Manton - BX8915 M26 1684 v1

52 S E R M O N S upon Serm. V11. the increafe or decay of his matter tin, and other things will fucceed the more eafily; fight not againft fmall nor great, but the King of Ifrael ; when we can deny our felves in our dearth Lofts, Satan is more difcouraged ; Sanspfonsftrength lay in his locks, fo doth the ttrength of fin, in one part more than another ; every man is fenfible of his darling fin, more or lets ; but the next thing to be lookt after, is what we do with it. Herod raged when john the Baptifi touched his Herodias; Falixtrembled when Paul touched his bribery and intemperance, but puts it off. The Young Man went away fad and troubled when Chrift told him of felling all that he had, for he had great poffeffions, Mar. so. Many are troubled in Confcience, not fo much for want of affurance, as loath - nefs to part with fome bofom lull; but when we mutt pluck out right eyes, and cut off right hands, Match. g 29,. 3o. it is hard to them ; when you pray and [hive againft this fin, and grow in the contrary grace, this fheweth the truth of a mans fèlf- denyal; as Abrahams love appeared in that he did not (pare Ifase. 2. As to evil motions, Prevent them, and Supprefs therm r. Prevent them, r Pet. 1. I I. Abfiain from flefbly lugs that war againfl your finis. Which implies, not only an abfiinence from the outwardani,but that you weaken the pow. er and root of fin, that it do not fo eafily bud forth; thofe impetus prim: primi are fins, not only infelicities but fins ; they would not be fo rife with us, if the heart were more under command. We are guilty of many fins whereunto we do confent, becaufe we do not more ftrongly diffent, and more potently and rulingly command all the fubje& Faculties, as a man is guilty of the murder of his Child if he feeth his fervant kill him, and doth not hisbeft to hinder it ; but chiefly when Come partial confent followeth, when the heart is tickled and delighted with them lò an unclean glance is adultery, Mat. S. 28. If a man lookon a woman fo as to tufi after her, he bath committed Adultery with her already in his heart. The more they are mortified, the heart is the lefs peftered with them. . 2. Supprefs them fpeedily. When we cannot keep fin under, let us truth it, when the mind dwelleth on it, luft is conceiving, which bringeth forth fin, lames r. s s. The flefh rifeth up in arms again(t every gracious motion, fo fhould the fpirit again(} every 6nful motion 5 if you let it alone, it will break out, to Gods dithonour; dafh Babylon: brats again} the !tones. 3. As to finfd ataions. Prevent them as much as may be ; repeat them not, left they grow into a habit. r. Prevent them as much as may be ; it is good to fop at laft, to hinder the A &ion ; when luft bath gained the confent of the will, let it not break- forth into Aftien ; the very luft is a grief to the fpirit, but the a& will bring difhonour to God, and give ill example to men, Micah 2. I. VVo to them that devife iniquity, and work evil upon their bed ; when the morning is light, they praíñife. it, becaufe it i.e in the power oftheir hands; if fire be kindled ütthy bofom, it is dangerous to let the fparks fly abroad. 2. Repeat not theft as ; Left they grow into a Habit and fetled difpofition of foul ; evil cuftoms increafe bymany Ads, and fo the mifchief is more remedilefe, Jer. 13. 27. I have fen thy adulteries, and thy neighings, the lewdnefs of thy whoredom!, 0 ferufalem ! Wilt thou not be made clean? When (hall it oncebe ? It is a very difficult thing for a man to leave his.inveterate Cuftoms ; cuttomaty exercice in the ufe of earthly things, begets worldly difpofitions, not eafily cured. Auguflin faith of his Mother Monica, ad ilfud.madicnm, quotidiana modica addandain.eam confuetudinem del lapfa era}, ut plenos jam mero calices inbianter hauriebar: Vinolency crept upon her by degrees. To be gratifying carnal defires now with one thing, now with another, what doth it do , but bring us under. the power of a.dittemper, which we cannot remedy? Hob. 3. 13. Exhort one ano- ther daily whit it is called to day, lefts ye be hardened through the deceitffdnefs of fn. Yield a little to. -fin, and it prevaileth more, till at lait you are brought under the power of it, r Cor. 6. 12. All things are lawful for me, but all things are- not expedient : all things are lawful for me, but 1 will not be brought under the power of anything. 2. Pofitively, as to the things of thefpirir. r. Mind the things of the fpiritmore than ever you -have done'; many (tick there in the very ads that properly belong to the mind, neverfer much as trouble themfelves, or come to any reafoning within themfelves -about Pardon of their fins, Peace with God, the fan/ifacation.of the fpirit, or hopes of eternal life, Pfal. ro. 4. The wicked through the pride of his countenance, will not feekafter God; God is not in all his thoughts, Alas ! What have you been doing fince you came to the ufe of Reafon ? How have you fpent your time in Youth, or riper Age ? If-you-have never thought of God and his Grace, nor regard-