Ver. 4. the 8th Chapter of the ROMANS. 33 SERMON V. R O M. VIII. g. That the righteoufnefs of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk ñóì after the flefb, but after the fpirit. E R E is the fecund end of bur deliverance by Chriß, That we might have Grace to keep the Law of God. The firß was, That fin might be. condemned in the flefh. In the words We hatte, r. A Benefit. . 2. The perfons that receive it: Firfi, the Benefit, That the rigbteoufnefs of the Law might be fulfilled in us. 14o* it this to be under-flood ? of Juflfcationt or Sanflifrcation ? They that expound it in the former way, make this the fenfe, That Chrift's naive Obedience, or fulfilling the Law, might be imputed, and recIpnedfo ur, as if done by us: But cannot like this Interpre- tation, Firß, becaufe 'tar contrary to the Apoflle a f ope, who fpeaketh not of Chrift's naive obedience, but the fruits of his Death, or his being made a Sin -Of ring for sa: Secondly, the words will not bear it ; For the Apoßle doth not fay, that the righteoufneft of the Law might be fulfilled for us, but fulfilled in us. Thirdly, the marine its félf is not found, unlefi rightly interpreted : For tho God, upon the account cf Chriß's paf- five obedience, and fatisfaCion, doth forgive our fins; and his dûive obedience, as well as his pave, is the meritorious caufe of our fuftification, as being a part of his Humi. heals yet that cannot be laid to be fulled in us, which was done by Chriß 5 for God cannot be mißaken, and reckon us to fulfil the Law, which we bave not ; and will not lie, and fay we did it, when we did it not : 'Tis enough to. fay, Chriß obey- ed, and fuffered for our fakes, foas we might have the fruit and benefit of it. Fourth- ly, the Conf quent w pernicious, to fay the Law is fulfilled in us, as obeyed by Chriß ; for then we needed not to fulfil it our felves 5 'tis done to our hands already, and need- eth only to be imputed to so by Faith ; but Chriß, who fnff?red, that we might not fuller; yet did not obey, that we might not obey; but his Obedience being part of his Humiliation, is an ingredient into his fatiefaílion for our fins. Chriß fulfilled all righteoufnefs., and fuffered, that our imperfellion of obedience, might not be our ruin. 2. It muti be meant then of Saml cation ; That by the merit of Chr fi's Death rei are freed not only from the Guilt, but Tyranny of fin ; that we might obtain Grace to obey the Law, or live holily 5 which will appear by the anfwering of Two Qzeßi- ons. r. What is meant by,ra,,,m,,a1.ritw, or the righteou hefa of the Law ?' I anfwer, the Duty which the Law requireth, or any thing which God teeth fit to command his people,. The Law is holy, juß and good, and certainly was not given in vain, but to be a Rule to Believers in Chriß. 2. How is it fulfilled in us? For there is the difficulty that pintheth i Can we fulfi$ the righteoufnefs of the Law? The Law may be faidto be fulfilled Two ways, r. Legally, as a Covenant of Works. 2. Evangelically, as the Rule of Obedience. 8 E t. Legally