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38 S E R MO NS supon Serm. V. precife, and make more a-do about Salvation than needs. Certainly if we confider the tenor of God's Law, and the exa&nefs of Divine Juftice, what Rule and Law we mutt live by, and to whom we mutt give an account, the belt of God's Children do no more than needeth 5 as the wife Virgins could rot fpare one jot of their Oyl, Mat. 25. 9. Not fo, Tell there be not enough for us and you. David admireth the brightnefs of the Sun firft, and then the purity of the Law 5 and how doth he clofe up that Medi. tation? See Pfal. 19. 12. Who can underhand his errors z cleanfe thou one from fecret fins. 2. Profefíing Chrifl:iansare afro to be reproved for that lazy and cowardly ffirit that is in them; and becaufe they are fo impotent, and feeble, and backward to their duty. B »their backwardnefs they wrong the Law, for they do not give it its due. Chrift bath indeed freed us from the curfe of the Law, but not from the obedience of it : And by this feeble and daftardly Spirit, they wrong the Grace of the Redeemer, and the New Covenant. Obedience to the Law is moth firongly enforced out of the Grace of the Gofpel 5 for thereby we are enabled to perform it. Chofi did not only fulfil the Law for us, but doth afro fulfil it in us by his Spirit ; and (hall we after fuch provifion, fit down lazily, and be difcouraged with every difficulty, and have our relolutions broken with every affault of temptation ? Men fpare their pains, and do not improve the Grace offered, and then cry out, they are weak, and unable : This is likelzcy Beg- gars, that perforiate and ad Dìleafes, becaufe they would not work. Set your hearts tho- roughly to obey God, and fee what he will do for you. ÜSE 3. if this were the end of Chdt's coming, and dying, then let us be exhorted to leek after fan&ification by the Spirit of Chrift. 1. This is one part of our falvation, as well as remiffion of fins. We often confider Chrift as dying for our pardon 5 we thould as much confider him as dying to renew and heal our Natures, that we may be recovered to our obedience to God, to crucifie the Old Man, to give us the Spirit of Holinefs. Surely he is made fanttification to us, as well as righteoufnefs, 1 Cor. 1. 3o. But of him are y in Chrifi yefcs, who of God is made unto us wifdom,and righteoufnefs, and fanilification, andredemption. If Chrift thould abolifh wrath, and let alone fin, it were to take away the leffer evil, that the greater may remain. 2. It is not only part of our deliverance, but the better part. Pardon giveth us an ex. emption from punifhment, but fantlification giveth us freedom from a corrupt heart. Surely finis worCe than pain, a moral evil is worfe than a natural evil, vice than mifery. Once more: By holinefr, we more refemble God 5 for holinefi and goodnefs is his very Nature, a Pet. 1.4. He bath given us precious promifes, whereby we are made partakers of the divine nature. 3. Holinefs is a means to the reft : Pardon and life are the great blef ings of the Co- venant. Now there is no obtaining pardon, till regeneration and converfiou ; for God doth not pardon while we are in our fins; and Life and Heaven we cannot have, till fin be quite done away : for we are not introduced into the prefence of God , till we be compleat in holinefr, Eph. 5. 27. That be might prefect it to himfelf a glorious Church, not having foot or-wrinkle, or any fah thing ; but that it fbould be holy, and without blemiflr Col. r. 22. to prefect you holy, and unblamable, and unreprovable in bis fight. Jude 24. and to prefect you faultlef before the pretence of his glory. During life, obedience is but imperfefhly begun 5 but when 'tis compleated, and finifhed, we do not flay out of Heaven one moment; then arewe fully made free from fin. USE 4. Is to put us upon tryal, and felt refleelion. Is the righteoufnefs of the Law fulfilled in us ? a. We begin to fulíd it, when we Jet our felves to obey thewill of God, taking his Law for our Rule, and his promifes for our encouragement. This refolutión is the fruit of regenerating Grace, if it be fincere 5 and it argueth a renewed heart and confcience, Heh. 13.1 8.Pray for us, for we trufi we have agood confcience; and hathin it perfeaion of parts, tho not of degrees. 2. This muff be ficonded with anfweráble endeavours. irawrentM9i, noteth a con- tinued ail 5 to have the righteoufnefs of the Law fulfilled in us, is not the work of one day, but implieth a conftant walk and obedience to motions after the Spirit. 3. We