48 S E K M O IV upon Serin VII. what is perfect, but from what is lincere, and habituallyretgneth and beareth the upper hand in the foul. But then the.Quefiion returneth, How (hall we know the prevalency? I anfwer, 1. Negatively: Not by a bare fan of duty, or a diüate of Confcience, that fheweth what ought to be done; bumany, Imes we do quite otherwife ; for many hold the truth in unrighteoufnefs, Rom. i. 18. A diaate of Confcience is unfufficient to change the heart, and fantifie the life : Nor barely by the refolution of the Will; for that may be uneffeftual, and without a full purpofe of heart : 1go, fin Sir, Paid the i Son in the Parable, but went not, Mat. 21. 30. Many refolve well, but they have not an heart to verifie and make good their Refolutions, Deut. 5. 29. The Jews laid, All that the Lord bath fpoken we will do. Oh that there were fuch an heart in them, faith God! Nor by a faint defre ; for many can with not only for Heaven and Happinefs, but that it might be other wife with them in point of Rohr/eft; that God would change their Natures; but they do not ufe the means: The foul of the Haggard defireth, and bath nothing, Prov.13.4.. None goeth to Heaven by théSluggard's wifhes; not by pre- vailing in one alï, or more for many in a pang of Zeal, may do much for God, Gal. 4. t 8. It is good to be zealoufly anétled always in a good matter : Pfal. io6. 3. Bleffed are they that do righteoufnefr at all timer : Nor by every kind of diflike, and reffance of fn, that may fometinies mite from other Lulls; for they fometimes fight among them- (elves, James 4. I. Whence comer wars and fighting,. among you ? come they not hence, even from your lulls, which war in your felves? Or from Hypocrite, to hide and feed Tome other Lulls the more plaufibly ? Or if from Confcience, the ref flrince is too feeble to break the power of fin, till the heart be renewed, or more thoroughly fee towards God and Heavenly Things. 2. Prftively: I. By the courfè of our Allions. habits are known by the Uniformity of Ads, when the /tar of the Spirit are more confiant than thofe of the Fleth, and the drift and bufnefs of our lives is 'Tor God and our falvation; our bent and bufinefs is the pleating of God, and the laving of our own fouls. Men mull be judged; not by a few Ads, but their Walk, or the Tenor of their Converfations. They that fpend their time in knitting one carnal contentment to another, and glut themfelves with all manner of vain delights, and God hath from them but what the Fleth can fpare, a little formal flight fervice, that they may pacifie Confcience, and enjoy their Pleafures with lets remark ; what are they doing but the Fleth's bufinefs? 2. By cherifhing the be@ Principle with all care and diligence, and mortifying and fey - pre ng the other. The better Principle mutt be cherithed 5 that is, we mutt get more degrees of Faith, Love and Hope, that Faith may be more ftrong, Love more fer- vent, Hope more lively, 2 Pet. ;. 18. But grow in grace, and in the knowledg of our Lord and Saviour jefcs Chrifi. On the other fide; the Fief!) would fain be pleafed be- fore pod ; but you muff ffbdue it more and more, 1 Cor. 9. 22. I keep under, my body, and bring' it into fubjelion; give it not what it craveth: Reti not in endea- vours without fuccels; -for, Gal. 5. 24. They that are Chrifi's, have crucified the fief(, with the alitXions and lu/is thereof. A Chrifiian is feen propofito conato , event's. Some Vihtory there Mutt be over the carnal mind : See that the power of the Fleth be diminitlted in you, both as to the motions of it, and your obedience to it. Zì S E .2. Is Exhortation. . Fir(, Negatively : Not to mind the things of the Flefh : That is, Take heed not only of the grofler out - breakings of the Fleth, but of ferving it in a more cleanly manner, by too free and full a gull and relifh in any outward thing ; for by this means it fe- curely gets intereft, and gaineth upon you. If you freely let bofe the heart to every alluring Objeer, and withhold not your felver from any Joy, Lull will grow bold and head- ffrong, and be hardly kept within bounds. Motives : I. Confider your engagement, as you are Chrifi's, Gal. 5. 24. They that are Chrifi's have crucified the flefh with the affeelions and lulls thereof Every man is engaged by his Profeffion and Covenant, fealed in Baptifm, fo to do ; which thonld be a very moving ArguM nt to prefs us to do things crofs and unpleafing to the Fleth. 2. To'sr