qo SERMOMSúpon Semi. VI, are born again, have a new Principle fet up in their Natures, to incline them to God. 3. Thefe Two Principles are fupported and affrfled with contrary powers. They that are governed by the flefh; are alto ailed by Saran, he rules and works in them, Eph. 2. 23. Wherein in time ?aft ye walked`ccording to the carafe of thisworld, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fprrit that now ruleth in the children of difobedience ; among whom alfo we had our conterfation in times pall, in the lofts of the flefb, fa1ll ng the defires of the flefh, and of the mind. There are all the enemies of our falvation. They that follow inbred corruption as their guide, fall to the Devil's (hare, who burri- eth them on in a way of fin, more vehemently than otherways they would do. But now thofe that are led by Grace, Or a new Principle, or the new Nature, as their guide, they areafftfled and ailed by the Spirit of God, Isom. E. 54. as many as areled.by the fpirit of God, they are the fans of God : The Spirit is their Guardian and Keeper ; he exciteth and worl4eth up the Habit of Grace into greater power and afiivity. Now be- ing under fuch contrary powers, no wonder that they are fo different in their cousles, and fo contrary one to another. It is-laid, Prov. 29. 27. The wicked is an abomination to the jufi: and he that is upright in his way, is an abomination to the wicked. TheirBïrtb is different, the inward Principle by which they are guided, is different , Nature and Grace ; and they are under different aífting powers, either under the power of Satan, or under the power and condoll of God's holy Spirit : and therefore no wonder that their courfe is different, and that there is enmity between both the Seeds : A godly man can- not delight in a wicked man, and a wicked man cannot abide the godly. The ground of Friendfhip is cadent velle & nolle. Similitude, apolikenefsof mind and difpolition, Only the enmity and contrariety is carried on with fome difference ; The godly, pity the wicked, but the wicked hate the godly, becaufe they are again({ that courfe of life that they chufe : They think ({range they do not run with them to the fame neglect of God, and carelefnefs of heavenly things; and therefore they fpeak evil of them, r Pet. 4. 4. and defpitefully ufe them, r John 3. 12. as Cain hated Abel. 4. As they are under different afftfting powers, fo they are under a diflindl covenant ; the carnal are under the covenant of Works, the Duty of which is to them impoffible, and the Penalty intollerable: They are under the condemning power of the Law, Rom. 8.6. to be carnally minded is death: It maketh them liable to the Death threatned in the hrlt Covenant. But on the contrary, they that are under the bleffed conduit of God's holy Spirit, and obey the Dilates of the New Nature begun in them, are under a, Covenant of Grace, where their fincereobedience (hall be accepted, and their fail- ings pardoned , Gal. S. t 8. If ye be led by the fpirit, ye are not under the law. They are (till under the Law, as a Rule of obedience, but they are not under the Curfe'and Rigor of the Law. The Law in its rigor, pronounceth Death on everyfailing; fo they are not under the Law; but being in ('owe meafure enabled tò do what the Law requires, they are pardoned in what they fall (hurt. 5. Thefe two Covenants iffue themfelves into two places, or eternal rates, Heaven and Bell. To the carnal, the Scripture denounceth God's eternal wrath; to the füiritual, God's favour, and life eternal. The Séripture is plain and pofitive with us, Rom. 8.13. if ye live after the flefh, ye (hall die; but if ye through the Ora; martifre the deeds of the body, ye ¡hall live. Gal. 6.8. He that foweth to the /e/6, (hall of the flefb reap corrup. tion ; but he that f weth to the f irit, (hall of the fpirit reap life everlafling. All Man- kind, after they have ailed their parts in this World, and God cometh to (hilt the Stage, go into one of thefe two places. Well then, here is our fiat flep, That the whole World is comprifed in one of ,there two ranks : there is no neutral, or middle hate either they are guided by the flefh (as all men are in their unregeneracy) ; and if they continue fo in a confiant flavery to their Lulls, their end (hall be everlaf/ing perdition : or elfe they are guided by the fpirit, and obey the motions of Grace, and make it their bufinefs and main imployment to pleafe God, and enjoy communion with God ; and their end fhall be eternal life. It is a queflion you ( hould often and feriou(ly put to your fouls, Shall I be Paved? or (hall I be damned ? If you have any fenfe, and (park of Confcience left you when you are tick, and dying, you will then put it with great trembling, and anxioufnefs of heart, Poor Soul I whither am I now a going ? It is bet- ter put it now, when you have opportunity to coned your error, if hitherto you have gone wrong. Every man would know his own defliny, what (hall become of him, or what is in the Womb of Futurity, concerning the (late of his affairs ; as the King