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Ver. 5. the Sth Chapter of the R OM ANS. 39 3. We mutt endeavour to be more compleat every day, Luke 1. 6. They were righte- ous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord hlamelef. And Col. 4. 12. Labouring for you, that you may fiandcempleat in all the will of God. So we read of fome that were fall of all goodnefe, Rom. 5.14. and full of good merits, Ads 9.36. as we find in Dorcas. It is the fault of molt Chrittians, that they beat down the price of Religion as loW as they can, and fomakean hard (hift to go to Heaven. 4. Our begun fanhliftcation (hall be perfeíled before CIO bath done with ta, Col. I. 28. that we may prefect every man perfettinChri.ff pins. Here we are very imperfell, but it (hall be perfelly fulfilled. SERMON VI. ROM. VIII. 5. They that are after the flefh do mind the things of the f1eJb ; and they that are after the fpirit, the things of the fpirit. H I S Scripture containeth a notable charalter of thofe that are inte- relied in the Priviledges of the Gofpel, and will help you in your alluring -work, or making out your claim and title. In the words you have, r. An intimation of two forts of perfins 5 they that are after the flefh, and they that are after the fpirit. 2. Their different Difpoftion and Praltice, is compared and fet forth, a. By the Adt : They both mind their feveral Affairs. a. By theObjeîf5 things of the flefb, and things of the fpirit. Different Perlons, diffe- rent Objects, and different Affe&ions. Thus you may in one View and Profpelt difcern the fcope and intent of the place : I (hall lay it before you in feveral Propofitions, and then apply all toge- ther. 1. There are two forts of men in the World, fame after the flefh, and f me after the fpirit. 2. That thefe two forts of men have two different objells, the things of the ff irit, and the things of the flefh. 3. That men difcover their temper and conflitution of foul, by their favour or afeóïion to either of thefe objet o. I. Doll. There are two forts of men in the world, fame after the flefh, and fome after the fpirit. So it mutt be. There is a twofold Original, which produceth a twofold Prin- ciple, which is ailed bya twofold affiflingpowers and this bringeth them under a twofold covenant, which maketh way for a twofold final efiate, into which all the World ifiùeth it felt. t. There is a twofold Originals fome are only born, others new born; the renewed, and the unrenewed, John 3.6. That which is born of the fiefb, is flab 5 and that which is born of the fpirit, is fpirit. Some remain under the power of corrupt Nature, others are regenerate and renewed by the fpirit. 2. This twofold Original produceth a twofold Principles that men are led by flefh and fpirit, which are always contrary one to another, Gal. 5. 17. The fief luflrth againfi the fpirit, and the fpirit lufieth the flefh 5 and thefe two are contrary one to the other. Men, if they be merely fuch as Nature bath left them, aregoverned by the fide, or their own carnal inclinations: Others are led by the fpirit, walk after it, as ver, 1. They that arè