36 SERMONS upon Serm: V, T o this end tended his Doctrine : I came not to deFlroy the lam, but to full it, Matth. 5. 17. His example, He came to do what God had commanded, and to teach us to do the fame, Matth.,3. 15. For thus it become: h us to MI all righteoufnef ; and Heb. s8. 9. Tho he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he fufféred : And being made perfetl, he became the Author of eternaefalvation tothem that obey him. 2. Chrifi di(penfeth by vertue of his merit, regeneration, or the fpirit of holinefs; that all new creaturesmight voluntarily keep thislaw, tho not in abfolute perfetlion, yet by fin - cere obedience. This Grace is difpenfed to put us into a capacity of loving, pleating, and obeying God ; this is that he promifeth in the new covenant, Ezek. 36.27. And I will put my fpirit within you, and caufe you to walkin my flatutes, and ye /hall keep my judg- ments, and do them; fo Jer. 31..33. I wit[ put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts. He doth not fay, I will prepare them another law, as if the old law of God were to be abandoned and abolithed , and force other precepts fubltituted in their Room; no, but ro make them conformable to it in heart and life; the new man is cre- ated after God for this end and purpofe, Eph. 4. 24. fired to obey the law; fo that the great Bleffurg of the Gofpel is Grace to keep the law. 3.. None enter into the Gofpel State, but thofe that intirely and readily give up themfelves to do the will of God; and therefore none can have benefit by the fin.of ring and fatifatïi- on of Chap, but thofe that confent to return to the duty of the law, and live in obedi- ence to God. Surely God never pardoneth any while they are in Rebellion, and live un- der the full power and dominion of fin ; no, they muff confent to forfake and return to the Allegiance due to their proper Lord. This is evident; for the way of entring into the new covenant is by Faith and Repentance , and Repentance is nothing elfe but a fincere purpofe of new obedience, or living according to the will and law of God. 'Tis defined to be a breaking at of fin, Dan. 4.27. and therefore the Scripture runs in this (!rain, Ifa. 55. 7. Let the wickedforfake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return to me ( faith the Lord and I will abundantlypardon ; and Ifa. s. 16. Wafh you, make you clean, and then tho your fns were as fcarlet, they fall be as white as from. The leaf} that can be gathered from thefe places, is, That a ferrous vow and thorough refolution of new obedience, is neceffary to begin our intereft in the Grace of the new covenant. 4. The more we fulfill our covenant, vow, and refolution ,by obeying the law, our right is the more clear, and evident, and more confirmed to us; our participation of the bleffings of the Gofpel is more full,and our comfort more thong, Pfal. 519. 165. Great peace have they that love thy law, and nothing fball offend them ; and Gal. 6. 16. as many as walk ac- cording to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them. God loveth us the more, the more we obey his law : 'Tis holfnefs maketh us more amiable in his eyes, and the Objeûs of his delight. God loveth us as fanQified rather than pardoned; we love him as pardoning and forgiving fo great a debt to us; but he delights in holinefs or 'the imprefs of his own image upon us, Prov. 11. 20. The upright.in the way are hie delight. When the fpi. rit path renewed us according to the Image of God, we are made objets of his com- placency; now we know Gods love by the effes s; and therefore the more we aif and draw forth this grace, the more God rewardeth our obedience with the fenfe of his love, and the comforts of his Spirit. The fum of all Religion is to loveGod, and to be belo. ved of him; to love him and obey him is our work; and to be beloved of him, is our re- ward and happinefs. Now the one followeth the other, John 54. 22, 23. Lord! how is it that that wilt manifefi thy felf to us, and not unto the world ? lefts: anfwered and fold unto him,if a man love me,he will keep my words, and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode withhim. As we increafe in Holinefs and Obedience, we increafe in the Favour of God. 1. VS E is Information, it informeth usof fevera I important truths. 1. That the law is a la w if perfefl purity and holinefs; for he fpeaketh here of the righteoufnefs of the law 8rsa ms,m sreae fo David, Pill. 119. 140. Thy law is very pure,there- fore thy fervant loveth it; and Pfal. 19. 8. The commandment of the Lord is pure, inligh- teeing the eyes. It mutt needs be fo, if we confider the Author of it, God himfelf; and every thing that bath paffed his hand, hath his Chara&er and Imprefs upon it; 'tis flaw' not only fit for us to receive, but for God to give ; 'tis the copy of his holinefs. It is all one with the image of God which man had in innocency; now the image of God confided in righteoufnefsand true bonnets. Adams Principle of Obedience was alfo his law and rule ; he had that written upon his heartwhich was afterwards written upon ta-