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!ear. 5, the 8th Chapter of the ROMANS. 45 5. The prevaleney of the carnal or fpiritual mind is known by óbferring what we mind ferioufly, refolutely, Willingly, conflantly. I. Serioufly, and in good earnef; tome feek after worldly things in good egrrieft but fpiritual and heavenly things in an overly, carelefs and perfunctory manner. Now it is eafie to know to what fort they are to be reckoned; för where the ffrength of the foul is employed, there our mind is. The Scripture advifeth us to moderate our affetit. ons to earthly things, to rejoice here, as if we rejoicednot ; to mourn here, as if we mourn- ed not ; to ufe all things as not everufng them; and many mourn for fin , as if they mourned not; and rejoiced in God, as if they rejoiced not Peek after heavenly things fuperficially and by the by, not with their chief flrength and care, Mat.6. 33 2. Refolutely, fo as to carry it on whatfoever difficulties and oppoftions we meet with; Neh. 4. 6. The wall mat built, for the people. had a mind to the work. It was a great charge for a wafted people to undergo, being newly returned from the captivity 5 and there was a great Oppofition, for they were fain to ufe Sword and Trowel together, they did workwith one hand, and heldthe fword With the other hand to fight : But it went on; for the people had a mind to the work ; we make our way to Heaven by confliEt and conteft, every ftep,till we are refolved and cleave to the Lórd with full purpofeof heart; whatever it colts us, Mt. 1 r. 23. He exhorted them, that with purpofe of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. We make no work in Religion until we fo mind theft things that we come to fuch a refolution as Paul had `4 1Aintxn, AEts 2r. r 4. 1 am prepared, 1ane ready, not only to be bound, but to die ai ferufalem for the fake of the Lord yefus Cbrifl: Such a refolvednefs there is alto in ninding the things of theflefli : When they put up ma- ny fad wound and check of Confcience, overlook their conveniences in the world; Credit, Intereft, Sacrifice whatfoever fhould, is dear and preéious to them, to follow their lulls. 3. Willingly; How conftrained aremo(t mens duties? Their thoughts of God, their prayers to him, their attendance on his word 5 doing all they do as a task, rather than goingabout it as a willing and pleafrngimployment, as Saul faid, that he fcried himfelf, r Sam. 13. 12. He pleadeth it as an excufe of his fin, as committing it out of neceffìty but it is a jut} account of molt mens Worfhip,they are held to it by force; the Heart li. keth it not, feeketh to Elide away, and they are glad whe they are inlarged, and can di- vert to other things 5 on the contrary, Pfal. 1104. 35. will be glad in the Lord, my me- ditation of him /hall be fweet ; This for Thoughts. For Words, John 4. 3a. My meat and drinkis to do the willof him thatfent me. They are in their element when difcourfng and promoting the intereft of God : For Allions and Endeavosrs, Pfal. 40.8. 1 delight to do thy will, 0 God. r John 5. 3. His commandments are not grievous; nothing is more pleating to them than when they are thus employed. 4. Confiantly. This is that which is mainly to be obferved, the confiancyof our opera- tions, as to things. of the flefhs and of the Spirit. 1. For Thoughts: What Thoughts have you of God and Chrifl, and the world te, come? You mind the Worlds Days, Weeks, Months,Years, it cannot be denied 5 but if you can never find feature for God, Chrifl and Heaven, not in one of an hundred, or a thoufand, yea, or twenty thoufand Thoughts, can you be laid to mind the things of the Spirit ? Did you ever thus the door of your hearts upon vain Objetks ? Calt them out with indignation, as you divert and fhift from the thoughts of God, or regarding your fall end and great work; we that Ibould retire for the meditation of God; banifh hint out of our minds, Job 21. 14. We fay to the Almighty; depart from us. We like not thefe ferious refleäions, and call them out. 2. For Words, bow much, how often, and delight folly do you fpeak of God, and the things of the world to come? Do you Ihow this refpeet for God, or thole ufeful and neceflar}i things which concern your own falvation, and the falvar ion of others ? Speech mutt be guided by Prudence; and you mull confider not only what you mutt do, but others will bear; but as to your felves,you are toobferve the vigor of your own fpirits, which way it is molt let out. To bepent up in carnal company, is a grief to a godly heart. It is a grief to him to hold his peace from good, Pfal. 39. 2, 3. I was dumb with f'lence, I held my peace even from good, and my forrow was flirred, my heart was hot Within me, while I was muting the fire burned. But in holy company, they that fear the Lord fpeakof eas and to another, Mal: 3. 16. In the general, men will fpeak as they are affe&ted, Pfal. 37. 30. The month of the righteous fpeaketh wifdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment: He ftudi= eth to glorifie God, and ediheothers,becaufe the law of God is in his hart, v. 31. that is thelteafon rendred there; that is, becaufe histnlnd issippon it. 3, Foc