3. For the honour of our Redeemer in his Lordfhip or Kingly Office 5 Who as he requï- reth new Duties of man fallen and difabled, fo he giveth flrengrh proportionably ; the difficulty of our recovery lay not only in our reconciliation with God, but in the re- novation ofour nature, and fubduing our obflinacy, or changing our hearts. Of his Pro- phetical Office, that we might have the effe& and comfort of it ; external Doctrine is not only neceffary, but the illumination of the fpirit, who leadeth us into all truth. His Prieft- lyl0yice ; That his merit may be known to be full, his inrerceff on pòwerful, its need= ful that fuch a gift fhould be given to his people as the vifible pouring out of the Spirit; Ali. 2.3o. r. Life is, To convince the rabble of carnal Chriflians, how little they have gained by that.Cbriflianity they have, Alas ! In what a cafe are thole poor Souls who havé not the Spirit of.Chritt ? Rom. 8. 9. If any man path not the fpirit of Chrifl, he is none of his They do not belong to Chrift, have vo itere1t in the fruits of his redemption and then, How will ye ftand before God in theJudgment, and make anfwer, to all that may be al- ledge2l againft you ? the accufations of the Law, orSatan, or your own Confciences Certainly the guilt of Sin remaineth, where the power of it is not broken; there are Chrilliansin name, and Chriffians in power; in profefion,'and in deed and in truth; Chriftians in the Letter, and Chriftians in Spirit , thefe are fuch as are fanOified by the Spirit unto Obedience; and none but filch have intereft in the comfortable promifesoF mercy of the new Covenant, Gal. 6. i6. Amon, as wall¿ according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them.And none other íhal!be Paved at laft, Heb. 59. He is the author of falvss tion to them that obey him. Heb. 12. 14. Without Holine f no man(hall fee the Lord. ad Ufe is, To humble the better fort of Chriflians, that they have gotten fo little of the fpi- rit : That the effe &s of it in their Souls are fo imperfeft, clouded with a mixture of remaining infirmities. All that are godly have this Spirit, are guided by it , walk af. ter it ; but all have it not in a like meafure ; fome are weak, it doth not fubdue their Lofts and Fears, nor breed fuch mortification and courage as fhould be found in the Dif- ciples of Chrift ; thefe want comfort, if poffibly they thould be fincere ; for their evi- dences are not clear by which they fhould be tryed. Mortification, Gal. 5. 24: They that are Chrifls, have crucified the flefh, with the affillions and lulls thereof Courage, r Per. 4. 14; If ye be reproached for the name ofChrifi, happy are ye. 3d Üfe, is of Dire/lion to all forts of Chriftians. r. Do allyour duties, as thofe that are under the law of the fpirit of life. Not in thë oldnefo of the letter, but the newnef: of the fpirit; not cuftomarily, formally, but feriouflyi with a life and a power; believe in the Spirit, r Cor.2.5. That your faith Jhould not hand in the wifdom of men, but in the power of God. Love in the fpirit: Col. 1. 8.Who alp declared to us your love in the fpirit. Hope in the fpirit, Gal. 5. 5. For we througbthe fpirit wait for the hope of righteoufnefs by faith. Hear in the fpirit, pray in the fpirit, and obey in the fpi- rit. 1 Pet. 1.22. Seeing you havepurifred yourfouls in obeying the truth through the fpirit, Let there be a Spirit and Life in all that you do. 2. Beg of your Redeemer to pour out a fuller meafure of his Spirit in yonr Souls; bebath' promifed it, Zech. 12. lo. I will pour upon the houfe ofDavid, and upon the inhabitant.' of Jerufalem, the fpirit of grace and fupplication: Ifa: 44. 3. For I will pour water. upon him that is thirfiy, and floods upon the dryground; and I will pour my fpirit upon thy f ed, and my bleffing upon thine off fpring. The Saints have begg'd it earneftly, Pfal, 143.1o. Teach me to do thy wig, for thou art my God, thy fpirit is good : 'lead me into the land of uprightnef. And Luke It. 13. They that ask, fall have. None lack this grace, but thofe that forfeit it by negle& and contempt, and refllance of the motions of his holy Spirit. 3. Vfe Ordinances to this end. All thefe are helps and means to obtain it; the Gofpel worketh morally and powerfully g 'Tis theDivine power giveth us all things to life and godlinef, therefore in the ufe of means you mutt wait for it. 2 Pet. 1. 3. According to bit divine power he bath given its all things. 8Ca a 4.tit